Service Renown-class battlecruiser

1 service

1.1 first world war

1.1.1 second battle of heligoland bight

1.2 inter-war service

1.2.1 1930s reconstructions

1.3 second world war

first world war

both ships spent of remainder of 1916 , 1917 in hands of dockyards having armour upgraded , conducting routine patrols of north sea. assigned 1st battlecruiser squadron (bcs) duration of war. repulse relieved lion flagship of 1st bcs.

second battle of heligoland bight

over course of 1917 admiralty became more concerned german efforts in north sea sweep paths through british-laid minefields intended restrict actions of high seas fleet , german submarines. preliminary raid on german minesweeping forces on 31 october light forces destroyed ten small ships , admiralty decided on larger operation destroy minesweepers , escorting light cruisers. based on intelligence reports admiralty decided on 17 november 1917 allocate 2 light cruiser squadrons, 1st cruiser squadron covered reinforced 1st bcs (less renown) and, more distantly, battleships of 1st battle squadron operation.

repulse in august 1918

the german ships, 4 light cruisers of ii scouting force, 8 destroyers, 3 divisions of minesweepers, 8 sperrbrechers (cork-filled trawlers, used detonate mines without sinking) , 2 trawlers mark swept route, spotted @ 7:30 a.m., silhouetted rising sun. light battlecruiser courageous , light cruiser cardiff opened fire forward guns 7 minutes later. germans responded laying effective smoke screen. british continued in pursuit, lost track of of smaller ships in smoke , concentrated fire on light cruisers opportunity permitted. repulse detached not long after , raced forward @ full speed engage enemy ships. opened fire @ 9:00, scoring single hit on light cruiser sms königsberg during battle. when german battleships sms kaiser , sms kaiserin spotted 9:50 british broke off pursuit , repulse covered retreat, aided heavy fog came down around 10:40.

in september 1917 repulse became first capital ship fitted aircraft flying-off platforms on turrets. sopwith pup took off platform mounted on b turret on 1 october , repeated achievement on 9 october y turret. renown received platforms in 1918.

on 12 december 1917 renown put sea other elements of fleet in unsuccessful attempt intercept german 3rd half-flotilla of destroyers had destroyed scandinavian convoy , of escorts. rest of war 2 ships patrolled north sea uneventfully. both ships present @ surrender of high seas fleet @ scapa flow on 21 november 1918.

inter-war service

repulse moored @ vancouver during 1923-24 world cruise.

repulse began major refit @ portsmouth on 17 december 1918 intended drastically improve armour protection. existing 6-inch armour belt replaced 9-inch (229 mm) armour plates made surplus conversion of battleship almirante cochrane (originally ordered chile , purchased after war began) aircraft carrier eagle. old armour fitted between main , upper decks, above new armour belt. additional high-tensile plating added decks on magazines. ship s anti-torpedo bulge deepened , reworked along lines of installed on battleship ramillies. bulge covered hull submerged torpedo room y magazine , inner compartments of filled crushing tubes. bulges added 12 feet 8 inches (3.9 m) beam , 1 foot 4 inches (0.4 m) draught. refit added 4,500 long tons (4,600 t) displacement , raised metacentric height 6.4 feet (2.0 m) @ deep load. 3 30-foot rangefinders added 8 torpedo tubes in twin mounts on upper deck. both flying-off platforms removed.

when grand fleet disbanded in april 1919 renown assigned battlecruiser squadron of atlantic fleet. in june refitted in preparation tour of canada, newfoundland , united states edward, prince of wales, , both flying-off platforms removed. january march 1920 renown refitted more extensively royal yacht . aft 4-inch mounting , both 3-inch aa guns removed accommodation , promenade deck built. large deckhouse built on shelter deck between funnels. port side housed squash court while starboard side cinema. ship sailed in march australia , new zealand prince of wales , entourage aboard , made many stops en route. returned portsmouth in october , placed in reserve in november.

