
Showing posts from September, 2013

Start of hostilities (15 June) Waterloo Campaign

a portion of belgium places marked in colour indicate initial deployments of armies before commencement of hostilities on 15 june 1815: red anglo-allied, green prussian, blue french map of waterloo campaign napoleon moved 128,000 strong army of north belgian frontier. left wing (i , ii corps) under command of marshal ney, , right wing (iii , iv corps) under marshal grouchy. napoleon in direct command of reserve (imperial guard, vi corps, , i, ii, iii, , iv cavalry corps). during initial advance 3 elements remained close enough support each another. napoleon crossed frontier @ thuin near charleroi on 15 june 1815. french drove in coalition outposts , secured napoleon s favoured central position – @ junction between wellington s army north-west, , blücher s prussians north-east. wellington had expected napoleon try envelop coalition armies moving through mons , west of brussels. wellington feared such move cut communications ports relied on supply. napoleon encouraged view misinformati

18th and 19th centuries Norwich School (independent school)

samuel parr, head master (1778–85) the system of education remained largely unchanged until late 18th century. dr. samuel parr, master 1778 1785 noted use of corporal punishment, commonplace @ time. 1 pupil remarked; parr s fame severity spread sort of panic through city, among mothers, interpose remonstrance, occasioned ludicrous scene, seldom availed culprit, while wiser willing leave boys in hands. richard twining, tea merchant, however, advised brother john send eldest son norwich, writing of parr, have been told flogs much, doubt whom have heard think use of punishment . parr s daily teaching interrupted @ midday when sent boy pastry-cook s across road pie, ate schoolroom fire. on resignation of headship in 1785, historian warren derry comments, object of terror gone, glory of place had gone . john crome, landscape painter , founder of norwich school of painters, became drawing master @ school @ beginning of 19th century, position held many years. norwich school of painters firs


connors, jack (2010). engines of pratt & whitney: technical history. reston. virginia: american institute of aeronautics , astronautics. isbn 978-1-60086-711-8.  gunston, bill (2006). world encyclopedia of aero engines, 5th edition. phoenix mill, gloucestershire, england, uk: sutton publishing limited. p. 9. isbn 0-7509-4479-x. 

Architecture Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church (Chicago)

view of altar during evening mass the original plans drawn herman olszewski (better known pseudonym von herbulis), scaled-down fit resources of parish. local architect william krieg drew final version of plans , construction began in 1905 completion october 1906. the building combines variety of styles. 2 towers flank entrance, features monumental portico supported 4 corinthian columns. corinthian pilasters , pediments adorn openings in lower portions of towers; higher up, toward cupolas, decoration becomes exuberantly baroque. baroque superstructure, constructed of brick , stone, rises above portico, interior segmental arches , skeletons of towers of iron. inside church north , south windows gothic-romanesque in style. this blend of styles reminiscent of many churches of poland built during middle ages and, after being damaged war or fire, rebuilt , remodeled suit later tastes. money exhausted before remodeling completed exterior executed in 1 style , interior in another. architect of

Early life Benito Mussolini

1 life 1.1 emigration switzerland , military service 1.2 political journalist, intellectual , socialist 1.3 expulsion italian socialist party 1.4 beginning of fascism , service in world war i early life birthplace of benito mussolini in predappio—the building used museum mussolini s father, alessandro mussolini s mother, rosa mussolini born on 29 july 1883 in dovia di predappio, small town in province of forlì in romagna. during fascist era, predappio dubbed duce s town , forlì duce s city . pilgrims went predappio , forlì, see birthplace of mussolini. father, alessandro mussolini, blacksmith , socialist, while mother, rosa (née maltoni), devout catholic schoolteacher. owing father s political leanings, mussolini named benito after mexican leftist president benito juárez, while middle names andrea , amilcare italian socialists andrea costa , amilcare cipriani. benito eldest of parents 3 children. siblings arnaldo , edvige followed. as young boy, mussolini spend time helping father

Canadian Expeditionary Force British Expeditionary Force (World War I)

canadian soldiers consolidating positions on vimy ridge the canadian expeditionary force designation of field force created canada service overseas in first world war. major combat formation canadian corps, commanded 4 canadian infantry divisions. canadian corps first commander general edwin alderson, succeeded general julian byng in 1916, in turn succeeded in 1917, canadian general arthur currie until end of war. distinguished in battle second battle of ypres, through somme , particularly in battle of arras @ vimy ridge in april 1917. since untouched german offensive in spring of 1918, canadians ordered spearhead last campaigns of war battle of amiens in august 1918.

