Synthetic chemicals and other substances List of unproven and disproven cancer treatments

shark cartilage might thought of cancer treatment because of mistaken belief sharks not cancer.

714-x – called trimethylbicyclonitramineoheptane chloride , mixture of chemicals marketed commercially cure many human ailments, including cancer. there no scientific evidence anti-cancer effect 714-x.
antineoplaston therapy – form of chemotherapy promoted burzynski clinic in texas, united states. american cancer society has found no evidence antineoplastons have beneficial effects in cancer, , has recommended people not spend money on antineoplaston treatments.
apitherapy – use of products derived bees, such honey , bee venom, therapy. apitherapy has been promoted anti-cancer effects; according american cancer society, there have been no clinical studies in humans showing bee venom or other honeybee products effective in preventing or treating cancer.
cancer cell treatment – patented cream-based formula. per own page cc formula has not been approved fda. product claims disrupt krebs cycle of cancer cells.
cancell (also called protocel, sheridan s formula, jim s juice, crocinic acid, js–114, js–101, 126–f, , entelev) – formula has been promoted treatment wide range of diseases, including cancer. american cancer society , memorial sloan-kettering cancer center recommend against use of cancell, there no evidence effective in treating disease, , proposed method of action not consistent modern science.
cell therapy – practice of injecting cellular material animals in attempt prevent or treat cancer. although use of human-to-human cell therapy has established medical uses, injection of animal material is, according american cancer society, not backed evidence of effectiveness, , may in fact lethal .
caesium chloride – toxic salt, promoted cancer cure (sometimes high ph therapy ), on basis targets cancer cells. however, there no evidence support these claims, while serious adverse reactions have been reported. these include hypokalemia, arrythmia, , acute cardiac arrest.
chelation therapy – removal of metals body administering chelating agents. chelation therapy legitimate therapy heavy metal poisoning, has been promoted alternative treatment diseases including cancer. american cancer society says: available scientific evidence not support claims effective treating other conditions such cancer. chelation therapy can toxic , has potential cause kidney damage, irregular heartbeat, , death.
cytokine therapy (or klehr s autologous tumor therapy) – so-called immunotherapy therapeutic substrate made of cytokines cancer patients blood. inventor of method nikolaus walther klehr, dermatologist, practiced in private clinics in salzburg , munich. patients slovenia, poland , other eastern european countries. klehr reported claiming treatment leads extended lifespan. according german cancer aid, mechanism of action unclear , method s clinical effectiveness unproven.

oil extracted fat tissue of emu has been fraudulently marketed cancer treatment

colloidal silver – liquid containing suspension of silver particles, marketed treatment cancer , other ailments. quackwatch states colloidal silver dietary supplements have not been found safe or effective treatment of condition.
coral calcium – dietary supplement supposedly made crushed coral , promoted claims treat number of diseases including cancer. consumer advisory issued national center complementary , alternative medicine stated consumers should aware claims coral calcium can treat or cure cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, heart disease, or high blood pressure not supported existing scientific evidence .
di bella therapy – cocktail of vitamins, drugs , hormones devised luigi di bella (1912–2003) , promoted cancer treatment. according american cancer society: available scientific evidence not support claims di bella therapy effective in treating cancer. can cause serious , harmful side effects. ... [these] may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased blood sugar levels, low blood pressure, sleepiness, , neurological symptoms.
dimethyl sulfoxide (or dmso) – organosulfur compound has been promoted treatment cancer since 1960s. according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not suggest dmso effective in treating cancer in humans .
emu oil – oil derived adipose tissue of emu, , promoted in dietary supplement form claimed ability treat wide range of diseases, including cancer. these products have been cited food , drug administration prime example of rip-off .
gc-maf (gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor) – type of protein affects immune system, , has been promoted miracle cure cancer , hiv. according cancer research uk, there no solid scientific evidence show treatment safe or effective .
germanium – mineral has been sold in supplement form claim capable of treating leukemia , lung cancer. there no evidence of benefit, , instead evidence such supplements actively harmful.
hydrazine sulfate – chemical compound promoted (sometimes rocket fuel treatment ) supposed ability treat cancer. according cancer research uk, although there evidence hydrazine sulfate might people cancer gain weight, there no evidence helps treat cancer .

