History Monarchy of Denmark

1 history

1.1 kingdom
1.2 absolutism
1.3 constitutional period


early kingdom

one of 2 jelling stones, attesting harald bluetooth s unification , christianization of denmark.

the danish monarchy on 1000 years old, making fourth oldest continuous monarchy in world still existing today, oldest being imperial house of japan, , oldest monarchy in europe still exist. modern kingdom of denmark dates harthacnut s son, gorm old (gorm den gamle), reigned in 10th century.

the danes united , officially christianized in 965 ce harald bluetooth, story of recorded on jelling stones. exact extent of harald s kingdom unknown, although s reasonable believe stretched defensive line of dannevirke, including viking city of hedeby, across jutland, danish isles , southern present day sweden; scania , perhaps halland. furthermore, jelling stones attests harald had won norway. son of harald, sweyn forkbeard, mounted series of wars of conquest against england, completed sweyn s son cnut great middle of eleventh century. reign of cnut represented peak of danish viking age; north sea empire included denmark (1018), norway (1028), england (1035) , held strong influence on north-eastern coast of germany.

the last monarch descended valdemar iv, christopher iii of denmark, died in 1448. count christian of oldenburg, descendant of valdemar iv s aunt richeza, chosen successor , became next monarch of denmark, ruling under name christian i.


memorial inside christiansborg palace. depicted frederick iii , event commemorated failed swedish attack on copenhagen in 1659.

originally danish monarchy elective, in practice eldest son of reigning monarch elected. later coronation charter signed king restrict powers of danish monarch.

in 1657, during second northern war, king frederick iii launched war of revenge against sweden turned complete disaster. war became disaster 2 reasons: primarily, because denmark s new powerful ally, netherlands, remained neutral denmark aggressor , sweden defender. secondly, belts froze on in rare occurrence during winter of 1657-1658, allowing king charles x gustav of sweden lead armies across ice invade zealand. in following treaty of roskilde, denmark–norway capitulated , gave of eastern denmark (i.e. skåne, halland, blekinge , bornholm), in addition counties of bohuslän , trøndelag in norway.

but second northern war not yet over. 3 months after peace treaty signed, charles x gustav held council of war decided wipe denmark map , unite of scandinavia under rule. once again swedish army arrived outside copenhagen. however, time danes did not panic or surrender. instead, decided fight , prepared defend copenhagen. frederick iii had stayed in capital , encouraged citizens of copenhagen resist swedes, saying die in nest , rather evacuate safety in norway. furthermore, unprovoked declaration of war sweden triggered alliance denmark–norway had netherlands, , powerful dutch fleet sent copenhagen vital supplies , reinforcements, saved city being captured during swedish attack.

charles x gustav died of illness in 1660, while planning invasion of norway. following death, sweden made peace in treaty of copenhagen. swedes returned trøndelag norway , bornholm denmark, kept other territories gained 2 years earlier. netherlands , other european powers accepted settlement, not wanting both coasts of sound controlled denmark. treaty established boundaries between norway, denmark, , sweden still exist today. absolutism introduced in 1660–1661 , elective monarchy de jure transformed hereditary monarchy. male primogeniture succession laid down in law in royal decree of 1665.

constitutional period

during german occupation of world war ii, king christian x became powerful symbol of national identity. image dates king s birthday, 26 september 1940.

when succeeded throne in january 1848, king frederick vii @ once met demands constitution , end absolutism. schleswig-holsteiners wanted independent state while danes wished maintain south jutland danish area. frederick vii yielded danish demands, , in march accepted end of absolutism, resulted in june constitution of 1849. during first war of schleswig against german powers in 1848–51, frederick appeared ”the national leader” , regarded war hero, despite having never taken active part in struggles. on 5 june 1849 constitution, known june constitution, altered create framework of constitutional monarchy denmark. king frederick vii without legtimate issue, prince christian of glücksborg chosen in 1853 heir presumptive danish throne, approval of great powers of europe, in light of expected extinction of senior line of house of oldenburg. justification choice marriage louise of hesse-kassel, niece of christian viii, more close relative incumbent king husband.

upon death of king frederick vii of denmark in 1863, christian ix acceded throne first danish monarch of house of glücksburg. christian ix became known father-in-law of europe due family ties other ruling dynasties of europe: daughter princess alexandra married edward vii of united kingdom, daughter princess dagmar married alexander iii of russia , princess thyra married crown prince ernst august of hanover. son vilhelm went on become george of greece. further, grandson carl became haakon vii of norway. day danish royal family related other reigning european dynasties.

the easter crisis of 1920 constitutional crisis began dismissal of elected government king christian x, reserve power granted him danish constitution. immediate cause conflict between king , cabinet on reunification denmark of schleswig, former danish fiefdom had been lost prussia during second war of schleswig. according terms of treaty of versailles, disposition of schleswig determined 2 schleswig plebiscites: 1 in northern schleswig (today denmark s south jutland county), other in central schleswig (today part of german state of schleswig-holstein). many danish nationalists felt central schleswig should returned denmark regardless of plebiscite s results, motivated desire see germany permanently weakened in future. christian x agreed these sentiments, , ordered prime minister carl theodor zahle include central schleswig in re-unification process. denmark had been operating parliamentary democracy since cabinet of deuntzer in 1901, zahle felt under no obligation comply. refused order , resigned several days later after heated exchange king.

subsequently, christian x dismissed rest of government , replaced de facto conservative care-taker cabinet under otto liebe. dismissal caused demonstrations , revolutionary atmosphere in denmark, , several days future of monarchy seemed in doubt. in light of this, negotiations opened between king , members of social democrats. faced potential overthrow of danish monarchy, christian x backed down , dismissed own government. recent time sitting danish monarch made executive decision without support of cabinet accountable legislature; following crisis, christian x accepted drastically reduced role symbolic head of state.

the act of succession of 27 march 1953 promulgated after 1953 referendum introduced possibility of female succession and, in effect, made current queen regnant, margrethe ii, heir presumptive , eventual successor father, frederick ix upon death in 1972, rather uncle prince knud.

following referendum in 2009, act of succession amended primogeniture no longer puts males on females. in other words, first-born child become heir throne regardless of gender.


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