Erpingham and St Ethelbert's Gates Norwich School (independent school)

st ethelbert s gate outside close

the erpingham gate primary entrance north section of close, directly opposite west door of cathedral. commissioned sir thomas erpingham, commander in battle of agincourt , constructed between 1416 , 1425. top of arch contains canopied niche thought have been dedicated 5 holy wounds of christ, flanked 4 evangelists , holy trinity above, replaced in 18th century kneeling statue of erpingham wearing armour , surcoat collar of esses , order of garter below left knee. rest of gateway decorated coat of arms of erpingham , members of family, motto yenk (think) on small scrolls. has been restored several times: first in 18th century, e. w. tristram in 1938 , again feilden , mawson in 1989. scheduled monument , adjoins school house , music school, occupy 70 , 71 close respectively.

st ethelbert s gate 1 of entrances south section of close. room above gateway chapel dedicated saint ethelbert king , came used school in 1944. used art room before conversion barbirolli music practice room, named after lady barbirolli, under philip stibbe s headship (1975–1984), project financed dyers. scheduled monument, gateway built in 1316 citizens of norwich penance riot in 1272 damaged many of priory buildings. substantially restored in 1815 william wilkins, old norvicensian, , underwent further renovations in 1964 saw stonework , carvings replaced under supervision of sir bernard feilden. art historian veronica sekules describes st ethelbert s gate in 14th century highly decorative building presenting façade rich in images, cathedral otherwise lacked. in sense have operated principal façade and, in far 1 can glean remaining images, communicated strong message designating gate opening hallowed ground beyond.


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