The First World War Naval tactics in the Age of Steam

1 first world war

1.1 fleet tactics
1.2 introduction of camouflage
1.3 development of submarine
1.4 development of aircraft

the first world war

the introduction of mines, torpedoes , submarines increased complexity of naval tactics during first world war. so, gun remained principal naval weapon. still deliver blows @ greatest distance in greatest variety of circumstances.

fleet tactics

the development of long-range guns mounted in turrets changed nature of naval tactics. while concentration remained fundamental objective of tactics, increased range , field of fire of naval guns meant admirals sought achieve concentration of fire, rather concentration of ships. aim of skilful officer concentrate superior force on part of opponent s formation.

in age of sail, when range of effective fire thousand or twelve hundred yards , guns trained on small arc because fired out of ports, concentration effected bringing larger number of ships close action smaller. 20th century, when gunfire effective @ 7,000 yards or more, , when guns fired turrets , barbettes had far wider sweep, concentration effected distance. power effect had sought judicious choice of position.

the line ahead had been imposed on sailing fleets need bring each ship s broadsides action. experiments made during manoeuvres steam navies, combined experience gained in war of 1904–05 in far east, showed no material change had taken place in respect. still necessary ever guns should placed capable of being brought bear, , still condition imposed physical necessities of case freedom obtained when ships followed 1 in line. allowed each ship fire on wide arcs without firing on friendly ships. steaming enemy off side enabled ship fire salvoes both forward , rear turrets, maximizing chances hit.

when in pursuit or flight, or when steaming on look-out still unseen enemy, fleet may arranged in line abreast . pursuing fleet have run risk of being struck torpedoes dropped retreating enemy. have advantage of being able bring guns can fire ahead bear on rear ship of enemy. when opponent prepared give battle, , turns broadside bring maximum of gunfire bear, must answered similar display of force – in other words, line ahead must formed meet line ahead. each ship in line engaged opposite number in enemy battle line.

introduction of camouflage

dazzle camouflage intended make difficult estimate ship s speed , heading , prevent submarines firing torpedoes. accomplished painting striking designs along ship, long, bold lines cutting across hull , rendering bow of ship indistinct, in turn prevented submarines determining heading or speed of ships. innovation short-lived, however, stark lines intended confuse submarines made ships more visible targets aircraft. final evolution of camouflage prevalent gray shades warships since wwii have been painted. in navy known haze gray.

development of submarine

tactically, submarines of first world war similar privateers in age of sail, because employed destroy enemy s merchant traffic in extremely opportunistic sense rather engage in battle enemy naval vessels. individually, submarines capable of sinking small number of ships because of limited supply of torpedoes , shells.

anti-submarine tactics in infancy @ outbreak of first world war. surface warships lacked means detect submerged submarines or weapons attack them. surface warships reduced hoping sight periscope of submerged submarine or wake of torpedoes. other gunfire, way sink submarine ramming. defensive anti-submarine tactics largely consisted of turning ships end-on submarine, reduce size of target, turning towards submarine sighted off bows , away submarine sighted off stern.

by end of 1914, german cruisers had largely been cleared oceans , main threat shipping came u-boats. british admiralty slow respond change. in 1917, @ urging of british prime minister, david lloyd george, did british institute convoy system. losses u-boats dropped fraction of former level.

development of aircraft

the british carrier furious in 1918, after had been fitted landing-on deck aft, still showing cruiser origins. note large crash barrier rigged behind funnel , dazzle camouflage.

during wwi, german forces employed zeppelins attack enemy shipping, never inflicted serious losses.

towards end of war, british began develop first aircraft carriers adding flying off , landing decks large light cruiser furious.


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