Possible affiliations Hunnic language

1 possible affiliations

1.1 altaic-turkic
1.2 indo-european
1.3 uralic
1.4 xiongnu
1.5 yeniseian

possible affiliations

many of waves of nomadic peoples swept eastern europe, known have spoken languages variety of families. several proposals affinities of hunnic have been made.


a number of historians , linguists including peter heather , karl heinrich menges feel proper names allow hunnic language positioned in broad group of altaic languages. heather argued opinions differ on linguistic affiliation, best guess seem huns first group of turkic, opposed iranian, nomads have intruded europe . although menges reserved towards language evidence, view of huns there ethnological reasons considering them turkic or close turks .

omeljan pritsak in study (1982), hunnic language of attila clan , analyzing 33 survived personal names concluded: not turkic language, 1 between turkic , mongolian, closer former latter. language had strong ties bulgar language , modern chuvash, had important connections, lexical , morphological, ottoman turkish , yakut .

otto maenchen-helfen pointed out many tribal , proper names among huns appear have originated in turkic languages, , spoke one. scholars suppose hunnic may have been turkic, possibly member of oghuric branch of turkic language family, bulgar, khazar, , chuvash belong.

lászlo marácz noted in recent years increasing number of linguists demonstrate basis of turkic , mongolian languages language of huns , , on basis reconstructed hun words found in chinese chronicles. in 2013, hyun jin kim concluded seems highly names know, of seem turkic, hunnic elite predominantly turkic-speaking .


maenchen-helfen classified few names germanized or germanic, , iranian.


attempts have been made identify hunnic language hungarian. these have not achieved scholarly approval. thesis simon of kéza, dedicated gesta hungarorum ladislaus iv (1272–1290), preserved genuine magyar traditions huns has long been refuted. eighty years ago hodgkin wrote: hungarian traditions no more illustrate history of attila book of mormon illustrates history of jews . hungarian legends , histories medieval times onwards assume close ties huns. name hunor preserved in legends , (with few hunnic names, such attila) used given name in modern hungary , in turkey atilla , onur respectively. hungarian people share belief székelys, hungarian ethnic group living in modern-day transylvania, descended group of huns remained in carpathian basin after 454; myth recorded in medieval gesta hungarorum.


it has been suggested hunnic language related of xiongnu (or hsiung-nu) of mongolia – language of unknown affiliations.


some scholars – notably lajos ligeti (1950/51) , edwin g. pulleyblank (1962) – have claimed languages of siberia, ket – member of yeniseian language family – may have been major source (or perhaps linguistic core) of xiongnu and/or hunnic languages. marácz claimed, however, purportedly yeniseian words have mongolian and/or turkic origins.


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