renown recommissioned in september 1921 tour of india , japan prince of wales , sailed portsmouth in october. ship arrived in portsmouth in june 1922 , placed in reserve following month. ship began reconstruction same month along lines of sister, although changes made based on experiences repulse. renown s main armour belt removed , new 9-inch belt installed, using remaining plates left on almirante cochrane new armour, installed 3 feet (0.9 m) higher on repulse offset increase in draught. strake of tapered armour fitted underneath main belt deflect shell dived beneath water s surface; 9-inches thick @ top , thinned 2 inches (51 mm) @ bottom. ship s deck armour heavily reinforced adjacent machinery spaces , magazines. 2 longitudinal bulkheads added between upper , main decks ran base of conning tower end of boiler rooms. bulges reworked , based on used in queen elizabeth-class battleships although crushing tubes used abreast magazines. rear triple 4-inch gun mount replaced. flying-off platform on b turret reinstated , high-angle control position (hacp) added fore-top. pair of 3-inch aa guns , 2 single four-inch gun mounts removed , replaced 4 qf four-inch mark v anti-aircraft guns. had maximum depression of -5° , maximum elevation of 80°. fired 31-pound (14 kg) high explosive shell @ muzzle velocity of 2,387 ft/s (728 m/s) @ rate of ten fifteen rounds per minute. guns had maximum ceiling of 31,000 ft (9,400 m), effective range of less. reconstruction added 3,500 long tons (3,600 t) ship s displacement , 3 inches draught.

renown @ fremantle during 1927 cruise australia

repulse recommissioned on 1 january 1921 , joined battlecruiser squadron. in november 1923, hood, accompanied repulse , number of danae-class cruisers of 1st light cruiser squadron, set out on world cruise west east via panama canal. returned home ten months later in september 1924. shortly after return ship s pair of 3-inch aa guns , 2 single four-inch gun mounts removed , replaced 4 qf four-inch mark v aa guns. battlecruiser squadron visited lisbon in february 1925 participate in vasco da gama celebrations before continuing on mediterranean exercises. squash court added on starboard side between funnels prince of wales tour of africa , south america lasted march october. upon return refitted november 1925 july 1926 , had hacp added fore-top.

renown finished reconstruction in september 1926 , assigned battlecruiser squadron until ship detached convey prince albert of york australia between january , july 1927. upon return rejoined atlantic fleet. renown became flagship of bcs when hood refitting between 1929 , 1931. hood reassumed role flagship after recommissioned , renown paid off refit of own. high-angle control system mark fitted director on roof of fore-top replaced high-angle rangefinder , conning tower platform enlarged accommodate pair of mk v octuple mountings qf 2-pounder mk viii gun mk v mounts depress −10° , elevate maximum of 80°. mark viii 2-pounder gun fired 40-millimetre (1.6 in) .91-pound (0.41 kg) shell @ muzzle velocity of 1,920 ft/s (590 m/s) distance of 3,800 yards (3,500 m). gun s rate of fire approximately 96–98 rounds per minute. 1 mount available, however, , it, along director, fitted on starboard side. renown had midships triple 4-inch mount removed make room aircraft catapult not fitted until 1933. port mark v 2-pounder mount fitted, albeit without director, same year. ship carried fairey iii floatplane reconnaissance purposes. flying-off platform removed.

1930s reconstructions

after repulse completed 1926 refit remained in commission, aside brief refit in july–september 1927, bcs of atlantic fleet until paid off in june 1932 prior beginning reconstruction in april 1933. of existing layers of high-tensile steel constituted ship s horizontal armour replaced non-cemented armour plates 2.5–3.5 inches (64–89 mm) in thickness , torpedo control tower removed aft superstructure. fixed catapult replaced midships 4-inch triple mount , hangar built on each side of rear funnel house 2 of ship s fairey iii aircraft. 1 additional aircraft carried on deck , on catapult itself. electric cranes mounted above each hangar handle aircraft. 4 4-inch aa guns moved, 1 pair abreast rear funnel @ level of hangar roof , other pair abreast fore funnel on forecastle deck. 4 prototype qf 4-inch mark xv dual-purpose guns added in twin-gun mark xviii mounts abreast mainmast. 2 octuple mark vi 2-pounder mounts fitted on extensions of conning-tower platform abreast fore funnel. above these pair of quadruple mark ii* mountings 0.5-inch vickers mark iii machine gun added. these mounts depress −10° , elevate maximum of 70°. machine guns fired 1.326-ounce (37.6 g) bullet @ muzzle velocity of 2,520 ft/s (770 m/s). gave gun maximum range of 5,000 yd (4,600 m), although effective range 800 yd (730 m) repulse received 2 hacs directors, 1 mark ii on fore-top , mark i* mounted on pedestal above rear superstructure. 2 submerged torpedo tubes removed , vacant spaces sub-divided , turned store-rooms.

