Current practice Eleven-plus

grammar school areas , groups in england identified education (grammar school ballots) regulations 1998. leas considered grammar areas shown solid red, while red spots indicate isolated grammar schools or clusters of neighbouring schools.

there 164 remaining grammar schools in various parts of england, , 69 in northern ireland. in counties in vestiges of tripartite system still survive, eleven-plus continues exist. today used entrance test specific group of schools, rather blanket exam pupils, , taken voluntarily. more information on these, see main article on grammar schools.

eleven-plus , similar exams vary around country use or of following components:

verbal reasoning (vr)
non-verbal reasoning (nvr)
mathematics (ma)
english (en)

eleven-plus tests take place in september of children s final primary school year results provided parents in october allow application secondary schools. in lincolnshire children sit verbal reasoning , non-verbal reasoning. in buckinghamshire children sit tests in verbal reasoning, mathematics , non-verbal reasoning. in kent, eleven-plus test more commonly known kent test, children sit 4 of above disciplines; english paper used in circumstances of appeal. in london borough of bexley september 2008, following public consultation, pupils sitting eleven-plus exam required mathematics , verbal reasoning paper. in essex, examination optional, children sit verbal reasoning, mathematics , english. other areas use different combinations. authorities/areas operate opt-in system, while others (such buckinghamshire) operate opt-out system pupils entered unless parents decide opt out. in north yorkshire, harrogate/york area, children required sit 2 tests: verbal , non-verbal reasoning.


england has 164 grammar schools, 85% of academies @ liberty set own individual admissions criteria including type of entrance tests set , weighting given each one. schools form consortia set common test or local authority administer despite there might 70 different 11+ tests set each year across country meaning it’s no longer possible talk eleven plus test single entity.

the actual marks these tests, referred raw marks, never disclosed, instead parents given standard age scores (sas). standard score shows how individual has performed relative mean (average) score population although term population open interpretation. gl assessment set majority of 11+ tests should be, “a large, representative sample of students across uk” grammar schools chose standardise tests against children apply them in given year enables them match supply demand.

test results follow normal distribution resulting in familiar bell curve reliably predicts how many test takers gain each different score. example, 15.866% score more 1 standard deviation above mean (+1σ represented 115 sas) can seen adding proportions in graph based on original provided m. w. toews).

normal distribution curve illustrates standard deviations. illustration has wechsler scale added whereby scores scaled mean of 100 , standard deviation of 15.

by standardising on cohort of applicants, school example, 100 places regularly gets 800 applications can set minimum pass mark of 115 selects approximately 127 applicants filling of places , leaving 27 on waiting list. downside of local standardisation, has been called, parents unaware children being judged standard of other applicants own abilities. has led criticism quarters such 5 minute animation on subject of 11+ test.

another issue lack of national standards in testing prevents comparison between schools. public perception may pupils of grammar school standard admitted grammar schools other information such dfe league tables calls question existence of such standard. competition places @ sutton grammar school extremely fierce with, according online forum on 2,500 applicants in 2016. official statistics show 100% of admitted sutton grammar school have, “high prior attainment @ end of key stage 2”, compared 44% of attend skegness grammar school. grammar schools heads association’s spring 2017 newsletter says government considering national selection test remove lack of consistency between different 11+ tests.

between them, gl , cem earn estimated £2.5m annually setting , marking 11+ tests. releasing raw marks bring clarity admissions process attempts have been unsuccessful. gl have used fact not covered freedom of information legislation withhold information, whilst main rival cem argued in court that, “one of benefits of 11+ testing is ‘tutor proof ” , releasing raw marks undermine unique selling point.

when standard score calculated results negative value values below mean. seem strange given negative score goldstein , fogelman (1974) explain, “it’s common ‘normalise’ scores transforming them give distribution mean of 100 , standard deviation of 15”. normalised sas of 100 indicates mean (average) achievement whilst score of 130 2 standard deviations above mean. score achieved 2.2% of population. most, not all, authorities normalise follow convention. following table showing normalisation values used 2017 entry (tests taken in 2016).

northern ireland

the system in northern ireland differed in england. last eleven-plus held in november 2008. provision in education order (ni) 1997 states department may issue , revise guidance thinks appropriate admission of pupils grant-aided schools . citing on 21 january 2008, northern ireland s education minister caitríona ruane passed new guidelines regarding post-primary progression regulation rather legislation. avoided need proposals passed northern ireland assembly, cross-party support changes did not exist. schools, parents , political parties object new legal framework. result, many post-primary schools setting own entrance examinations.


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