Corsia Sistina Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia

corsia sistina, octagonal tower

the corsia sistina (italian sixtine aisle ), erected of sixtus iv after grieves, sacks , fires, main building of hospital. surmounted octagonal tower, corsia immense hall, 340 ft long , 40 ft wide, divided 2 sections separated lantern: 2 rooms called lower wing , upper wing . lantern, puts rooms contact, has 2 levels: on outer side shows two- , three-mullioned windows, ascribed architect giovanni pietro ghirlanducci parma, while internal side decorated shell-shaped niches, housing statues of apostles, , barrel-vaulted intradosses coffers, arguably due florentine architect , ébéniste giovannino de dolci. in middle of lantern rises altar, roman work andrea palladio; behind altar formerly there pipe organ, music gladdened ill during stay. in prostyle of lantern there 1 of 2 main entrances of ancient sixtine hospital; has double gate: inner one, called gate of paradise , ascribed andrea bregno. close gate of bregno there ruota degli esposti (baby hatch), created innocent iii reception of orphans. other entrance of hospital, portrayed sandro botticelli fresco of sistine chapel, preceded large portico octagonal pillars.

corsia sistina, south wing

in 1478, walls of corsia frescoed frieze made more fifty scenes, depicting origins of hospital of innocent iii , important episodes of life of sixtus iv. fresco painted artists of so-called umbro-roman school , such melozzo da forlì, domenico ghirlandaio, pinturicchio , antoniazzo romano. cycle of frescoes, depicting origin of hospital , few episodes innocent iii, starts east wall , continues till south wall; here starts depiction of life , deeds of sixtus iv. important episodes include killing of kids thrown tiber, dream of innocent iii , fishermen showing kids corpses innocent iii. dream described in fresco 1 persuaded innocent iii found schola of saxons, former seat of hospital.

the complex of ospedale di santo spirito lies on area that, in ancient rome, occupied villa of agrippina elder (wife of germanicus , mother of caligula): in rooms below corsia sistina, remains of opus reticulatum walls, mosaic floors, carved marbles , frescoes still visible.


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