Isadora Duncan Drawings Abraham Walkowitz

isadora duncan #29, c. 1915

in each drawing, new observation recorded same subject. in foreword demonstration of objective, abstract, , non-objective art, walkowitz wrote in 1913, not avoid objectivity nor seek subjectivity, try find equivalent whatever effect of relation thing, or part of thing, or afterthought of it. seeking attune art feel keynote of experience. relaxed fluidity of action drawings represent duncan subject, reconceive unbound movement of dance , translates ideas line , shape, ending new composition.

his interest in recording keynote of experience rather producing objective representation of subject central composition of duncan drawings. fluidity of lines function simultaneously recognizable shapes of human body, trace pathways of dancer’s movements. duncan herself wrote in 1920, ...there convert body luminous fluidity, surrendering inspiration of soul. placed different context, passage function description of walkowitz’s art; in fact taken essay philosopher’s stone of dancing wherein discusses techniques express purest form of movement.

walkowitz’s dedication duncan subject extended past untimely death in 1927. works reveal shared convictions toward modernism , breaking links past. in 1958, walkowitz told lerner, (duncan) had no laws. did not dance according rules. created. body music. body electric, walt whitman. body electrics. 1 of our greatest men, america s greatest, walt whitman. leaves of grass me bible.


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