Schools Brooklyn College

entry gate west quad center james hall roosevelt hall boylan hall lily pond brooklyn college made of 5 schools: murray koppelman school of business school of education school of humanities , social sciences school of natural , behavioral sciences school of visual, media , performing arts

Primolano Alois von Gavasini

map showing action @ primolano (upper right) on 7 september 1796 born in 1762 @ bonn in electorate of cologne, gavasini joined army of habsburg austria. won knight s cross of military order of maria theresa on 19 december 1790. not specified whether award given fighting against ottoman turks or brabant revolution. september 1793, had risen rank of major. next promotion oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) on 1 april 1796. in september 1796, dagobert sigmund von wurmser s army descended brenta valley marched trentino in italian tyrol bassano del grappa in po valley. peter quasdanovich, led division, dropped off gavasini rear guard @ primolano near cismon del grappa hold off pierre augereau s french pursuit. gavasini s command included 1 1,108-man battalion of michael wallis infantry regiment nr. 11, 561 soldiers in 4 companies of erbach infantry regiment nr. 42, 1 100-strong company of mahony jägers, half-company of pioneers, , 90 troopers of erdödy hussar regiment nr. 9. column of troop

Route description New York State Route 154

ny 355 westbound in poestenkill. part of ny 355 formerly ny 154, , top line of reference marker below ny 355 route marker reads 154 . ny 154 began @ intersection of us 4 (vandenburgh avenue) , campbell avenue in southern troy. route headed northeast, running alongside wynants kill followed campbell avenue through residential southern portion of troy. route , river crossed paths after 0.75 miles (1.21 km), wynants kill proceeding southeastward toward hamlet of wynantskill , ny 154 continuing northeastward junction spring avenue, street linking ny 154 downtown district. campbell avenue ended here; however, route continued on, following spring avenue east 3 blocks intersection ny 66 (pawling avenue) south of emma willard school. past ny 66, ny 154 traversed several additional city blocks before leaving troy , entering town of brunswick. section of route passed through rural portion of rensselaer county gradually headed southeastward toward intersection ny 355. until 1980, ny 355 ended he

Modern astrological interpretations Tauroctony

cimrm 1935: tauroctonous mithras maros porto mithraeum (mureş port, romania). @ brukenthal national museum. in wake of 1970s dismantling of cumontian transfer scenario, cumont s trivialization of astronomical/astrological aspects of mysteries intellectual diversions designed amuse neophytes has yielded general recognition astronomical/astrological aspects part of fundamental premises of cult. recognition not new; [s]ince time of celsus (around 178), author of alēthēs logos, has been known [via origen s contra celsum] mithraic mysteries relate fixed stars , planets. in post-cumontian period, recognition first revived stanley insler (second congress, 1975), pointed out tauroctony interpreted solely in terms of greco-roman understanding of astronomical phenomena. likewise, dr. richard l. gordon (1976) cautioned against overlooking importance of cult s astronomical symbolism. 4 contemporaneous articles (1976–1977) dr. roger beck stressed role of astronomy/astrology in context of greco-

