Biography Robert Noyce

1 biography

1.1 life
1.2 education
1.3 career


active life, noyce enjoyed reading hemingway, flying own airplane, hang gliding, , scuba diving. noyce believed microelectronics continue advance in complexity , sophistication beyond current state, leading question of use society make of technology. in last interview, noyce asked if emperor of united states. said would, among other things, …make sure preparing our next generation flourish in high-tech age. , means education of lowest , poorest, @ graduate school level.

early life

noyce born on december 12, 1927, in burlington, iowa third of 4 sons of rev. ralph brewster noyce. father had graduated doane college (1915), oberlin college (1920), , chicago theological seminary (1923). nominated rhodes scholarship. reverend noyce worked congregational clergyman , associate superintendent of iowa conference of congregational churches in 1930s , 1940s.

his mother, harriet may norton, daughter of rev. milton j. norton, congregational clergyman, , of louise hill. graduated oberlin college in 1921 , had dreamed of becoming missionary prior marriage. has been described intelligent woman commanding will.

bob noyce had 3 siblings: donald sterling noyce, gaylord brewster noyce , ralph harold noyce. earliest childhood memory involved beating father @ ping pong , feeling absolutely shocked when mother reacted thrilling news of victory distracted wasn t nice of daddy let win? @ age of five, noyce felt offended notion of intentionally losing @ anything. s not game , sulked mother. if re going play, play win!

in summer of 1940, @ age of 12, built boy-sized aircraft brother, used fly roof of grinnell college stables. later built radio scratch , motorized sled welding propeller , engine old washing machine of it. parents both religious noyce became agnostic , irreligious in later life.


he grew in grinnell, iowa, , attended local schools. exhibited talent mathematics , science while in high school , took grinnell college freshman physics course in senior year. graduated grinnell high school in 1945 , entered grinnell college in fall of year. star diver on 1947 midwest conference championship swim team. while @ grinnell college, noyce sang, played oboe , acted. in noyce’s junior year, got in trouble stealing 25-pound pig grinnell mayor s farm , roasting @ school luau. mayor sent letter home noyce’s parents stating “in agricultural state of iowa, stealing domestic animal felony carries minimum penalty of year in prison , fine of 1 thousand dollars.” essentially, noyce have expelled school. grant gale, noyce’s physics professor , president of college, did not want lose student robert s potential. able compromise mayor grinnell compensate him pig, noyce suspended 1 semester, , no further charges pressed. returned in february 1949. graduated phi beta kappa ba in physics , mathematics in 1949. received signal honor classmates: brown derby prize, recognized senior man earned best grades least amount of work .

while undergraduate, noyce attended physics course taught professor grant gale , fascinated field. gale obtained 2 of first transistors ever come out of bell labs , showed them off class. noyce hooked. grant gale suggested apply doctoral program in physics @ mit, did.

noyce had mind quick graduate school friends called him rapid robert. received doctorate in physics mit in 1953.


robert noyce , gordon moore in front of intel sc1 building in santa clara in 1970.

after graduating mit in 1953, noyce took job research engineer @ philco corporation in philadelphia. left in 1956 join william shockley, co-inventor of transistor , eventual nobel prize winner, @ shockley semiconductor laboratory in mountain view, california.

noyce left year later traitorous 8 upon having issues shockley s management style, , co-founded influential fairchild semiconductor corporation. according sherman fairchild, noyce s impassioned presentation of vision reason fairchild had agreed create semiconductor division traitorous eight.

noyce , gordon moore founded intel in 1968 when left fairchild semiconductor. arthur rock, chairman of intel s board , major investor in company, said intel succeed, intel needed noyce, moore , andrew grove. , needed them in order. noyce: visionary, born inspire; moore: virtuoso of technology; , grove: technologist turned management scientist. relaxed culture noyce brought intel carry-over style @ fairchild semiconductor. treated employees family, rewarding , encouraging teamwork. noyce s management style called roll sleeves . shunned fancy corporate cars, reserved parking spaces, private jets, offices, , furnishings in favor of less-structured, relaxed working environment in contributed , no 1 received lavish benefits. declining usual executive perks stood model future generations of intel ceos.

at intel, oversaw ted hoff s invention of microprocessor, second revolution.


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