Domestic policy Premiership of Abhisit Vejjajiva

1 domestic policy

1.1 government debt
1.2 economic recession , stimulus
1.3 public health
1.4 energy
1.5 transportation

1.5.1 bus , train subsidies
1.5.2 bts
1.5.3 high-speed train route
1.5.4 airport link

1.6 information , communications technology
1.7 defense
1.8 south thailand insurrection

1.8.1 rising levels of violence
1.8.2 torture allegations

1.9 immigration

1.9.1 rohingya refugees

1.10 lèse majesté
1.11 thaksin shinawatra
1.12 2010 floods
1.13 2011 floods

domestic policy
government debt

abhisit borrowed heavily finance various populist policies , stimulus packages. government borrowed record-breaking 1.49 trillion baht 2009 2011, compared previous 26 prime ministers had combined borrowings of 870 billion baht. thailand s national debt @ end of february 2011 3.59 trillion baht, or 40% of gdp. april 2011, governor of bank of thailand, thailand s central bank, warned implementing abhisit s populist policies might cause public debt surge past legal debt ceiling of no more 50% of gdp. government countered bot s warning claiming expression of opinion in technical manner. abhisit noted several countries had experienced debt crises, not thailand.

economic recession , stimulus

the global economic crisis had major impact on thailand, unemployment increasing 63% 880,000 people nationwide between december 2008 , january 2009, , analysts predicting country s economy contract as 5% on year.

abhisit responded crisis 2 economic stimulus packages. government announced first, 117-billion-baht stimulus package in january 2009. package included one-time issuance of 2,000 baht (approximately us$75) checks people making less 15,000 baht (approximately us$500) month. training program, dubbed ton kla a-cheep initiated 500,000 new graduates , unemployed people. free government education expanded 15 years, written in constitution, saving approximately 2,000 baht per term per student. pension of 500 baht month provided aged 60 , above. price guarantees instituted subsidize rice, corn, , tapioca farmers. government provided funds villages nationwide carry out projects based on king bhumibol s sufficiency economy philosophy.

the cabinet approved second, 1.4-trillion-baht package in may. plan called strong thailand (thai khem khaeg), majority of money dedicated infrastructure improvements. in addition, program initiated provide resolve land-title issues squatters living on state land. government attempted transfer private loans loan sharks state-owned banks, protecting debtors unreasonably high interest rate demanded loan sharks , helping them finance families again.

by end of 2009, thailand s economy had contracted 2.3%, buoyed 5.8% economic growth in fourth quarter of year.

public health

abhisit continued surayud junta s policy of compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals, saying complied world trade organisation s agreement on intellectual property. of march 2009, warned there societal pressure expand compulsory licensing if downgraded thailand s trade status.

despite opposition, abhisit continued support public health protection , refused drop medical malpractice victim protection bill in ongoing legislative process. furthermore, set national-level committee improve draft before sending final copy parliament. need push ahead legislation. contentious points in bill, sides need talk , cooperate, abhisit said after meeting representatives network people s medical protection , federation of medical workers, both sides sought have national committee set-up improve bill.

in 2009, abhisit said government s goal reduce number of new hiv cases in country 50% 2011. noted new cases among married women increased 30% 40% , promised involved in campaign promote fidelity among married couples. in 2010, became presenter in government s honest husband campaign , vowed become role model of fidelity married men.


the abhisit government subsidized price of diesel, lpg cooking gas, , household electricity. maintained retail price of diesel of no more 30 baht/liter reducing fuel taxes , spending government s oil fund. 8.5 billion baht per month in government tax revenue forgone due cuts in excise tax. mid-april, oil fund had 34 billion baht in cash , 29 billion baht in debt, leaving 4.5 billion baht in net funds. fund expected depleted end of april. abhisit extended temporary government subsidies provided free electricity 30 million thai households used fewer 90 units month. in april 2011, made free-electricity policy permanent, although industrial , commercial electricity users (rather government) burdened paying 12 billion baht per year subsidy.

bus , train subsidies

the abhisit government repeatedly extended temporary subsidies provided free bus , train rides. abhisit proposed making free rides permanent.


under guidance of abhisit s administration, bts sky train, rail-based mass transit system in bangkok, launched new 2.2-kilometre extension linking saphan taksin bridge station krung thonburi station , wong wian yai station on thonburi side of bangkok. new service linked sathorn road, 1 of bangkok s prime business districts, thonburi on west bank of chao phraya river. under thai khem khang project , bts in process of constructing 6.7-kilometre extension onnuj station sukhumvit 107. expected ready within 2 years. section of 12.8-km connect bang pu district in samut prakan province has been planned later stage. additionally, 4.5-kilometre route taksin bridge nong khaem district expected begin service within 2 years.

high-speed train route

abhisit emphasized high-speed trains not facilitate rapid movement of goods , people, provide more benefits thailand once asean becomes single market , thailand becomes stronger production base economic community. asian economies more towards regional rather western trade future growth, s forward-looking plan potential position thailand highly efficient regional hub connecting china southeast asia.

