Program Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum/James F. Byrnes Institute

1 program

1.1 cultural program
1.2 language program
1.3 america explained - daz schools
1.4 library
1.5 usa information
1.6 american days


the daz homepage offers opportunity subscribe newsletter informs current daz events , offers.

cultural program

the program involves lectures, seminars , discussions in german , english, musical events, films , exhibitions concerning politics, economy, history, arts , culture. bear reference , led experts in science, journalism, media , economics. furthermore, daz serves meeting point several german-american groups empire study group , transatlantic artconnexion, metropolitan club.

language program

several english language courses focussing on different aspects provided. teachers exclusively native speakers. main purpose of these language courses familiar english language , american culture.

america explained - daz schools

in interactive lectures, us-american contributors make possible classes deepen knowledge usa , conversation different aspects of politics, history , culture. also, daz provides continuing education of teachers.


the institute’s small library offers extensive range of media readers of ages. implies literature , magazines, journals in german , english, electronic media. besides that, library offers free access database elibrary usa.

usa information

in cooperation educationusa daz provides independent information further education , visits abroad (high school, university, au pair, internships, etc. ).

american days

the american days american cultural festival in stuttgart metropolitan region. since 2008, has taken place annually, exception of 2013. starting in 2014 take place biennially. during period of @ least 11 days, german , american institutions have presented diverse program different aspects of transatlantic relations. festival established deutsch-amerikanisches zentrum/james-f.-byrnes-institut in cooperation state of baden-württemberg, capital city of stuttgart , robert bosch stiftung in 2008. supposed draw attention existing activities , diversity of transatlantic engagement in stuttgart region, being motivation new actions , cooperations relating us.


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