Qing Dynasty Foreign relations of China

by mid 19th century, chinese stability had come under increasing threat both domestic , international sources. social unrest , serious revolts became more common while regular army had decayed ineffective force. chinese leaders increasingly feared impact of western ideas. after 1724 christian propaganda prohibited, , after 1757 international trade confined port of canton under strictly limited canton system. european commercial interests sought end trading barriers, china fended off repeated efforts britain reform trading system. increasing sales of indian opium china british traders led first opium war (1839–1842). superiority of western militaries , military technology steamboats , congreve rockets forced china open trade west on western terms.

french political cartoon late 1890s depicts china being divided among western , eastern powers.

unequal treaties

a series of perceived unequal treaties , including treaty of nanking (1842), treaties of tianjin (1858), , beijing conventions (1860), forced china open new treaty ports, including canton (guangzhou), amoy (xiamen), , shanghai. treaties allowed british set hong kong colony , established international settlements in treaty ports under control of international peoples. china required accept permanent diplomats @ capital in peking, provided free movement foreign ships in chinese rivers, imposed european regulation of chinese tariffs, , opened interior christian missionaries. since 1920s, unequal treaties have been centerpiece of perceived chinese grievances against west in general.


for centuries china had claimed suzerain authority on numerous adjacent areas. areas had internal autonomy forced give tribute china while being theoretically under protection of china in terms of foreign affairs. 19th century relationships nominal, , china exerted little or no actual control. other eastern , western powers did not recognize china s fiefdom , 1 one seized supposed suzerain areas. japan took korea , ryukyus; france took vietnam; britain took upper burma , nepal; russia took parts of siberia. tibet left, , highly problematic since tibetans, of supposed suzerainty, had never accepted chinese claims of lordship , tribute. weakened china s power both regionally , internally.


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