Christianity Religion and sexuality

1 christianity

1.1 biblical references sex , sexuality
1.2 historical background
1.3 catholicism
1.4 protestantism

1.4.1 anglicanism

1.5 mormonism
1.6 unity church


biblical references sex , sexuality

there several references sexuality in bible. biblical interpretation has varied throughout time , across traditions, , therefore has variably shaped thinking of christians on sex.

interpretation of these texts within christian tradition vary. while of scripture has served promote chastity, celibacy, , heterosexual marriages , denounce actions such premarital sexual behavior , homosexuality, denominations , groups including not limited feminist, queer, , black theologians have used these texts (and others) further sex-positivity within christian context.

historical background

in , ascetic christianity, sex (procreation of children) not emphasized, while celibacy , virginity highly praised. paul apostle stated in 1 corinthians [the unmarried] remain way, if cannot control themselves, should marry, better marry burn passion. have suggested paul s treatment of sex influenced conviction end of world imminent. under view, paul, believing world end, took corollary earthly concerns, including sex, should hold little interest christians. paul s letters show far greater concern sexual issues gospel writers attributed jesus, since paul building christian communities on decades , responding various issues arose.

paul did, however, support marriage, , sex within marriage. recognized married couples, sex helpful in protecting them respect temptations , recommends ongoing sexual relations between spouses, if religious observances may prompt them abstain time. importantly, paul s view of sex unnecessary gifts (presumably celibacy ).

new testament scholar n. t. wright asserts paul absolute forbade fornication, irrespective of new christian s former cultural practices. wright notes if corinthian say, because m corinthian, have had string of girl-friends sleep with, s part of our culture, paul respond, not re christian don t. ... when disagreed paul s clear rules on immorality or angry disputes, matters deals in colossians 3.5-10, is... firm, see dramatically in 1 corinthians 5 , 6. there no place in christian fellowship such practices , such person.

scriptures in new testament dealing sexuality varied. subjects include: apostolic decree (acts 15), sexual immorality, divine love (1 corinthians 13), mutual self-giving (1 corinthians 7), bodily membership between christ , between wife (1 corinthians 6:15-20) , honor versus dishonor , of adultery(hebrews 13:4).

the theologian lee gatiss states word fornication has gone out of fashion , not in common use describe non-marital sex. however, excellent translation [the biblical term] porneia, referred kind of sex outside of marriage... has been contested... overwhelming weight of scholarship , available evidence ancient world points firmly in direction. flee sexual immorality (porneia) , pursue self-control (cf. 1 thess 4:1–8) straightforward message christians in sex-crazed world.

in church, reflection on scriptural texts introduced eschatological hermeneutic reading of book of genesis: garden of eden seen normative ideal state christians strive; writers linked future enjoyment of heaven original blessedness of adam , eve in reflections.

the valuation of virginity in ancient church brought relief tension between genesis injunction fruitful , multiply gen 1:28, understood contextual implication of marriage social institution, , interpretation of superiority of virginity on marriage, sexual activity , family formation gospel texts matt 19:11-12, matt 19:29. 1 way patristic thinkers tried harmonize texts through position there had been no sexual intercourse in eden: on reading, sex happened after fall of man , expulsion eden, preserving virginity perfect state both in historical paradise , anticipated heaven. john chrysostom, gregory of nyssa, justin martyr, epiphanius of salamis, , irenaeus of lyons espoused view:

gregory of nyssa, on virginity, 12 did not yet judge of lovely taste or sight; found in lord alone sweet; , used helpmeet given him delight, scripture signifies when said knew not till driven forth garden, , till she, sin decoyed committing, sentenced pangs of childbirth. we, then, in our first ancestor ejected, allowed return our earliest state of blessedness same stages lost paradise. they? pleasure, craftily offered, began fall, , there followed after pleasure shame, , fear, remain longer in sight of creator, hid in leaves , shade; , after covered skins of dead animals; , sent forth pestilential , exacting land where, compensation having die, marriage instituted .

john chrysostom, on virginity, 14.3 when whole world had been completed , had been readied our repose , use, god fashioned man whom made world... man did need helper, , came being; not did marriage seem necessary... desire sexual intercourse, conception, labor, childbirth, , every form of corruption had been banished souls. clear river shooting forth pure source, in place adorned virginity. 15.2 why did marriage not appear before treachery? why there no intercourse in paradise? why not pains of childbirth before curse? because @ time these things superfluous .