Exhibition season NFL preseason

1 exhibition season 1.1 history 1.2 international , neutral-site games 1.3 television , radio 1.4 matchups 1.4.1 non-league opponents 1.5 schedule 1.6 controversy 1.7 proposed reductions exhibition season the games useful new players not used playing in front of large crowds. management uses games evaluate newly signed players. veteran players play quarter of each game (or less) in order avoid injury; third preseason game (or fourth participants in hall of fame game) exception, since starters play third quarter , both teams game plan game regular season. thus, first-stringers playing time kept brief in exhibition season, , in fact players not paid regular salaries exhibitions, same per diem receive training camp. the exhibition game tickets, however, same price regular-season games. several lawsuits, individual fans or class action, have been brought against specific teams or entire nfl on practice of requiring season-ticket holders purchase exhibition games. date, none of these suits

Books A. M. Homes

1 books 1.1 novels 1.2 story collections 1.3 non-fiction books novels jack (1989) in country of mothers (1993) the end of alice (1996) appendix a: elaboration on novel end of alice (1996) music torching (1999) this book save life (2006) may forgiven (2012) story collections the safety of objects (1990) things should know (2002) days of awe (2018) non-fiction los angeles: people, places, , castle on hill (2002) on street 1980–1990 amy arbus, introduction homes the mistress s daughter (2007)

Season statistics Super League XVIII

1 season statistics 1.1 table 1.2 results 1.2.1 play-offs 1.3 player statistics 1.3.1 top try-scorers 1.3.2 top try assists 1.3.3 top goalscorers 1.3.4 top points scorers 1.3.5 discipline red cards yellow cards season statistics table as of 8 september 2013 results the regular league season sees 14 teams play each other twice (one home, 1 away) plus additional match, part of magic weekend, on 27 matches. team finishes 1st @ end of regular season win league leaders shield. play-offs the play-offs commenced following conclusion of 27-round regular season. decide grand finalists top 8 finishing teams, super league uses unique play-off system. finals concluded 2013 super league grand final. player statistics as of 29 september 2013 discipline

Governance and administration University of the Witwatersrand

senate house, on east campus, home university s senate, council, , management. east campus viewed src offices in student union building. the great hall facade provincial heritage site. as set out in higher education act (act no. 101 of 1997) , in statute of university of witwatersrand, university governed council. chancellor of university ceremonial head of university who, in name of university, confers degrees. positions of principal , vice-chancellor merged, vice-chancellor responsible day-to-day running of university , accountable council. council responsible selection of vice-chancellors, deputy vice-chancellors , deans of faculty. the responsibility regulating teaching, research , academic functions of university falls on senate. additionally, interests of university s students represented students representative council (src), selects representatives senate , council.

Shilling categories Beer in Scotland

an edinburgh 90 shilling label while shilling names never pinned down exact strength ranges, , scottish brewers today produce beers under shilling names in variety of strengths, largely understood that: light (60/-) under 3.5% abv heavy (70/-) between 3.5% , 4.0% abv export (80/-) between 4.0% , 5.5% abv wee heavy (90/-) on 6.0% abv (/- read shilling in pint of eighty-shilling, please . /- symbol used shillings , is, shillings , 0 pence, in pre-decimal £sd british currency, names read 60 (or 70 or 80) shilling ale . terminology beer expressed amount in shillings rather in pounds , shillings. see solidus.) the wee heavy (named because typically sold in bottles in nips of 6 fluid ounces) has become standard scottish-style brew in united states, , many brewers using peated malts in recipes. this, however, ahistorical.

Morehead State University Historic District Morehead State University

a portion of campus named historic district on national register of historic places. contributing properties include following buildings: president s home, senff natatorium (demolished in 2008), button auditorium, fields hall, camden-carroll library, allie young hall, rader hall, grote-thompson hall, , breckenridge training school.

