History HMS Phoebe (43)

1 history

1.1 mediterranean
1.2 africa
1.3 far east
1.4 post war


phoebe hm king george vi , hm queen elizabeth on board, coming alongside quay @ belfast in 1942

phoebe s first 6 months spent in home fleet, escorting troop convoys on first stage of long voyage via cape middle east. in april 1941 transferred 7th cruiser squadron in mediterranean. enemy-held territory here keep british fleet busy next 2 , half years, , phoebe have fair share of action. 1 of first operations evacuation of troops greece , crete, followed syria landings , transporting troops , tobruk.


on 23 october 1942, phoebe torpedoed german submarine u-161 off congo estuary, while on passage french equatorial africa. route simonstown in south africa freetown sierra leone, ship had refuel @ pointe noire. 2 u-boats (u-161 , u-126), patrolling area @ time.

after hit, corvette coming harbour prevented u-boat finishing off cruiser. 60 crew members tragically killed, including john lamprill,electrical mechanic 5c, c/mx 89526 (and 3 more died malaria in following days). after provisional repairs, phoebe made new york complete repairs. incredible feat sail 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) gaping hole (60 30 feet (18.3 m × 9.1 m)) in hull. repairs not completed until june 1943. in october 1943 returned mediterranean take part in aegean operations.

far east

the commanding officer leading cheers hm king george vi, on board phoebe, part of home fleet @ scapa flow in 1943

in may 1944, phoebe transferred eastern fleet , involved in strike operations against andaman islands, sabang in northern sumatra , nicobar islands. in january 1945, busy month, switched supporting amphibious operations in burma , engaged in actions against akyab, ramree island off arakan coast, , cheduba island. in may 1945, phoebe involved in amphibious assault on rangoon.

post war

three sailors hms phoebe in barracca gardens, malta

after vj-day, phoebe returned home refitting , spent 5 years in peacetime mediterranean fleet. in 1948 cruiser took elements of royal marines 40 commando haifa, assist in british withdrawal mandate palestine. on 30 june phoebe embarked last g. o. c. palestine , rearguard troops, evacuation completed. after period in reserve sold scrap in 1956. brought end relatively short eventful career.


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