renown began own more thorough reconstruction in september 1936, based on of battleship warspite. superstructure , funnels razed level of upper deck, masts taken out , ship s main , secondary armament removed. large splinter-proof tower superstructure built, topped director-control tower main armament , 2 hacs mark iv directors. armoured hood formerly mounted above conning tower reinstalled on rear superstructure. ship s engines , boilers replaced parsons geared turbine sets , 8 admiralty three-drum boilers. saved 2,800 long tons (2,800 t) of weight , allowed 2 forward boiler rooms converted 4.5-inch (110 mm) magazines , other uses. renown s deck protection upgraded adding non-cemented armour had not been added earlier , protecting new 4.5-inch magazines. in repulse hangars built abreast rear funnel , catapult fitted between rear funnel , aft superstructure.

the ship s 15-inch gun turrets modified mark (n) standard elevation increased 30°. twenty dual-purpose qf 4.5-inch mark iii guns in twin bd mark ii mountings replaced of 4-inch guns. 6 of gun turrets, 3 on each side, abreast forward funnel while remaining 4 mounted on abreast main mast. bd mark ii mounts had elevation limits of −5° +80°. mark iii gun fired 55-pound (25 kg) high explosive shell @ muzzle velocity of 2,350 ft/s (720 m/s). rate of fire 12 rounds per minute. had maximum effective ceiling of 41,000 ft (12,000 m). guns controlled 4 dual-purpose mark iv directors, 2 mounted on rear of bridge structure , remaining 2 on aft superstructure. fed tracking data hacs mark iv analog computer high-angle targets , admiralty fire control clock mark vii low-angle targets. each gun provided 400 round of ammunition. 3 octuple mark vi 2-pounder mounts fitted, 2 on platform between funnels , third @ rear of aft superstructure. each provided mark iii* director. 4 quadruple vickers .50-calibre mark iii mounts added, 2 each on forward , rear superstructures. submerged torpedo tubes removed , 8 above-water torpedo tubes added.

repulse departing singapore on 8 december 1941

repulse assigned mediterranean fleet when recommissioned in april 1936. transported 500 refugees palma, majorca marseilles, france in late 1936 after start of spanish civil war. ship present @ coronation fleet review @ spithead on 20 may 1937 george vi. repulse sent haifa in july 1938 maintain order during arab revolt. selected convey king , queen during may 1939 canadian tour , refitted between october 1938 , march 1939 role. twin 4-inch aa guns replaced 2 more mark v guns , 2 additional quadruple .50-calibre mounts added. king , queen traveled aboard liner rms empress of australia while repulse escorted them on first half of journey.

second world war

repulse @ bottom, having been hit once bomb, 10 december 1941

the beginning of second world war found repulse assigned battlecruiser squadron of home fleet. patrolled off norwegian coast , in north sea in search of german ships , enforce blockade. in war repulse had aft triple 4-inch mount replaced 8-barrel 2-pounder mount. in late october transferred halifax aircraft carrier furious protect convoys , search german raiders. escorted convoy bringing of 1st canadian infantry division britain in mid-december 1939 , reassigned home fleet. ship supported allied operations during norwegian campaign in april–june 1940. accompanied renown , 1st cruiser squadron, repulse attempted intercept german battleship gneisenau sailed trondheim germany in july. until may 1941 ship escorted convoys , unsuccessfully searched german ships. on 22 may repulse diverted escorting convoy ws8b assist in search german battleship bismarck, had break off search on 25 may running low on fuel. ship refitted june august , received 8 oerlikon 20-millimetre (0.79 in) autocannon type 284 surface gunnery radar. repulse escorted troop convoy around cape of hope august october , transferred east indies command.

