Other postwar activities and honors Eleanor Roosevelt

roosevelt frank sinatra in 1960

catholics comprised major element of democratic party in new york city. roosevelt supported reformers trying overthrow irish machine tammany hall, , catholics called anti-catholic. in july 1949, roosevelt had bitter public disagreement cardinal francis spellman, archbishop of new york, on federal funding parochial schools. spellman said anti-catholic, , supporters of both took sides in battle drew national attention , still remembered vehemence , hostility.

in 1949, made honorary member of historically black organization alpha kappa alpha.

she supporter of encampment citizenship, non-profit organization conducts residential summer programs year-round follow-up young people of diverse backgrounds , nations. routinely hosted encampment workshops @ hyde park estate, , when program attacked socialistic mccarthyite forces in 1950s, vigorously defended it.

in 1954, tammany hall boss carmine desapio led effort defeat eleanor s son, franklin delano roosevelt, jr., in election new york attorney general. eleanor grew increasingly disgusted desapio s political conduct through rest of 1950s. eventually, join old friends herbert lehman , thomas finletter form new york committee democratic voters, group dedicated opposing desapio s reincarnated tammany hall. efforts successful, , desapio forced relinquish power in 1961.

despite reservations, roosevelt supported kennedy s campaign

roosevelt disappointed when president truman backed new york governor w. averell harriman—a close associate of desapio—for 1952 democratic presidential nomination. supported adlai stevenson president in 1952 , 1956, , urged renomination in 1960. resigned un post in 1953, when dwight d. eisenhower became president. addressed democratic national convention in 1952 , 1956. although had reservations john f. kennedy failure condemn mccarthyism, supported him president against richard nixon. kennedy later reappointed united nations, served again 1961 1962, , national advisory committee of peace corps.

roosevelt president ramon magsaysay, 7th president of philippines, , wife @ malacaƱan palace in 1955.

by 1950s, roosevelt s international role spokesperson women led stop publicly criticizing equal rights amendment (era), although never supported it. in 1960s, announced that, due unionization, believed era no longer threat women once may have been , told supporters have amendment if wanted it. in 1961, president kennedy s undersecretary of labor, esther peterson proposed new presidential commission on status of women. kennedy appointed roosevelt chair commission, peterson director. roosevelt s last public position. died before commission issued report. concluded female equality best achieved recognition of gender differences , needs, , not equal rights amendment.

throughout 1950s, roosevelt embarked on countless national , international speaking engagements. continued pen newspaper column , made appearances on television , radio broadcasts. averaged 1 hundred fifty lectures year throughout fifties, many devoted activism on behalf of united nations.

roosevelt received first annual franklin delano roosevelt brotherhood award in 1946. other notable awards received during life postwar included award of merit of new york city federation of women s clubs in 1948, 4 freedoms award in 1950, irving geist foundation award in 1950, , prince carl medal (from sweden) in 1950. admired living woman, according gallup s admired man , woman poll of americans, in 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, , 1961.


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