Impact on society in general Youth culture

student vietnam war protesters

young people can powerful force in precipitating change in society. youth-led revolutions in 20th , 21st centuries attest fact. organizations of young people, based on student identity, crucial civil rights movement. these include organizations such southern student organizing committee, students democratic society , student nonviolent coordinating committee, role in sit-ins, protests, , other activities of civil rights movement crucial success. freedom summer relied heavily on college students; hundreds of students engaged in registering african americans vote, teaching in freedom schools , , organizing mississippi freedom democratic party.

the american protests in vietnam war student-driven. many college campuses buzzing during war protests, sit-ins, , demonstrations. organizations such young americans freedom, student libertarian movement, , student peace union based on youth status , contributed participation in anti-war activities. scholars have claimed activism of youth during vietnam war symbolic of youth culture values against of mainstream american culture.

more recently, arab spring has drawn attention because of role young people have played in demonstrations , protests. activities of movement have been initiated young people, college students unsatisfied opportunities afforded them in current political climate. participation of young people has been crucial led time magazine include several youth members of movement in 2011 list of 100 influential people. additionally, movement has relied heavily on social media (which can considered aspect of youth culture) schedule, coordinate, , publicize events.

some scholars have studied trends accompany social unrest, , have suggested ties between youth , revolt. notable gunnar heinsohn’s theory of youth bulge. according theory, large population of young people, males, associated social unrest, war, , terrorism. rationale heinsohn gives these population trends leave many people unable find prestigious places in society, turn attention creating change in society.


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