Cuisine East Java

rujak cingur, traditional dish east java

east javanese food famous of bakso malang, rawon, , tahu campur lamongan. surabaya famous rojak cingur, semanggi, lontong balap, clams satay, mussels , rice cake. malang has been popular variety of processed fruits, apples, crisps tempeh, bakpao telo, bakso malang, rawon , cwie noodles. kediri famous tahu takwa, tahu pong, , getuk pisang. madiun known pecel madiun, , producer of brem. subdistrict of babat, lamongan famous producer of wingko. bondowoso known producer of tape. gresik famous nasi krawu, otak-otak bandeng, bonggolan. sidoarjo famous shrimp crackers, shrimp paste, , petis. ngawi famous tempeh chips, tahu tepo, , nasi lethok. blitar has typical food pecel. rambutan native blitar. banyuwangi famous sego tempong, salad soup, , pecel rawon. jember have special food made of tape suwar-suwir , tape proll sweet. corn known 1 of staple food of madurese, while cassava processed gaplek, staple food used part of population in pacitan , trenggalek. tulungagung famous lodho, goat satay , pecel tulungagung.


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