Phase 1: Air strikes Timeline of the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict

1 impact

1.1 on gaza residents
1.2 on israeli residents
1.3 casualties , losses

1.3.1 palestinian
1.3.2 israeli

1.4 economic impact

on gaza residents

a map showing location of damage in gaza

ruins of buildings in beit hanoun, august 2014

five-year-old shaymaa al-masri injured on 9 july 2014.

as of 20 july 2014, hospitals in gaza ill-equipped , faced severe shortages of various kinds of medicine, medical supplies, , fuel. egypt temporarily reopened rafah crossing gaza allow medical supplies enter , injured palestinians receive treatment in egypt. due operation, prices of food, including fish , produce, rose dramatically. 21 july news report stated on 83,000 palestinians had taken shelter in un facilities. fatah officials accused hamas of mishandling humanitarian aid meant civilians. according them, hamas took aid, included clothing, mattresses, medicine, water, , food, , distributed among hamas members or sold on black market profit.

according united nations office coordination of humanitarian affairs (ocha), on 273,000 palestinians in gaza strip had been displaced of 31 july 2014, of whom 236,375 (over eleven percent of gazan population) taking shelter in 88 unrwa schools. unrwa exhausted capacity absorb displaced persons, , overcrowding in shelters risked outbreak of epidemics. 1.8 million people affected halt or reduction of water supply, 138 schools , 26 health facilities damaged, 872 homes totally destroyed or severely damaged, , homes of 5,005 families damaged still inhabitable. throughout gaza strip, people received 2 hours of electricity per day. power outage had immediate effect on public health situation , reduced water , sanitation services, hospitals becoming dependent on generators. on 2 september, unrwa reported 58,217 people sheltering in 31 of school buildings, fifth of buildings.

ocha estimated @ least 373,000 children required psychosocial support. intense overcrowding, compounded limited access of humanitarian staff areas, increasingly undermining living conditions @ many shelters , raising protection concerns. water supply has been particularly challenging... more 485,000 internally displaced persons in need of emergency food assistance.

gaza city, home 500,000, suffered damage 20-25% of housing. beit hanoun, 70% of housing stock damaged, considered uninhabitable, 30,000 residents there in need of accommodation. power station in strip damaged on 29 july, , infrastructure of power transmission lines , sewage pumps severely damaged, major sewage pipe catering 500,000 badly damaged. among infrastructure targeted , destroyed israel s bombing campaign 220 factories in various industrial zones, including major carpentry enterprise, construction companies, major biscuit factory, dairy farms , livestock, candy manufacturer, orange groves of beit hanoun, gaza s largest mosques, , several tv stations. farms, consequence of damage or presence of unexploded ordnance dropped during conflict, inaccessible, , damage agriculture estimated @ on $200 million. 10 out of 26 hospitals closed.

according palestinian ministry of endowments , religious affairs, 203 mosques damaged during war, 73 being destroyed completely. 2 of gaza s 3 christian churches damaged, third suffering damage peripheral buildings owned parish. in light of damage mosques, manuel musallam informed muslims call prayers christian churches. in contrast operation pillar of defensive, did not damage single mosque, israel maintained hamas had routine military use of mosques , made them legitimate military targets. according idf, 160 rockets launched mosques during war. stated mosques used weapon storage, tunnel entrances, training , gathering of militants. in 1 associated press report, residents denied mosques damaged israeli forces had been used military purposes.

the un calculated more 7,000 homes 10,000 families razed, additional 89,000 homes damaged, of 10,000 severely affected bombing. rebuilding costs calculated run 4-6 billions dollars, on 20 years.

on israeli residents

a kindergarten in central israel during rocket attack.

one of shelter signs placed in ben gurion airport because of rocket attacks on israel.

hamas , other islamist groups in gaza fired rockets , mortars @ israeli towns , villages. despite israel s use of iron dome missile defense systems, 6 civilians killed, including arab israeli , thai civilian worker. israeli teen injured in rocket strike in city of ashkelon. medical health professionals have noted israeli teens prone mental health problems suffer increasingly during both short-term , long-term conflicts. experts have identified number of mental health symptoms rise during conflict, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, interpersonal sensitivity, phobias, , paranoia. there doubt whether these issues dissipate after conflict resolved.