Artist Trustees San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

^ sfmoma names new members board of trustees robert bechtle become first artist trustee . san francisco museum of modern art, 1 june 2006. accessed 30 may 2017 ^ larry sultan become sfmoma s second artist trustee new members announced . artdaily, 26 august 2009. accessed 30 may 2017 ^ sfmoma elects new members board of trustees , salutes 3 staff members . san francisco museum of modern art, 30 july 2010. accessed 30 may 2017 ^ yves béhar joins sfmoma board of trustees . san francisco museum of modern art, 8 april 2016. accessed 30 may 2017 ^ david ng (august 15, 2013), ed ruscha joining sfmoma board year after quitting moca los angeles times. ^ sfmoma elects artist ed ruscha board of trustees . san francisco museum of modern art, 15 august 2013. accessed 30 may 2017

Unusual situation Promotion (chess)

an unusual situation occurred in 1993 game between anatoly karpov , garry kasparov. karpov in serious time trouble, 1 minute make 16 moves. in position, kasparov captured rook on d1 pawn on c2, , said queen! , indicating promoted piece queen. however, no queen available. took time arbiter come black queen. kasparov said if had been attentive, have promoted rook, available. kasparov s clock running while arbiter getting queen, started karpov s clock. karpov played 25.qxe4 , kasparov told him in check. karpov replied what? might bishop on d1. clocks stopped. arbiter found black queen, game backed position after 24...cxd1=q+, , karpov given 2 minutes on clock because of kasparov s illegal move (since starting opponent s clock signified completion of move, not possible without piece promote to). kasparov disputes made illegal move. kasparov won game, (kasparov 2010:332).

Heisenberg group Symplectic vector space

a heisenberg group can defined symplectic vector space, , typical way heisenberg groups arise. a vector space can thought of commutative lie group (under addition), or equivalently commutative lie algebra, meaning trivial lie bracket. heisenberg group central extension of such commutative lie group/algebra: symplectic form defines commutation, analogously canonical commutation relations (ccr), , darboux basis corresponds canonical coordinates – in physics terms, momentum operators , position operators. indeed, stone–von neumann theorem, every representation satisfying ccr (every representation of heisenberg group) of form, or more unitarily conjugate standard one. further, group algebra of (the dual to) vector space symmetric algebra, , group algebra of heisenberg group (of dual) weyl algebra: 1 can think of central extension corresponding quantization or deformation. formally, symmetric algebra of v group algebra of dual, sym(v) := k[v], , weyl algebra group algebra of (dual) heisenbe

Recognition 68W

combat medical badge expert field medical badge health care specialists may awarded combat medical badge (cmb) , expert field medical badge (efmb), if meet qualification requirements. efmb awarded following successful completion of extensive 2 week-long test of field medical skills (many excellent medics fail test). ar 600-8-22 chapter 8 section 7: (4) on or after 18 september 2001: (a) medical personnel assigned or attached to, or under operational control of ground combat arms or combat aviation units of brigade or smaller size, satisfactorily perform medical duties while unit engaged in active ground combat, provided present , under fire.

Safety and bans in the USA and Canada Lawn darts

image u.s. consumer product safety commission notice lawn darts had been banned being sold in united states many years. ban challenged in court in late 1970s, prompting consumer product safety commission make compromise ruling allowing sale provided not marketed toys. however, in april 1987, seven-year-old michelle snow killed lawn dart thrown 1 of brothers playmates in backyard of home in riverside, california, united states. darts had been purchased, unintentionally, part of set of several different lawn games , stored in garage, never before having been played. michelle s father, david, began crusade lawn darts banned, claiming there no way keep children getting hands on lawn darts short of full ban. due in part snow s lobbying, on december 19, 1988, cpsc reinstated outright ban on lawn darts in usa. in previous 8 years, 6,100 people had been sent emergency room due lawn darts in usa. out of total, 81% 15 or younger, , half of them 10 or younger. on week commission voted ban produc

Service history HMS Pelican (L86)

after commissioning , working pelican assigned fishery protection, , @ outbreak of second world war joined convoy defence duties in north sea. in april 1940 pelican took part in norwegian campaign , badly damaged in air raid off narvik. after repairs pelican returned local escort work spent of 1941 under repair following enemy action , accidental damage. in january 1942 pelican assigned 45 escort group escorting os/sl convoys , west africa. in july 1942 took part in destruction of u-136 while escorting convoy os 33. in october part of escort force operation torch. after repairs , refit pelican appointed senior officers ship 1st support group, tasked reinforcing convoys under attack. in may 1943 group joined battle around convoy ons 5, sinking u-438. in june ons 10, pelican sank u-334. in autumn of 1943 1sg worked on gibraltar route, saw little action. in march 1944 after further refit pelican assigned 7 eg patrolling outside bay of biscay; there took part in destruction of u-448. in ju

