Y DNA Nilotic peoples

nilotic men in kapoeta, south sudan.

a y-chromosome study wood et al. (2005) tested various populations in africa paternal lineages, including 26 maasai , 9 luo kenya, , 9 alur democratic republic of congo. signature nilotic paternal marker haplogroup a3b2 observed in 27% of maasai, 22% of alur, , 11% of luo.

according gomes et al. (2010), haplogroup b characteristically nilotic paternal marker. found in 22% of wood et al. s luo samples , 8% of studied maasai. e1b1b haplogroup has been observed @ overall frequencies of around 11% among nilo-saharan-speaking groups in great lakes area, influence concentrated among maasai (50%). indicative of substantial historic gene flow cushitic-speaking males these nilo-saharan-speaking populations. in addition, 67% of alur samples possessed e2 haplogroup.

a study hassan et al. (2008) analysed y-dna of populations in sudan region, various local nilotic groups included comparison. researchers found signature nilotic , b clades common paternal lineages amongst nilo-saharan speakers, except inhabiting western sudan. there, appreciable north african influence noted. haplogroup observed amongst 62% of dinka, 53.3% of shilluk, 46.4% of nuba, 33.3% of nuer, 31.3% of fur , 18.8% of masalit. haplogroup b found in 50% of nuer, 26.7% of shilluk, 23% of dinka, 14.3% of nuba, 3.1% of fur , 3.1% of masalit. e1b1b clade observed in 71.9% of masalit, 59.4% of fur, 39.3% of nuba, 20% of shilluk, 16.7% of nuer, , 15% of dinka. hassan et al. attributed atypically high frequencies of haplogroup in masalit either recent population bottleneck, altered community s original haplogroup diversity, or geographical proximity e1b1b s place of origin in north africa. researchers suggest clade might have been brought sudan [...] after progressive desertification of sahara around 6,000–8,000 years ago . henn et al. (2008) observed afro-asiatic influence in nilotic datog of northern tanzania, 43% of whom carried m293 sub-clade of e1b1b.


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