Scholarly years Edward Forbes

1 scholarly years

1.1 marine biology
1.2 posts in london
1.3 botanical studies
1.4 t. h. huxley

scholarly years

marine biology

in 1838, forbes presented paper british association @ newcastle on distribution of terrestrial pulmonata in europe. commissioned prepare survey on pulmonata in british isles. in 1841, forbes published history of british star-fishes, embodying extensive observations , containing 120 illustrations, designed forbes.

on 17 april 1841, forbes , naturalist william thompson, joined @ malta h.m. surveying ship beacon, had been appointed naturalist commander captain thomas graves (1802–1856). april 1841 until october 1842, forbes investigated botany, zoology , geology of mediterranean region.

in 1843, forbes presented report on mollusca , radiata of aegean sea, british association. in report, discussed influence of climate , of nature , depth of sea bottom upon marine life. divided aegean region 8 biological zones. in azoic hypothesis, forbes stated sea regions below 300 fathom entirely devoid of life. hypothesis disproved 25 years later.

in 1847, forbes published travels in lycia lieut. t.a.b. spratt. in 1848, published monograph on jellyfish, british naked-eyed medusae (ray society).

in 1852, forbes published fourth , concluding volume of forbes , s. hanley s history of british mollusca published monograph of echinodermata of british tertiaries (palaeontographical soc.).

posts in london

in 1842, financial pressures forced forbes take curatorship of museum of geological society of london. in 1843, became professor botany @ king s college london.

in november 1844, forbes resigned curatorship , became palaeontologist geological survey of great britain.

in fall of 1848, forbes married daughter of general sir charles ashworth.

botanical studies

in 1846, forbes published in memoirs of geological survey important essay on connection between distribution of existing fauna , flora of british isles, , geological changes have affected area, during epoch of northern drift.

in essay, forbes divided plants of great britain 5 geographic groups , compared them other regions in europe:

the west , southwest irish group, related flora northern spain
the southeast irish , southwest english group, related flora of channel islands , nearby coastal france
the southeast english group, characterized species northern french coast
the mountain summits group, related scandinavian flora
a general or germanic flora group

forbes theorized majority of british terrestrial animals , flowering plants migrated there on land bridges before, during , after ice age.. theory later discredited. (see c reid s origin of british flora, 1899).

in 1851 forbes professor of natural history royal school of mines.

t. h. huxley

forbes served important mentor young biologist thomas henry huxley. during huxley s 1846 1850 voyage on hms rattlesnake northern australia, huxley relayed news of discoveries forbes in united kingdom, published them.

forbes provided huxley introductions influential people, wrote favorable review of huxley s work, , helped admission royal society (frs) @ age 26.


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