Organisation and administration Norwich School (independent school)
augustus jessopp, head master (1859–1879) , chairman of governors (1900–1903) the school divided lower school, preparatory feeder school has around 170 pupils ages 7 11, , senior school has around 850 pupils aged 12 18. many other independent schools school has own distinctive names year groups called forms . school s academic year divided 3 terms: michaelmas term, september mid-december; lent term, january mid-march; , trinity term, mid-april july. in middle of each term there week-long half-term holiday. pupils receive week of holiday in 3 major holidays between terms, compared state schools of england. school registered charity. school s charitable work includes financial , practical support of diskit monastery , gtc monastic school in ladakh, india, primary school , health centre in zambia , community centre in boulogne sur mer, argentina. the headmaster member of headmasters , headmistresses conference , responsible governors whole school 7 18, though based in senior school. ho...