irenaeus, against heresies, book 3, ch 22:4 eve disobedient; did not obey when yet virgin. , she, having indeed husband, adam, being nevertheless yet virgin (for in paradise both naked, , not ashamed, inasmuch they, having been created short time previously, had no understanding of procreation of children: necessary should first come adult age, , multiply time onward), having become disobedient, made cause of death, both herself , entire human race... .

epiphanius of salamis, panarion 78.17-19 , in paradise eve, still virgin, fell sin of disobedience, once more through virgin [mary] came obedience of grace .

justin martyr, dialogue trypho ch 100 eve, virgin , undefiled, having conceived word of serpent, brought forth disobedience , death. virgin mary received faith , joy, when angel gabriel announced tidings her... .

these theories can viewed in contrast with, example, original unity in system of theology of body (see section 2.1, man , woman in beginning ).

one noteworthy element in of above fathers use of arguments fittingness, had place in ancient rhetoric, though perceived heuristic in contemporary philosophy. arguments fittingness follow basic structure: god is, god good, god made world, god make world possible. if multiple theories arise matter cannot empirically tested, , no other methodological test can apply, fitting (understood rational, elegant, or beautiful) reasonable 1 think true – epistemological argument.

epistemological arguments fittingness associated medieval philosophy, used in ancient period. justin martyr , epiphanius of salamis employ arguments fittingness – in view, more elegant there symmetry between virgin caused fall , virgin caused salvation. eve-mary typology appears have been 1 of first prominent strands in christian mariology.

in addition above examples, reader might refer origen s against celsus, book i, chapter 32.

arguments fittingness used in ethics , aesthetics in ancient world.

prof. john noonan suggests if 1 asks... christian fathers derived notions on marital intercourse – notions have no express biblical basis – answer must be, chiefly stoics . uses texts musonius rufus, seneca younger, , ocellus lucanus, tracing works of clement of alexandria, origen , jerome works of these earlier thinkers, particularly pertaining permissible use of sexual act, in stoic model must subdued, dispassionate, , justified procreative intent.

augustine of hippo had different challenge: respond errors of manichaeism. manichees, according augustine, opposed marriage, because opposed procreation purpose of marriage . interestingly, method of contraception practiced these manichees whom augustine knew use of sterile period determined greek medicine , augustine condemns (this stands in contrast contemporarily permitted catholic use of natural family planning).

from beginning of thirteenth century, catholic church formally recognized marriage between freely consenting, baptized man , woman sacrament – outward sign communicating special gift of god s love. council of florence in 1438 gave definition, following earlier church statements in 1208, , declared sexual union special participation in union of christ in church. puritans, while highly valuing institution, viewed marriage civil , rather religious matter, being under jurisdiction of civil courts . because found no biblical precedent clergy performing marriage ceremonies. further, marriage said relief of concupiscence spiritual purpose.

the catholic moral theologian charles e. curran stated fathers of church practically silent on simple question of masturbation .

as monastic communities developed, sexual lives of monks came under scrutiny 2 theologians, john cassian , caesarius of arles, commented on vices of solitary life. concerns not act of masturbation, monks vowed chastity. monks vow made masturbation illicit act; act not considered sinful... in fact... prior cassian, masturbation not considered sexual offence anyone.


the catechism of catholic church teaches flesh hinge of salvation . catechism indicates sexual relationships in marriage way of imitating in flesh creator s generosity , fecundity , lists fornication 1 of offenses against chastity , calling intrinsically , gravely disordered action because use of sexual faculty, whatever reason, outside of marriage contrary purpose . conjugal act aims @ personal unity, unity that, beyond union in 1 flesh, leads forming 1 heart , soul since marriage bond sign of love between god , humanity.

pope john paul ii s first major teaching on theology of body, presented in series of lectures same name. on course of 5 years elucidated vision of sex not positive , affirming redemption, not condemnation. taught understanding god s plan physical love understand meaning of whole of existence, meaning of life. taught human beings created loving god purpose: loving persons freely choose love, give persons express self-giving through bodies. thus, sexual intercourse between husband , wife symbol of total mutual self-donation.

