Signs Road signs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

1 signs

1.1 warning signs
1.2 regulatory signs

1.2.1 prohibitions
1.2.2 mandatory instructions

1.3 priority signs
1.4 indication signs

1.4.1 conducting indication signs
1.4.2 routing indication signs ... on main , minor roads ... numbering ... on motorways , expressways ... general

1.4.3 informational signs

1.5 complementary panels
1.6 road markings
1.7 traffic lights

1.7.1 general rules:
1.7.2 addressed:

1.8 police instruction signs
1.9 blue zone parking disc

warning signs

regulatory signs

mandatory instructions

priority signs

indication signs
conducting indication signs

routing indication signs
... on main , minor roads

... numbering

... on motorways , expressways

... general

informational signs

complementary panels

general remarks:

all signs , complementary panels can combined complementary panels particular kinds of transport means.
if accompanied words ausgenommen / excepté / eccettuato (excluding) or gestattet / autorisé / permesso (permitted), means indicated kind of transport means excluded regulation of main sign.
the sign bicycles (5.31) includes mopeds designed maximal speed of 20km/h.

generally applicable complementary panels

complementary panels signs

kinds of transport means

special panels

road markings


traffic lights

general remarks:

working traffic light signals (not turned off or not flashing yellow) preceede priority signs, street markings, , general road rules.
a yellow flashing traffic light warns of special caution, , general road rules, priority signs, , street markings have applied , followed (in particular stop signs (see 3.01) or give way signs (see 3.02) , other priority signs, or direction indications (e.g. see 2.32–2.43, 2.46, 6.06, 6.10, 6.13), , others)!
white traffic lights addressed public transport only.

general rules:

general signals

... direction indication

specifically addressed:

... bicycles , mopeds

... pedestrians , users of vehicle-like transport means

police instruction signs
blue zone parking disc


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