to deter japanese aggression in far east in late 1941, winston churchill determined send small group of fast capital ships, along 1 modern aircraft carrier singapore. repulse in indian ocean , ordered colombo in november rendezvous battleship prince of wales form force z. carrier indomitable supposed join them, delayed when ran aground while working in caribbean. 2 ships, , escorting destroyers, arrived in singapore on 2 december. force z departed on evening of 8 december in attempt destroy japanese troop convoys , protect army s seaward flanks japanese landings in rear. spotted japanese reconnaissance aircraft during following afternoon , shadowed rest of day. admiral sir tom phillips decided cancel operation japanese alerted. force z turned during evening, spotted again on morning of 10 december. 4 hours later japanese bombers arrived , attacked repulse high altitude; damaged 1 bomb hit in port hangar. second wave consisted of torpedo bombers missed repulse, scored @ least 1 hit on prince of wales. third wave again consisted of high-altitude level bombers missed repulse entirely. fourth wave of torpedo bombers managed hit repulse once amidships on port side. final wave of torpedo bombers hit repulse 3 more torpedoes , ship capsized loss of 508 officers , men. sinking of prince of wales , repulse contributed rapid fall of singapore , malaya japanese, , demonstrated dominance of air power on capital ships had been backbone of naval power since 1600s.

renown in indian ocean area, 12 may 1944. valiant in right distance. french battleship richelieu in left background.

renown recommissioned on 28 august 1939 part of home fleet. sister, spent september patrolling in north sea, transferred force k in south atlantic search pocket battleship admiral graf spee. ship joined force h @ cape of hope in november prevent admiral graf spee breaking south atlantic. unsuccessful in this, sank blockade runner ss watussi on 2 december. remained in south atlantic after admiral graf spee scuttled on 13 december , did not return home fleet until march 1940. ship became flagship of battlecruiser squadron when hood paid off refit month. renown supported british forces during norwegian campaign , briefly engaged german battleships scharnhorst , gneisenau on 9 april. renown opened fire first, hit first 2 28-centimetre (11 in) shells damaged her. few minutes later hit gneisenau 1 15-inch , 2 4.5-inch shells knocked out main fire-control director , damaged rangefinder on turret. german ships faster renown in heavy weather , able disengage. ship repaired 20 april 18 may , provided cover during evacuation norway in june. renown transferred force h @ gibraltar in august , relieved hood flagship.

in november 1940 force h covered small aircraft carrier argus flew off hurricane fighters bound malta position south of sardinia. later month force h participated in inconclusive battle of cape spartivento. renown bombarded genoa on 9 february 1941 little effect. renown , force h escorted convoys both inside , outside mediterranean in march–may 1941 before being summoned atlantic search bismarck. force h escorted convoy malta in july , renown returned home repairs next month. ship transferred home fleet in november when repairs complete. provided cover inbound , outbound convoys soviet union in march 1942. became flagship of force w formed escort carriers carrying fighters flown-off malta in april–may.

renown rejoined home fleet once missions completed, transferred force h in october 1942 participate in operation torch. returned britain refit february june 1943. ship brought winston churchill , staff quebec conference in september , conveyed them cairo conference in november. rejoined home fleet in december, in time transferred eastern fleet few weeks later. renown arrived in colombo @ end of january 1944 flagship of 1st battle squadron. in april participated in operation cockpit, airstrike against port , oil facilities on sabang, off island of sumatra. ship bombarded japanese-occupied facilities on car nicobar in nicobar islands , port blair in andaman islands on 30 april – 1 may. renown supported airstrike against surabaya, java (operation transom) on 17 may follow-on attack against port blair on 21 june. after airstrike on 25 july on sabang ship bombarded city. bombarded facilities in nicobar islands 17–19 october. on 22 november renown replaced flagship queen elizabeth , ship began refit @ durban december february 1945. recalled home waters in march, lest remaining german heavy ships make final sortie, , reached rosyth on 15 april. given brief refit when concern proved illusory , placed in reserve in may 1945. renown partially disarmed in july when 6 of 4.5-inch turrets removed, of light guns. ship hosted meeting between king george vi , president truman on 3 august when latter en route home aboard heavy cruiser uss augusta. decision dispose of ship announced on 21 january 1948 , towed faslane scrapping on 3 august.

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