for john paul ii, body, , alone, capable of making visible invisible: spiritual , divine. says there no other more perfect image of unity , communion of god in mutual love sexual act of married couple, whereby give in total way – exclusively 1 another, , end of lives, , in fruitfully generous way participating in creation of new human beings. through perspective, understands immorality of extra-marital sex. falsifies language of human body, language of total love worthy of persons using body selfish ends, treating persons things , objects, rather dealing embodied persons reverence , love incarnate spirits deserve. john paul ii stresses there great beauty in sexual love when done in harmony human values of freely chosen total commitment , self-giving. him, sexual love form of worship, experience of sacred.

roman catholics believe masturbation sin.


nearly protestants assert , sex outside of marriage, including conducted between committed engaged or cohabiting couples, sin of fornication.

this rejection of premarital sex includes liberal churches.

protestants however, approve of masturbation unlike roman catholics, due lack of biblical injunction against act. mainstream , conservative protestants agree masturbation not sin, although there various restrictions, such making sure not lead use of pornography or looking lustfully @ people or mutual masturbation or addiction act. must not undertaken in spirit of defiance against god.

in lutheran, reformed , united churches of evangelical church in germany , in netherlands , switzerland view homosexuality violation of 7th commandment. in these lutheran, united , reformed churches (luther/calvin) gay ministers not permitted in ministry , gay couples not allowed in churches.

inside lutheran church of sweden, bishop of stockholm, eva brunne lesbian.

the metropolitan community church, known universal fellowship of metropolitan community churches, has specific outreach lesbian, gay, bisexual, , transgender families , communities.


in anglican church there large discussion on blessing of gay couples , on tolerance of homosexuality. discussion more aspect of love between 2 people of same sex in relationship sexual aspect of relationship. in dioceses, anglican (episcopal) churches in canada , usa permit openly gay priests in ministry , allow same-sex blessings, has drawn criticism other parts of anglican communion. anglican churches in parts of africa extremely conservative in attitude towards homosexuality. gay priests in anglican churches must celibate if wish continue work priests.


the lds churh not allow sexual expression lesbian , gay individuals.

within many branches of mormonism principle denomination lds church teaches conservative views around sexual ethics in law of chastity holds masturbation, pre- , extra-marital sex, , same-sex sexual activity sins. in 1800s, however, allowed men married , have children several women, , women married several men @ same time.

on various occasions lds church leaders have taught members should not masturbate part of obedience lds law of chastity. lds church believes sex outside of opposite-sex marriage sinful , same-sex sexual activity serious sin. god believed in heterosexual marriage heavenly mother , mormons believe opposite-sex marriage god wants children. top lds church leaders used teach attractions of same sex sin or disease changed or fixed, have no stance on etiology of homosexuality, , teach therapy focused on changing sexual orientation unethical. lesbian, gay, , bisexual members are, thus, left option of attempting change sexual orientation, entering mixed-orientation opposite-sex marriage, or living celibate lifestyle without sexual expression (including masturbation).

the lds church teaches women s principle role raise children. women rejected role being domestic women in home, seen unstable , corrupted. before 1890 mormon leaders taught polygamy way salvation , many had multiple wives 1900s, , women practiced polyandry.

the mormon religion teaches marriage should man , woman. lds church teaches members obey law of chastity says sexual relations proper between man , woman legally , lawfully wedded husband , wife . violations of code include adultery, being without natural affection, lustfulness, infidelity, incontinence, filthy communications, impurity, inordinate affection, fornication . traditional mormon religion forbids homosexual behavior, whether intra-marriage or extramarital. in romans 1:24-32, paul preached romans homosexual behavior sinful. in leviticus 20:13, moses included in law homosexual actions , behaviors against god s will. in 1830s, lds founder joseph smith instituted private practice on polygamy. practice defended church matter of religious freedom. in 1890, church practice terminated. since termination of polygamy, mormons have solely believed in marriage between 2 people, , 2 people being man , woman. lds community states still love homosexuals sons , daughters of lord, if act upon inclinations subject discipline of church.

unity church

while unity church @ 1 point in history offered prayers healing of homosexuality, church has consistently ordained openly gay ministers, beginning ernest c. wilson, ordained minister founder charles fillmore, sent him church in hollywood, california on learning of orientation.


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