Roman era Canton of Bern

baths @ engehalbinsel near bern

after roman era victory @ battle of bibracte in 58 bce, helvetii forced return homes foederati of romans. under increasing roman influence, local economy , trade flourished. main settlements lay @ foot of jura mountains , on central plateau.

the existing roads expanded, aventicum-vindonissa , petinesca-augusta raurica roads. fourth alpine pass, rawil pass, added traditional three; grimsel, brünig , susten passes. in bernese jura mont raimeux , pierre pertuis passes opened.

under romans, many of old fortified places expanded , refortified. old helvetii oppidum @ engehalbinsel became roman vicus, known brenodor or brenodurum. @ foot of jens mountain, fort petinesca built guard roads on jura mountains. reinforced in late-roman era (368–369 ce) fortified bridge on thielle/zihl river between aegerten , brügg.

a number of roman villas built around canton. @ oberwichtrach both main building (pars urbana) , industrial section (pars rustica) of roman villa have been discovered. villas @ münsingen, toffen , herzogenbuchsee have richly detailed roman mosaics still partly visible.

the religious practices of local population merged roman beliefs , canton of bern home number of unique cult centers. include larger life statues of gods (including enthroned jupiter) @ petinesca, engehalbinsel, , thun-allmendingen; , number of stone inscriptions. @ beginning of 5th century ce, rome withdrew troops rhine garrisons, allowed burgundians settle on helvetii lands in 443 ce.


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