1923 Peace Treaty History of Honduras (1900–1954)

1 1923 peace treaty

1.1 governments of bertrand , lópez gutiérrez
1.2 elections , american intervention
1.3 general vicente tosta
1.4 miguel paz barahona
1.5 vicente mejía colindres

1923 peace treaty
governments of bertrand , lópez gutiérrez

president, francisco bertrand

the elections of 1912 won manuel bonilla, died after little more year in power. francisco bertrand, had been vice-president, returned presidency , in 1916 won election term lasted until 1920. bertrand government represented american interests on national level, accepted mediation of united states in resolution of border conflict guatemala , in conflict 2 regions colindantes nicaragua (the trojes , potrerillos). in second term, 1916 1919, try launch official candidate of party coined nazario soriano caused civil war headed general rafael lópez gutiérrez, candidate of opposition, , general vicente tosta carrasco. american ambassador took part bertrand lost power , left country.

from 1920 1923, there seventeen uprisings or attempted coups d état in honduras. contributed more increasing worry of united states political unsteadiness in central america. in august 1922, presidents of honduras, nicaragua , el salvador gathered on uss tacoma in gulf of fonseca, under attentive eye of ambassadors of united states these countries. presidents promised once again prevent territories used promote revolutions against neighbours. likewise did them called countries, gather in washington @ end of year. apart this, in september 1920 first national strike, workers of company vaccaro brother company headquarters in la ceiba in department of atlántida organised demand adjust of wages.

the washington conference concluded in february approval of general treaty of peace , friendship of 1923. treaty reorganised central american court , ratified lot of dispositions treaty of 1907. clause of non-recognition of revolutionary governments extended; likewise rulers engaged once again not intervene in affairs of neighbours.

this same meeting promoted agriculture , free trade. limited arms , established limit on size of military strengths of each country (2.500 men honduras). united states engaged foreign professionalization of armed forces.

elections , american intervention

uss denver

presidential elections in honduras in october 1923 , political conflicts , soldiers provide first challenges these new agreements. under strong pressure washington, lópez gutiérrez allowed free elections. fragmented conservatives united under flag of national party of honduras (pnh). these chose governor of cortés, tiburcio carías andino candidate. whereas liberal party (plh) divided in 2 currents: 1 supported ex-president policarpo bonilla, , others candidacy of juan Ángel arias boquín. when carrying out elections, carías received votes (49,953). bonilla (35,474 votes) second , arias (20,839 votes) remained in distant third place. nobody achieved majority demanded constitution of honduras. fell congress gather , take decision. members of body did not reach agreement.

in january 1924, lópez gutiérrez announced intention remain in charge until new elections, never gave specific date. in face of situation, tiburcio carías andean, when seeming, support of united fruit company, car proclaimed president, , new armed conflict burst out. in february government of united states warned person arrived power revolutionary means not recognized. @ same time suspended relations lópez gutiérrez did not celebrate elections.

conditions deteriorated in first months of 1924. on 28 february, battle took place in la ceiba between government troops , rebels. presence of s.s. denver , landing of force of marines of united states unable prevent looting , fires left more more $2 million in property damage. fifty people, among them citizen, died in fighting. in following weeks, additional ships of united states navy concentrated in honduran waters, protect american interests.

general vicente tosta

former building of united fruit co.

a force of children of marine , sailors dismissed interior tegucigalpa offer additional protection delegation of united states. shortly before arrival, rafael lópez gutiérrez died, , control of country fell cabinet. general carías , other rebel leaders controlled greater part of field, did not coordinate activities sufficient efficiency seize capital.

in effort put end fighting, government of united states sent sumner welles port of amapala. welles had instructions produce satisfactory agreement according treaty of 1923, , convey power recognized legally. negotiations, once again held on board uss milwaukee, lasted 23 28 april. in end came agreement put in government of provisional form general vicente tosta carrasco, accessed appoint cabinet representing political factions , summoned constituent assembly ninety days restore constitutional order. constitution of 1924 published during government.

the presidential elections had held possible. likewise tosta promised refrain running. once in office, tosta showed signs of not wanting fulfil of promises. under strong pressure delegation, in end had comply provisions of peace agreement.

keeping elections clear-cut date proved difficult task. exert pressure on tosta, united states fixed seize of arms honduras , forbade government give him access credit - included loan of us$75.000 of bank atlántida s.a.. also, united states convinced el salvador, guatemala , nicaragua keep treaty of 1923 , not recognise revolutionary leader president.

these pressures helped persuade carías withdraw candidacy. helped ensure defeat of uprising headed general gregorio ferrera of pnh.

miguel paz barahona

the national party (pnh) nominated miguel paz barahona presidency. plh, after debate, declined appoint candidate, , on 28 december paz barahona won election unanimously. paz barahona assumed power on 1 february 1925.

while in office, miguel paz barahona undertook guarantee return of exiled politicians , cancel debt england (alcerro king agreement). favoured granting of batches of family peasant sector. likewise, promoted public education, used prisons , barracks. nevertheless, alliance interests remained intact. government initiated persecutions against journalists , citizens opposed united states. in spite of new lower uprising directed general ferrera in year 1925, administration of paz barahona relatively calm.

besides in march 1925 workers of wit azucarero in municipality of la lima, in department of cortés began take installations, afterwards follow them other workers of coast north , seconded employees of cuyamel fruit company in workers requested: weekly payments, working times of 8 hours , increases of wage.

in 1928 went fears of new riots end of mandate of paz barahona approached. pnh designated tiburcio carías presidential candidate, whereas plh appointed vicente mejía colindres, after of death of polycarp bonilla. surprise of lot of observers, in electoral campaign elections carried out minimum acts of violence , intimidation.

vicente mejía colindres

mejía colindres obtained decisive victory, winning 62,000 votes 47,000 carías. surprising part of election carías public acceptance of defeat , equally insistence followers accept new government. mejía colindres took power in 1929 big hopes administration , nation. honduras seemed on way political , economic progress. exports of banana @ time represented 90% of exports. in 1930, honduras had become primary producer of bananas in world.

the united fruit had managed every time dominate trade, , in 1929 bought out cuyamel fruit company, 1 of 2 main rivals. merger of these 2 companies expected bit more tranquility, since rivalry of two, had contributed revolutionary riots.

more tranquility expected in 1931, after general ferrera killed in final attempt overthrow government.

however, many of hopes of mejía colindres dispelled start of great depression. banana exports peaked in 1930, afterwards diminished quickly. thousands of workers sacked, , wages of remain reduced, equal prices paid banana producers independent part of giant banana companies. measure depression sharpened financial situation of government deteriorated, in 1931 colindres mejía saw himself forced borrow $250,000 fruit companies ensure army payroll.


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