hyperbaric chamber

hyperbaric oxygen therapy – use of pressurized oxygen environment therapy. hyperbaric oxygen therapy has number of accepted uses – example hyperbaric chambers used treating decompression sickness. therapy has been promoted cure-all wide range of conditions, including cancer, there no evidence of effectiveness.
insulin potentiation therapy – practice of injecting insulin, alongside low dose of conventional chemotherapy drugs, in belief improves overall effect of treatment. although may cause temporary reduction in tumor size patients, there no evidence improves survival time or other main outcomes.
krebiozen (also known carcalon, creatine, substance x, or drug x) – mineral oil-based liquid sold alternative cancer treatment. according american cancer society: available scientific evidence not support claims krebiozen effective in treating cancer or other disease. according u.s. food , drug administration (fda), creatine has been linked several dangerous side effects.
lipoic acid – antioxidant available dietary supplement , claimed proponents capable of slowing cancer progression. according american cancer society, there no reliable scientific evidence @ time lipoic acid prevents development or spread of cancer .
miracle mineral supplement (or mms) – toxic solution of 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water, promoted treating cancer , other ailments. quackwatch states, product, when used directed, produces industrial bleach can cause serious harm health .
orthomolecular medicine (or megavitamin therapy) – use of high doses of vitamins, claimed proponents cure cancer. view of medical community there no evidence these therapies effective treating disease.
oxygen therapy – in alternative medicine, practice of injecting hydrogen peroxide, oxygenating blood, or administering oxygen under pressure rectum, vagina, or other bodily opening. according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claims putting oxygen-releasing chemicals person s body effective in treating cancer , , of these treatments can dangerous.
poly-mva – dietary supplement created merrill garnett (1931–), former dentist turned biochemist. poly-mva promoted treatment number of diseases including hiv/aids , cancer, there no medical evidence support such claims , concern use of poly-mva can interfere functioning of conventional cancer treatments.
quercetin – plant pigment used in dietary supplements have been promoted ability prevent , treat cancer; however, according american cancer society, there no reliable clinical evidence quercetin can prevent or treat cancer in humans .
revici s guided chemotherapy – practice in chemical mixture (usually including lipid alcohol , various metals) given mouth or injection, supposedly cure cancer. practice devised emanuel revici (1896–1997) , differs modern chemotherapy despite being named same term. according american cancer society: available scientific evidence not support claims revici s guided chemotherapy effective in treating cancer or other disease. may cause potentially serious side effects.

in urine therapy patients attempt treat cancer ingesting own urine.

shark cartilage – dietary supplement made ground shark skeleton, , promoted cancer treatment perhaps because of mistaken notion sharks not cancer. mayo clinic conducted research , unable demonstrate suggestion of efficacy shark cartilage product in patients advanced cancer .
sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda) – chemical compound formula nahco3, promoted cure cancer alternative medical practitioners such tullio simoncini. according american cancer society: evidence not support idea sodium bicarbonate works treatment form of cancer or cures yeast or fungal infections. there substantial evidence, however, these claims false.
urine therapy (or urotherapy) – practice of attempting treat cancer – or other illnesses – drinking, injecting or taking enema of 1 s own urine, or making , taking derivative substance it. according american cancer society, available scientific evidence not support claims urine or urea given in form helpful cancer patients .
vitacor – type of vitamin supplement devised matthias rath , heavily promoted on internet, alongside other products rath s company under cellular health brand, claimed treatment cancer , other human disease; these claims have led rath s prosecution. according cancer research uk, there no scientific evidence @ claims these products work .


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