the project have 2 phases: nong khai in northeast bangkok, bangkok rayong, , bangkok padang besar, on border malaysia. transnational line start kunming in china s southwestern yunnan province , run south thailand through laos , vietnam.

the entire project, nong khai bangkok , rayong, , bangkok padang besar, cost 350 billion baht. railway tracks built parallel existing tracks, wider gauge of 1.4 metres, instead of current gauge of 1 metre. nong khai-bangkok route says cover total distance of 615 kilometres. track run through tunnel of 10 km , elevated on distance of 59 km. high-speed train travel @ no less 200 kilometres per hour. electrically powered, , studies have shown existing power supplies sufficient.

once project has been completed, travelling train bangkok kunming take around 5 hours, 3 hours bangkok vientiane, , less 5 hours bangkok padang basar.

airport link

abhisit s administration completed airport link project delayed previous government due several factors. suvarnabhumi airport s link, connects downtown bangkok , suvarnabhumi airport, began commercial services on 23 august 2010. airport link s city line run every 15 minutes , express line every 30 minutes. both lines operate 06:00 midnight. trains have maximum speed of 160 kilometres per hour. city line make 8 stops across capital, starting @ phaya thai, before heading airport. trains take 30 minutes phaya thai suvarnabhumi.

information , communications technology

abhisit s information , communications technology (ict) policy included censorship of internet sites government considered offensive monarchy. abhisit s ict minister, ranongruk suwunchwee, met officials of tot , cat (both state-owned telecommunications firms) in 2009 inform them of policy. ranongruk said 45 million baht spent on war room government staff worked around clock block access websites in thailand. september 2009, more 17,000 offensive websites blocked.

an auction 3g 2.1 gigahertz spectrum licenses organized national telecommunications commission cancelled after state-owned firms cat telecom , tot filed injunction claimed ntc lacked authority organize auction. argued auction cause state agencies lose revenue. regulator planned hold auctions prior 2006 military coup. 5 days after injunction, government approved 19.9 billion baht budget tot expand existing 3g network.

within mass communication, difficult delineate between objective , biased information. on 1 hand, media can used provide useful information; on other hand, can used increase popularity of government. , why there arises debate whether government justified use mass communication, , extent.


abhisit s government approved military budgets of 170 billion baht in 2011 , 154 billion baht in 2010. in 2011 appropriation, 19.5 billion baht allocated purchase of 6 jas 39 gripen fighter planes, in addition 6 aircraft purchased military junta of surayud chulanont. army commander anupong noted military s budget increased 2% of gdp, 1% of gdp prior 2006 coup.

south thailand insurrection

rising levels of violence

in july 2009, abhisit claimed violence in southern thailand decreased since government took over, focus on economic development. claim contradicted deep south watch, academic think-tank @ prince of songkhla university in pattani province, showed violence increased since beginning of 2009.

in february 2010, government said capable of eliminating insurgency violence end of year. foreign minister kasit claimed sense of optimism in region. end of 2010, insurgency-related violence had increased, confounding government s optimism.

torture allegations

the abhisit government condemned several international human rights groups routine , systematic torture of suspected insurgents. in two-month period in 2010, amnesty international received 8 reports of torture. security forces continue use torture though senior commanders claim have prohibited it, found brussels-based international crisis group. common methods of torture allegedly used army, many of occurred @ ingkhayutthabariharn reconciliation promotion center, included severe beatings, suffocation plastic bags, electric shocks, forced nudity, exposure extreme cold or heat, needles inserted open wounds, , holding detainees family members hostage, including, in 1 case, 6-year-old boy.

abhisit denied torture allegations , questioned accuracy of amnesty international s claims. army repeatedly denied allegations. have never committed torture, said regional commander lieut. general udomchai thamsarorat.

human rights watch criticized government failing curb torture , abuses security forces in south. noted no member of security forces had ever been prosecuted human rights abuses in region. found insurgents used these state-sponsored abuses , recruit new insurgents , justify campaign of violence.


abhisit enacted measures required approximately 1.5 million migrants register government under new, time-consuming system involved verifying migrants identities home governments, or arrested , deported. deadline compliance, 28 february 2010, extended 2 march after several hundred thousand migrants failed appear. although migrant labor myanmar, cambodia, laos, , elsewhere make 5–10% of thailand s work force, migrants critical in keeping thailand s wages competitive china. human-rights groups noted migrants have plenty of reasons fear declaring themselves, including history of past mistreatment, including bribery, rape, , arbitrary arrest thai authorities. other migrant workers worry information activities shared home governments, exposing them or families harassment.

rohingya refugees

in january 2009, cnn investigations revealed 1,000 rohingya refugees myanmar had been captured thai navy, beaten, towed out sea without engines or navigational aids , little food , water. abhisit s initial response claim media reports exaggerated , refugees sail on boats without engines or sink ships authorities them onshore. army commander anupong paojinda denied reports of abuse.

