History Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

1 history

1.1 project
1.2 foundation , establishment of faculties
1.3 world war ii
1.4 protests of 1968
1.5 italian cabinet of 2011

the project

the embryonic project of catholic university began around 1870, guided representatives of various catholic cultural currents. in september 1918, when first world war ending, giuseppe toniolo, before dying, recommended father agostino gemelli , staff found university, saying: not see end of war, you, when finished, it, found università cattolica .

the foundation , establishment of faculties

inauguration of headquarters of largo gemelli in 1930

in 1919 father agostino gemelli, ludovico necchi, francesco olgiati, armida barelli, , ernesto lombardo founded istituto giuseppe toniolo di studi superiori. on june 24, 1920, institute legally recognized decree signed minister of education, benedetto croce; @ same time, pope benedict xv officially recognized university s ecclesiastical status.

ucsc in 1950s

on december 7, 1921, università cattolica del sacro cuore officially inaugurated special mass celebrated father gemelli in presence of achille ratti cardinal , archbishop of milan, 3 months later elected pope pius xi. first campus in palazzo del canonica, @ via sant agnese 2. in october 1930 moved ancient st. ambrose monastery, main campus remains today. in 1921, 68 students enrolled in university s 2 available programs, philosophy , social sciences. of 2016, 14 programs offered 30,263 students distributed on milan, brescia, cremona, piacenza , rome campuses.

in 1924, following recognition italian state allowing awarding of legally-recognized degrees humanities , law programs inaugurated. charter of università cattolica approved royal decree on october 2, 1924, , published on october 31 on gazzetta ufficiale. in 1923 istituto superiore di magistero opened , in 1936 became independent program, later evolving become, in 1996, school of education sciences.

milan campus

in 1926 economics , politics departments became independent school of law and, in 1931, autonomous faculty of political, economic , social sciences born, awarding university s business degrees until 1947. in 1936 school of political science became independent. work , efforts of università cattolica continued throughout post-war period new campuses , programs opening. school of economics officially opened in 1947 both day , night classes. on october 30, in presence of italian president luigi einaudi, first stone of piacenza campus laid, official opening of school of agricultural sciences taking place in november 1952.

on august 4, 1958, official decree opening of medical school in rome, had been advocated father gemelli, approved. enormous difficulties had made long , complicated, , not until end of 1950s biological institutes , agostino gemelli university polyclinic built in rome. construction began in 1959; in 1961 pope john xxiii opened medical school, first medical doctors graduating in 1967. school offers both medical , dentistry programs.

in 1956 brescia campus of ucsc inaugurated opening of school of teaching , education. in 1971, @ initiative of important figures in mathematical field, school of mathematics, physics, , natural sciences opened. during 1990s other schools opened in milan: school of banking, finance, , insurance sciences (1990); school of foreign languages , literature (today college of linguistics) , foreign literature (1991); , school of psychology (1999). in 1997 in piacenza school of economics, once part of milan curriculum, opened independently, , school of law in 1995.

in 2000 thirteen cultural centres opened across italy. in these centers, through advanced satellite technology, distance-learning courses activated in collaboration major university campuses. during 2001-2002 academic year new school of sociology, fourteenth college of università cattolica, opened in milan.

in 2012 2 new schools established: school of political , social science in milan (from union of existing faculty of political science , sociology) , school of economics , law in piacenza-cremona (from union of faculty of economics , law piacenza-cremona).

the cattolica after bombings

world war ii

during world war ii, ezio franceschini, supported resistance, organized meetings of freedom volunteer corps (coordination structure of partisans) in university. towards end of war, in 1944, professor of medieval latin letters hid, in basement of cattolica, box containing documents , books on resistance , frama group founded ezio franceschini. ss rummaged everywhere in ucsc find cards but, buried among bones of fifty skeletons dead epidemic of plague in sixteenth century, remained there , emerged after war.

the cattolica partially destroyed bombing on august 15–16, 1943, including several classrooms, administration building, office building, cloister bramante, ancient staircase, hall of honour, , colleges. reconstruction work began immediately, moved words of agostino gemelli rise again more beautiful , bigger before .

protests of 1968

a speech mario capanna in 1967. in foreground, rector @ time, ezio franceschini.

after university increased tuition fees on november 15, 1968, protests began @ ucsc, milan, , spread throughout italy. students occupied university expelled rector ezio franceschini of police led commissioner luigi calabresi. 3 days later 30,000 students marched through milan archbishop s residence , protest spread every major university in country. on march 21, cattolica reoccupied police, after being evacuated , closed indefinitely. few days later, on march 25, there so-called battle of largo gemelli , thousands of students tried reopen university, repelled police. leader of protest mario capanna, student of philosophy @ università cattolica.

the italian cabinet of 2011

in november 2011 prime minister mario monti appointed 3 professors ministers. rector lorenzo ornaghi appointed minister heritage , cultural activities; renato balduzzi, professor of constitutional law, appointed minister of health; , dino piero giarda, professor of public economics @ faculty of economics, became minister relations parliament.

after appointment of professor lorenzo ornaghi minister, powers , functions belonging office of rector entrusted vicar vice chancellor, prof. franco anelli, term of ornaghi s office.


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