Summary TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96

players must use correct lure in order catch heavyweight bass. employing scientific approach towards fishing can useful in situations these. while graphics enhanced, goal of game same. rural , suburban teenage boys target audience of electronic video game. famous settings used in game include lake erie, lake huron, , lake superior. other things added game temperature, time, wind speed, , weather. all fishing done on lake erie done entirely on western part of lake in michigan/ohio area. can affect player s performance; including weather, season, time of day , strength of wind. games start @ 7:30 local time , end @ sunset when boats must dock in weigh-in ceremonies.

History Board game

1 history 1.1 ancient board games 1.2 europe 1.3 united states 1.4 21st century history ancient board games senet, 1 of oldest known board games hounds , jackals (egypt, 13th dynasty) board games have been played in cultures , societies throughout history. number of important historical sites, artifacts, , documents shed light on board games such as: jiroft civilization gameboards senet, found in predynastic , first dynasty burials of egypt, c. 3500 bc , 3100 bc respectively; oldest board game known have existed, senet pictured in fresco found in merknera s tomb (3300–2700 bc) mehen, predynastic egypt backgammon, originated in ancient persia on 5,000 years ago chess, originated in india pachisi , chaupar, india go, originating in china liubo, originating in china shax, originating in somalia bao (mancala game), played throughout eastern africa patolli, originating in mesoamerica played ancient aztec royal game of ur, royal tombs of ur contain game, among others, dating mesopotamia 4,60

Personal life John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich

black & white reproduction of pastel portrait of lady of montagu family, possibly dorothy, wife of 4th earl of sandwich, or sister elizabeth courtenay, francis cotes, ra, 1758. for several years sandwich had mistress fanny murray, subject of wilkes essay on woman (1763), married dorothy fane, daughter of 1st viscount fane, whom had son, john, viscount hinchingbrooke (1743 – 1814), later succeeded 5th earl. sandwich s first personal tragedy wife s deteriorating health , eventual insanity. during wife s decline, sandwich started affair talented opera singer martha ray. during relationship, ray bore him @ least 5 , perhaps many 9 children, including basil montagu (1770 – 1851), writer, jurist , philanthropist. tragedy strike again in april 1779 when ray murdered in foyer of royal opera house @ covent garden jealous suitor, james hackman, rector of wiveton. sandwich never recovered grief. events surrounding ray s murder depicted in popular novel love , madness (1780) herbert croft. a

Pre-launch conditions Space Shuttle Challenger disaster

1 pre-launch conditions 1.1 delays 1.2 thiokol–nasa conference call 1.3 ice pre-launch conditions delays challenger set launch ksc in florida @ 14:42 eastern standard time (est) on january 22, 1986. delays in previous mission, sts-61-c, caused launch date moved january 23 , january 24. launch rescheduled january 25 due bad weather @ transoceanic abort landing (tal) site in dakar, senegal. nasa decided use casablanca tal site, because not equipped night landings, launch had moved morning (florida time). predictions of unacceptable weather @ ksc on january 26, caused launch rescheduled 09:37 est on january 27. the launch delayed next day, due problems exterior access hatch. first, 1 of micro-switch indicators, used verify hatch safely locked, malfunctioned. then, stripped bolt prevented closeout crew removing closing fixture orbiter s hatch. time repair personnel had sawed fixture off, crosswinds @ shuttle landing facility exceeded limits return launch site (rtls) abort. while crew waite

