Belief and practice Episcopal Church (United States)

1 belief , practice

1.1 social positions

1.1.1 economic issues
1.1.2 marriage of same-sex couples
1.1.3 ordination of lgbt-identified individuals
1.1.4 racial equality
1.1.5 reproductive rights
1.1.6 euthanasia

belief , practice

the episcopal consecration of 8th bishop of northern indiana in 2016 laying on of hands

the center of episcopal teaching life , resurrection of jesus christ. basic teachings of church, or catechism, include:

jesus christ human , god. died , resurrected dead.
jesus provides way of eternal life believe.
god father, god son (jesus christ), , god holy spirit, 1 god, , called holy trinity ( 3 , yet 1 ).
the old , new testaments of bible written people under inspiration of holy spirit. apocrypha additional books used in christian worship, not formation of doctrine.
the 2 great , necessary sacraments holy baptism , holy eucharist.
other sacramental rites confirmation, ordination, marriage, reconciliation of penitent, , unction.
belief in heaven, hell, , jesus return in glory.
emphasis on living out great commandment love god , neighbor fully, found in gospel of matthew 28:18 - 20

the full catechism included in book of common prayer , posted on episcopal website.

the episcopal church follows via media or middle way between protestant , roman catholic doctrine , practices: both catholic , reformed. although many episcopalians identify concept, convictions lean toward either evangelicalism or anglo-catholicism may not.

a broad spectrum of theological views represented within episcopal church. episcopal members or theologians hold evangelical positions, affirming authority of scripture on all. episcopal church website glossary defines sources of authority balance between scripture, tradition, , reason. these 3 characterized three-legged stool topple if 1 overbalances other. notes

the anglican balancing of sources of authority has been criticized clumsy or muddy. has been associated anglican affinity seeking mean between extremes , living via media. has been associated anglican willingness tolerate , comprehend opposing viewpoints instead of imposing tests of orthodoxy or resorting heresy trials.

this balance of scripture, tradition , reason traced work of richard hooker, 16th-century apologist. in hooker s model, scripture primary means of arriving @ doctrine , things stated plainly in scripture accepted true. issues ambiguous determined tradition, checked reason. noting role of personal experience in christian life, episcopalians have advocated following example of wesleyan quadrilateral of methodist theology thinking in terms of fourth leg of experience . understanding highly dependent on work of friedrich schleiermacher.

a public example of struggle between different christian positions in church has been 2003 consecration of gene robinson, openly gay man living long-term partner. acceptance/rejection of consecration motivated different views on understanding of scripture. struggle has members concerned church may not continue relationship larger anglican church. others, however, view pluralism asset, allowing place both sides balance each other.

comedian , episcopalian robin williams once described episcopal faith (and, in performance in london, church of england) catholic lite – same rituals, half guilt .

social positions
economic issues

in 1991, convention recommended parity in pay , benefits between clergy , lay employees in equivalent positions. several times between 1979 , 2003, convention expressed concern on affordable housing , supported work provide affordable housing. in 1982 , 1997, convention reaffirmed church s commitment eradicating poverty , malnutrition, , challenged parishes increase ministries poor. convention urged church in 1997 , 2000 promote living wages all. in 2003, convention urged u.s. legislators raise national minimum wage, , establish living wage health benefits national standard.

marriage of same-sex couples

at 2015 triennial general convention, church adopted “canonical , liturgical changes provide marriage equality episcopalians.” canonical change eliminated “language defining marriage between man , woman.” “two new marriage rites” contain language allows “them used same-sex or opposite-sex couples.” blessing of same-sex relationships not uniform throughout episcopal church. bishops may determine whether churches , priests within dioceses permitted use new liturgies. bishops not permit use must connect same-sex couples diocese liturgies allowed. still, no episcopal priest required perform new liturgies, in dioceses in permitted. church opposes state or federal constitutional amendments designed prohibit marriages of same-sex couples.

ordination of lgbt-identified individuals

openly gay, lesbian, bisexual , transgender individuals eligible ordained.

racial equality

in 1861, pamphlet entitled, scriptural, ecclesiastical, , historical view of slavery, written john henry hopkins, attempted justify slavery based on new testament , gave clear insight episcopal church s involvement in slavery. bishop hopkins letter on slavery ripped , misuse of sacred scriptures exposed, written g.w. hyer in 1863, opposed points mentioned in hopkins pamphlet , revealed startling divide in episcopal church on issue of slavery. in 1991, general convention declared practice of racism sin, , in 2006, unanimous house of bishops endorsed resolution a123 apologizing complicity in institution of slavery, , silence on jim crow laws, segregation, , racial discrimination.

reproductive rights

the church not approve of use of abortion means of birth control or family planning, recognizes woman s right receive one. abortion condoned in cases of rape, incest, fetal abnormalities, or when mother s physical or mental health @ risk. church opposes legislation prevent women obtaining abortions or information abortions.


the episcopal church disapproves of assisted suicide , other forms of euthanasia, teach permissible withdraw medical treatment, such artificial nutrition , hydration, when burden of such treatment outweighs benefits individual.


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