on 20 january, united nations high commission refugees (unhcr) requested thai government provide them access 126 surviving boat people in custody. abhisit said glad work international organisations such organizations have work on cooperative basis proper thai government procedures. military said had no clear information refugees in custody.

further media investigations revealed refugees had been cleared detention center found. thai navy officer interviewed, saying have take engines off boats or come back. wind carry them india or somewhere. abhisit promised thorough military-led investigation. investigation led internal security operations command (isoc), same unit in charge of refugee arrivals.

the isoc investigation cleared government officials involved. consequently, isoc continued in charge of refugee arrivals.

abhisit s deputy, suthep thaugsuban, suggested entire situation cooked besmirch thailand s image. foreign minister kasit piromya said cnn reports incorrect , called people not believe world says rohingya.

unhcr goodwill ambassador angelina jolie criticised thai government of ignoring plight of rohinyas , suggested thai government should take better care of burmese ethnics. foreign ministry reprimanded unhcr, noting unhcr had no mandate , saying matter should not mentioned , guests. abhisit criticized both thai , international commentators defending military @ expense of protecting human rights of refugees. not going see abhisit government going after military because instrumental in assumption of office, said political scientist thitinan pongsudhirak.

lèse majesté

in october 2008, ppp/samak administration allocated 100 million baht establish special task-force step lèse majesté enforcement, , set website individuals report violations thai authorities. in 2009, abhisit acknowledged country s lese majeste laws had been abused in past, , said attempt address problem. established advisory committee on fair application of lese majeste laws in january 2010.

in 2010, privy councilor air chief marshal kamthon sindhavananda said abhisit government had been slow respond perceived threats against monarchy. in response, abhisit said protecting monarchy government s top priority, , pledged improve mechanisms safeguard royal institution.

during abhisit s tenure, arrest of prachatai editor chiranuch premchaiporn became cause célèbre. chiranuch charged under computer crimes act not deleting online comments posted news website allegedly insulting monarchy. chiranuch faced 50 years in prison on initial charges. arrested again on separate charges after attending internet @ liberty 2010, international conference on media freedom. amnesty international, committee protect journalists, , reporters without borders criticized arrest.

thaksin shinawatra

abhisit highly critical of thaksin throughout time in power. through spokesperson, panithan wattanayakorn, accused thaksin of funding red shirt udd movement abroad. when udd leaders , thaksin denied accusation , demanded proof of government s accusations, deputy premier suthep noted still did not have confirmation transfers.

abhisit denied legitimacy of thaksin s leadership of udd , has refused deal directly thaksin. abhisit argued thaksin s wealth , corrupt background @ odds udd s largely agrarian , working-class membership , ideologies, , hypocrisy undermined red shirt demands fairer politics led less elite government.

in days before verdict of supreme court s seizure of thaksin s assets announced, abhisit announced possibly forgive thaksin if thaksin showed remorse.

on 11 november 2009, sivarak chutipong arrested cambodian police passing confidential flight plans of thaksin , cambodian prime minister hun sen kamrob palawatwichai, first secretary of royal thai embassy in cambodia. sivarak sentenced 7 years in jail, later pardoned after thaksin made personal appeal on behalf cambodian government. deputy prime minister suthep thaugsuban later accused sivarak of staging own arrest in order discredit abhisit government.

2010 floods

from 10 october 19 november 2010, major floods hit north , northeast, central, , southern thailand. more 230 people killed , more 7 million people in 25,00 villages affected flooding. abhisit faced criticism on failing respond promptly flood victims in north , northeast , insufficient coordination of relief efforts, praised flying promptly down hat yai tour flooded city. abhisit assigned flood management primary responsibility former deputy prime minister suthep thaugsuban, although suthep later resigned take part in by-election campaign. on 24 october, abhisit appointed pm s office minister sathit wongnongtoey , advisor apirak kosayothin lead committee deal floods. rice farmers in flooded areas offered hand-outs of 55% of production cost. starting 2 november, government handed out 5,000 baht in cash 632,000 households. recipients had live in house flooded more 7 days. further housing, education , public health assistance expected implemented within 3 months, expedited assistance districts flooding had ceased. stock exchange of thailand unaffected, prices of rice , rubber saw largest gains in 2 decades.

2011 floods

the 2011 rainy season, started @ end of abhisit-government, brought worst flooding thailand had seen in 50 years. hundreds died, , bangkok flooded. meteorological department deputy director-general somchai baimoung blamed department s inability predict rainfall on abhisit government s unwillingness in 2009 , 2010 provide requested 4 billion baht overhaul of radar , modeling systems. reported 20–23 october 2011, flood waters entered bangkok, abhisit took holiday family maldives. these reports denied democrat party, both democrat spokesperson chawanan intharakoman , shadow ict minister sirichok sopha claiming in bangkok planning flood relief operations. on 25 october, democrat spokesperson chawanan intharakoman retracted earlier denial, claiming trip had been planned long in advance , abhisit took opportunity meet president of maldives discuss floods.


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