History Grand Orient de France

1 history

1.1 foundation
1.2 french revolution
1.3 napoleon iii
1.4 paris commune
1.5 schism united grand lodge of england
1.6 third republic

1.6.1 separation of church , state



in 1777, grand orient de france recognised antiquity of lodge of perfect equality, said have been formed in 1688. this, if existed @ time, military lodge attached earl of granard s royal irish regiment, formed charles ii of england in saint-germain in 1661, before return england. regiment remained loyal stuarts, , did not return france until after fall of limerick in 1689. returned barracks in saint-germain in 1698, surviving become 92nd infantry regiment after revolution. these dates in mind, modern scholars regard 1688 lodge folk tale.

the tree of grand orient, allegoric engraving of grand orient de france centre of french masonic organisations.

an english lodge said have been founded @ dunkirk in 1721. first lodge organised exiled jacobites under earl of derwentwater in paris 1725. lodge documented @ louis d argent in rue des boucheries, paris, in 1732. these english-speaking lodges happened in france. there french lodge listed in 1723 minutes of premier grand lodge of england. meeting @ solomon s temple, in hemmings row (then off st. martin s lane in london) master jean theophile desaguliers, deputy grand master , effective governor of craft in england. in list of members, having french names, james anderson, compiled first printed constitutions, listed jaques anderson maitre et arts .

the first deputisations of lodges in france london grand lodge occurred in 1732, , grand orient dates foundation 1733, when there started recognisable grand lodge of france. in 1743 english grand lodge of france became french phenomenon, louis, count of clermont becoming grand master until death in 1771. shortly after death, schism occurred, larger party becoming grand orient de france in 1773. ritual of new grand lodge followed of premier grand lodge of england.

by time of french revolution, there 1250 masonic lodges in country.

french revolution

the lodge les neuf sœurs prominent lodge attached grand orient de france particularly influential in organising french support american revolution , later in intellectual ferment preceded french revolution. benjamin franklin member of lodge when serving liaison in paris.

some notable french revolutionaries freemasons, including voltaire, marquis de lafayette, marquis de condorcet, mirabeau, georges danton, duke of orléans, , hébert.

louis philippe ii, duke of orléans, leader of liberal aristocracy, grand master of grand orient @ time of french revolution. in parts of france, jacobin clubs continuances of masonic lodges ancien régime, , according historian alan forrest clubs, indeed, took on both premises , of membership of masonic lodges, before rebadging in new idiom of revolution.

the catholic encyclopedia alleges masonic book la franc-maçonnerie, écrasée in 1746 predicted program of french revolution, , claims quote documents of grand orient of france freemasonry claims credit french revolution. however, new catholic encyclopedia of 1967 says modern historians see freemasonry s role in french revolution exaggerated.

in 1804 merged rival grand lodge, rite ecossais.

napoleon iii

in france napoleon iii established dictatorship on official french freemasonry, appointing first prince lucien murat , later marshal magnan closely supervise freemasonry , suppress hints of opposition regime.

the paris commune

according marxist author ernest belfort bax, freemasons had considerable involvement in paris commune after couple of unsuccessful attempts @ reconciling commune french government.

schism united grand lodge of england

in 1877, @ instigation of protestant pastor frédéric desmons, allowed had no belief in supreme being admitted. united grand lodge of england (ugle) , related lodges regarded belief in supreme being masonic landmark.

it decision has been root cause of schism between grand orient (and lodges followed it), , rest of freemasonry. schism in freemasonry continues day. argued definition ambiguous, anderson s landmarks own collection , interpretation of historical landmarks, , changes in both interpretation , practice have occurred before , since.

the decision not universally approved in france. 1894 many lodges had split off in protest , formed grande loge de france (gldf) in 1910, few members of grand orient, wishing re-introduce concept of god great architect, brought rectified scottish rite switzerland. in resulting friction national body, amalgamated english lodge of bordeaux produce, in 1913, third grand lodge, la grande loge nationale indépendante et régulière pour la france et les colonies françaises, grande loge nationale française.

third republic

masonic marianne, paul lecreux (aka jacques france). bust inspired republican variations of marianne used during third republic.

the grand orient instrumental in founding of left wing republican party.

the grand orient implicated in affaire des fiches, accused of collecting , holding information on religious , political affiliation of army officers, passed on member of government, having been collected intention of blocking practicing catholics , non-republicans further advancement.

separation of church , state

the grand orient advanced concept of laïcité, french concept of separation of church , state , absence of religious interference in government affairs. in 1930s grand orient still hostile church interests, wishing close private schools (which predominantly catholic), or failing reintroduce insistence state schools provide civil servants.

during first decade of 21st century, grand orient de france concerned silent revolution of return of religion in society. advocated government action against (according own terms) offensive of cults in europe . in april 2008, when legitimacy of anti-cult ministerial group (miviludes) questioned, grand master of order, jean-michel quillardet, intervened president of french parliament in order maintain activity.


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