History Mysore Sandal Soap

an advertisement mysore sandal soap in english magazine justice published in madras presidency (august 30, 1937).

in 20th century, mysore kingdom in india 1 of largest producers of sandalwood in world. 1 of major exporters of wood, of exported europe. during first world war, large reserves of sandalwood left on because not exported due war. in order make use of these reserves, nalvadi krishnaraja wodeyar, king of mysore established government soap factory in bangalore. factory, set in 1916, started manufacturing soaps under brand-name mysore sandal soap using sandalwood oil main ingredient. factory distill sandalwood oil wood set @ mysore in same year. in 1944, sandalwood oil factory set @ shimoga. after unification of karnataka, these factories came under jurisdiction of government of karnataka. in 1980, government decided merge these factories , incorporate them under company named karnataka soaps , detergents limited. sharabha, mythological creature having body of lion , head of elephant, chosen logo of company. because creature represents combined virtues of wisdom, courage , strength , symbolizes company s philosophy. company has since diversified , manufactures incense sticks, talcum powder , detergents; apart soaps.


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