Other media Simon Mayo Drivetime

1 other media

1.1 podcasts
1.2 books
1.3 album

1.3.1 track listing

other media

as several other shows across bbc radio, highlights show released podcast, can downloaded bbc s website , other sources (such itunes). 2 weekly podcasts produced, both released on fridays. weekly mayo features highlights of interviews preceding week, whilst simon mayo s confessions collection of confessions.


two books have been released bantam press, both based on features show. first, confessions, released on 13 october 2011 featuring collection of best confessions featured on programme, , second, entitled homework sucks!, released year later on 11 october 2012 featuring selection of homework sucks questions , answers.


an album featuring selection of live tracks performed on show, alongside other tracks picked mayo released on 24 february 2014.

track listing


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