rocket attacks gaza caused damage israeli civilian infrastructure, including factories, gas stations, , homes.

at onset of operation, israeli government canceled programs within 40 km (24 miles) of gaza, , requested people stay @ home or near shelter. summer camps closed , universities canceled final exams. additionally, gatherings of 300 or more people banned. due trajectory of rocket fire gaza, many flights in , out of ben-gurion airport delayed or rerouted. , flights ben-gurion airport interrupted days after hamas rocket struck area in vicinity. hamas called faa flight ban great victory . michael ross wrote decision driven anxiety , caused considerably more damage potential danger prevented.

about 4,600 claims direct damage , 28,000 indirect damage such missed work days submitted israel s tax authority, paid ₪133 million direct damage , ₪1.51 billion indirect damage.

the bedouin communities in negev, living in many habitations built illegally , unrecognised israeli government, classified open areas , 200,000 residents did not have warning sirens or anti-rocket protection.

in israel, estimated 5,000 8,000 citizens temporarily fled homes due threat of rocketry gaza. economic cost of operation estimated @ nis 8.5 billion (approximately 2.5 billion usd) , gdp loss of 0.4%. @ conclusion of hostilities 3,000-3,700 claims damages had been submitted israelis, , $41 million paid out property damage , missed work days. reconstruction costs estimated @ approximately $11 million.

casualties , losses

reports of casualties in conflict have been made available variety of sources. media accounts have used figures provided government in gaza or non-governmental organizations.

current reports of proportion of killed civilians/militants incomplete, , real-time errors, intentional data manipulation, , diverse methodologies produce notable variations in various sides figures. example, hamas-run interior ministry has issued instructions activists refer casualties innocent civilians or innocent citizens in internet posts. however, b tselem has stated after various groups finish investigations, figures end same. unicef , gaza health ministry reported 8 july 2 august 296–315 palestinian children died due israeli action, , 30% of civilian casualties children; 27 august, total number of children killed had risen 495–578, according ocha , gaza health ministry. in march 2015, ocha reported 2,220 palestinians had been killed, of whom 1,492 civilians (551 children , 299 women), 605 militants , 123 of unknown status. according itic, 48.7% of identified casualties militants , in cases children , women participated in military operations.

according main estimates between 2,125 , 2,310 gazans killed , between 10,626 , 10,895 wounded (including 3,374 children, of whom on 1,000 left permanently disabled). 66 israeli soldiers, 5 israeli civilians (including 1 child) , 1 thai civilian killed , 469 idf soldiers , 261 israeli civilians injured. gaza health ministry, un , human rights groups reported 69–75% of palestinian casualties civilians; israeli officials estimated around 50% of killed civilians. on 5 august, ocha stated 520,000 palestinians in gaza strip (approximately 30% of population) might have been displaced, of whom 485,000 needed emergency food assistance , 273,000 taking shelter in 90 un-run schools.

human rights groups , un use gaza health ministry s number of palestinians killed in gaza preliminary , add or subtract after conducting own investigations. example, human rights groups casualty count provided health ministry includes victims of hamas executions, domestic violence, , natural deaths, (the human rights groups) remove accused collaborators (who shot close range) own counts. israel contends health ministry s casualty count includes deaths caused rocket or mortar malfunctions.