St Lucia campus University of Queensland

1 st lucia campus 1.1 great court 1.2 transport , other amenities 1.3 museums st lucia campus in 1927, land on st lucia campus built resumed brisbane city council using money donated james o neil mayne , sister mary emelia mayne replace less spacious city campus. city campus home gardens point campus of queensland university of technology. construction of new university @ st lucia began in 1937. great court at centre heritage-listed great court – 2.5 hectares (6.2 acres) open area surrounded helidon sandstone buildings grotesques of great academics , historic scenes, floral , faunal motifs , crests of universities , colleges around world. central semi-circular quadrangle features connected arcade students reach section under cover. great court added queensland heritage register in 2002. transport , other amenities uq citycat terminal the 274 acres (111 ha) campus includes sporting fields, gardens, duck ponds, , cycling tracks. ring road runs sir william mcgregor drive chancellor s plac

South Australia List of Australian television callsigns

1 south australia 1.1 adelaide 1.2 regional 1.2.1 mount gambier/south east 1.2.2 riverland 1.2.3 port pirie/spencer gulf north 1.3 remote south australia adelaide abs – australian broadcasting corporation south australia sas – south australia south australia nws – news south australia ads – adelaide south australia (also said stand advertiser south australia, named after sister newspaper advertiser , radio station 5ad) cts – community television south australia regional mount gambier/south east abgs – australian broadcasting corporation mount gambier south australia ses – south east south australia mgs – mount gambier south australia riverland abrs – australian broadcasting corporation riverland south australia rts – riverland television south australia lrs – loxton riverland south australia port pirie/spencer gulf north abns – australian broadcasting corporation spencer gulf north south australia gts – gulf telecasters south australia sgs – spencer gulf south australia remote abcs – a

Soundtrack Fukrey Returns

the music of film composed sharib-toshi, sumeet bellary, prem-hardeep, jasleen royal, gulraj singh, shree d , ishq bector while lyrics have been penned kumaar, satya khare, aditya sharma, shree d, mrighdeep singh lamba, vipul vig , raftaar. first track of film titled mehbooba sung neha kakkar, yasser desai, mohammed rafi , rapped raftaar released on 15 november 2017. soundtrack released zee music company on 16 november 2017.

Locations Cuyahoga Community College

part of eastern campus cuyahoga community college operates multi-campus college district in northeast ohio. cuyahoga county primary service area, tri-c serves cleveland , surrounding communities. the campuses include eastern campus in highland hills, metropolitan campus of downtown cleveland s campus district, western campus in parma, brunswick campus in brunswick, , westshore campus in westlake. tri-c houses district administrative services @ separate location in cleveland. the college operates 2 corporate college business training facilities: corporate college east in warrensville heights , corporate college west in westlake. other locations in downtown cleveland include tri-c s workforce , economic development division (based in unified technologies center) , hospitality management center @ public square.

Polyhalogen cations Polyhalogen ions

^ cite error: named reference encyclo invoked never defined (see page). ^ cite error: named reference inorgchem invoked never defined (see page). ^ cite error: named reference greenwood invoked never defined (see page). ^ cite error: named reference advinorgchem invoked never defined (see page).

Career Maya Plisetskaya

1 career 1.1 performing in soviet union 1.2 international tours 1.3 style 1.4 performances 1.5 acting , choreography 1.6 death 1.6.1 tributes career performing in soviet union from beginning, plisetskaya different kind of ballerina. spent short time in corps de ballet after graduation , named soloist. bright red hair , striking looks made glamorous figure on , off stage. “she remarkably fluid dancer powerful one”, according oxford dictionary of dance. “the robust theatricality , passion brought roles made ideal soviet ballerina.” interpretation of dying swan, short showcase piece made famous anna pavlova, became calling card. plisetskaya known height of jumps, extremely flexible back, technical strength of dancing, , charisma. excelled both in adagio , allegro, unusual in dancers. plisetskaya performing in carmen (1974) despite acclaim, plisetskaya not treated bolshoi management. jewish @ time of soviet anti-zionist campaigns combined other oppression of suspected dissidents. family ha