Physical procedures List of unproven and disproven cancer treatments

a rectal bulb syringe – enemas feature in number of ineffective cancer treatments such gerson therapy , colon cleansing

acupuncture – mainstay of traditional chinese medicine, acupuncture attempts regulate flow of supposed energy within body means of inserting needles through skin @ pre-designated points. although there evidence suggests acupuncture may relieve symptoms associated cancer, such treatment side-effects, there no evidence support claims acupuncture effective treatment cancer.
applied kinesiology – practice of diagnosing , treating illness touching , observing patients detect meaningful signs in muscles. claims have been made in session, spontaneous remission of cancer can observed. however, according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claim applied kinesiology can diagnose or treat cancer or other illness .
chiropractic – practice of manipulating spine treat many human ailments. according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claims chiropractic treatment cures cancer or other life-threatening illness .
craniosacral therapy (or cst) – treatment devised john upledger in 1970s. cst practitioner massage patient s scalp in belief precise positioning of cranial bones can have profound impact on health. however, according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claims craniosacral therapy helps in treating cancer or other disease .
colon cleansing – practice of cleansing colon using laxatives , enemas detoxify body. coffee enemas in particular promoted cancer therapy. according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claims colon therapy effective in treating cancer or other disease .
cupping – procedure in cups used create areas of suction on body. although claimed proponents alternative cancer treatment, american cancer society available scientific evidence not support claims cupping has health benefits .
dance therapy –the use of dance or physical movement improve physical or mental well-being. american cancer society states, few scientific studies have been done evaluate effects of dance therapy on health, prevention, , recovery illness. clinical reports suggest dance therapy may effective in improving self-esteem , reducing stress. form of exercise, dance therapy can useful both physical , emotional aspects of quality of life. cochrane review found few studies draw conclusions effects dance therapy has on psychological or physical outcomes in cancer patients.
ear candling – alternative medical technique in lighted candles placed in ears supposed therapeutic effect. practice has been promoted extravagant claims can purify blood or cure cancer, health canada has found has no health benefit; carry serious risk of injury.
psychic surgery – sleight-of-hand confidence trick in practitioner pretends remove lump of tissue (typically raw animal entrails bought butcher) person. no evidence of objective benefit medical condition has been found.
reiki – procedure in practitioner might at, blow on, tap , touch patient in attempt affect energy in body. although there evidence reiki sessions relaxing , might improve general well-being, cancer research uk there no scientific evidence prove reiki can prevent, treat or cure cancer or other disease .
shiatsu – type of alternative medicine consisting of finger , palm pressure, stretches, , other massage techniques. according cancer research uk, there no scientific evidence prove shiatsu can cure or prevent type of disease, including cancer.

^ russell j, rovere a, eds. (2009). acupuncture . american cancer society complete guide complementary , alternative cancer therapies (2nd ed.). american cancer society. pp. 156–159. isbn 9780944235713. cs1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)
^ applied kinesiology . american cancer society. november 2008. 
^ chiropractic . american cancer society. march 2011. 
^ craniosacral therapy . american cancer society. december 2012. 
^ colon therapy . american cancer society. november 2008. 
^ cupping . american cancer society. november 2008. retrieved 4 october 2013. 
^ dance therapy . american cancer society. retrieved 30 april 2014. 
^ bradt, j; goodill, sw; dileo, c (january 7, 2015). dance/movement therapy improving psychological , physical outcomes in cancer patients . cochrane database of systematic reviews: cd007103. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd007103.pub3. pmid 25565627. 
^ food , drug administration (ed.). don t burned: stay away ear candles . webmd. 
^ unproven methods of cancer management: psychic surgery . ca cancer j clin. 40 (3): 184–8. 1990. doi:10.3322/canjclin.40.3.184. pmid 2110023. 
^ reiki . cancer research uk. 
^ shiatsu . cancer research uk. 


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