according ocha 2015 overview, of 2,220 palestinians killed in conflict, 742 fatalities came 142 families, suffered loss of 3 or more family members in individual bombing incidents on residential buildings. according data provided palestinian international middle east media center, 79.7% of palestinians killed in gaza male, majority between 16 , 35 (fighting-age). in contrast, new york times analysis states males of ages militants form 9% of population 34% of casualties, while women , children under 15, least legitimate targets, form 71% of general population , 33% of casualties. israel has pointed relatively small numbers of fatalities among women, children , men on 60, , instances of hamas fighters being counted civilians (perhaps due broad definition of civilian used gaza health ministry), support view number of dead militants 40–50%. idf calculates 5% of gaza s military forces killed in war. jana krause, war studies department @ king s college london, stated potential explanation other combatant roles tendency of dead young men families expect them first ones leave shelters in order care hurt relatives, gather information, after abandoned family homes or arrange food , water. itic reported instances in children , teenagers served militants, cases ages of casualties reported ghm allegedly falsified, child militants listed adults , adults listed children.

abbas said more 120 youths killed violating curfew , house arrest orders issued against them hamas, referring reports hamas targeted fatah activists in gaza during conflict. abbas said hamas executed more 30 suspected collaborators without trial. said on 850 hamas members , families killed israel during operation. during fighting between israel , gaza, solidarity protests occurred in west bank, during several palestinians died; see reactions.


a total of 67 idf soldiers killed, including 1 died of injuries after 2 , half years in coma. in addition, palestinian rocket fire killed 4 civilians in israel (including 1 thai civilian), while 2 israeli civilians died heart-attacks related hearing sirens. 1 other person died due natural causes brought on conflict. according magen david adom, 837 civilians treated shock (581) or injuries (256): 36 injured shrapnel, 33 debris shattered glass , building debris, 18 in traffic accidents occurred when warning sirens sounded, 159 falling or trauma while on way shelters, , 9 in violence in jerusalem , maale adumim. 469 idf soldiers injured.

the first israeli civilian death occurred @ erez border crossing gaza when chabad rabbi, delivering food , drinks on front line, hit mortar fire. second israeli civilian killed 32-year-old bedouin hit rocket in negev desert. thai migrant worker killed mortar fire while working @ greenhouse in ashkelon coast regional council. in addition, elderly woman in wadi nisnas collapsed , died of heart failure during air-raid siren. on 22 august, 4-year-old israeli child killed mortar fired gaza. barrage of mortar fire killed 2 israeli civilians in eshkol region, hour before ceasefire went effect.

economic impact

palestinian officials estimated on 4 september that, 17,000 homes destroyed israeli bombing, reconstruction cost $7.8 billion, 3 times gaza s gdp 2011. gaza city suffered damage 20–25% of housing , beit hanoun 70% of housing uninhabitable. new york times noted damage in third war more severe in 2 preceding wars, in aftermath of earlier operation cast lead damage inflicted $4 billion, 3 times gdp of gaza s economy. strikes on gaza s few industries take years repair. gaza s main power plant on salaheddin road damaged. 2 sewage pumping stations in zeitoun damaged. biggest private company in gaza, alawda biscuit , ice cream factory, employing 400, destroyed shelling barrage on 31 july, few days after undertaking supply choco sandwich biscuits 250,000 refugees in response request world food programme; other strikes targeted plastics factory, sponge-making plant, offices of gaza s main fruit distribution network, el majd industrial , trading corporation s factory cardboard box, carton , plastic bag production, gaza s biggest dairy product importer , distributor, roward international. trond husby, chief of un s gaza development programme in gaza, commented level of destruction worse in somalia, sierra leone, south sudan , uganda.

a number of tunnels leading both israel , egypt destroyed throughout operation. there reports tunnels between gaza , egypt bringing estimated $700 million gaza s economy through goods or services. several palestinians argued tunnels had been critical supporting residents of gaza, either through employment provided or through goods allowed in—goods otherwise not available unless shipped through egypt. however, tunnels along israeli border serve purely military purpose.

during ground invasion, israeli forces destroyed livestock in gaza. in beit hanoun, 370 cows killed tank shelling , airstrikes. in beit lahiya, 20 camels shot ground forces. israel s minister of finance estimated operation cost israel nis 8.5 billion (approximately 2.5 billion usd), similar operation cast lead in 2009 , higher operation pillar of defense in 2012. forecast included military , non-military costs, including military expenditure , property damage. calculation indicated if operation lasted 20 days, loss in gdp 0.4%.


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