Bibliography Kireet Joshi

1 bibliography

1.1 synthesis of yoga , allied themes
1.2 books on philosophy
1.3 indian culture
1.4 education
1.5 teaching learning material teacher training

1.5.1 monographs related theme of illumination, heroism, , harmony

1.6 speeches, lectures , videos

synthesis of yoga , allied themes

sri aurobindo , mother isbn 81-208-0655-7
sri aurobindo , integral yoga isbn 81-215-0831-2
the new synthesis of yoga - introduction isbn 978-81-89490-05-8
varieties of yogic experience , integral realisation isbn 978-81-89490-08-9
significance of indian yoga - overview isbn 978-81-89490-06-5
a pilgrim s quest highest , best isbn 978-81-89490-003
synthesis of yoga in veda isbn 978-81-89490-09-6
synthesis of yoga in upanishads oclc 588507571
the gita , synthesis of yoga isbn 978-81-89490-07-2
integral yoga - outline of major aims, processes, methods , results isbn 978-81-89490-04-1
integral yoga of transformation - psychic, spiritual , supramental
supermind in integral yoga - problem of ignorance, bondage, liberation , perfection
integral yoga , evolutionary mutation - aid humanity , human species isbn 978-81-89490-02-7
integral yoga, evolution , next species isbn 978-81-89490-03-4

books on philosophy

a philosophy of role of contemporary teacher
a philosophy of education contemporary youth
a philosophy of evolution contemporary man
philosophy , yoga of sri aurobindo , other essays
philosophy of value-oriented education (theory , practice)
philosophy of supermind , contemporary crisis
on materialism
towards universal fraternity
towards new social order

indian culture

the veda , indian culture
glimpses of vedic literature
landmarks of hinduism
the portals of vedic knowledge
stories youth in search of higher life
arguments of arjuna @ kurukshetra , sri krishna s answer


education @ crossroads
a national agenda education
education tomorrow
education character development
child, teacher , teacher training
innovations in education

teaching learning material teacher training

(edited kireet joshi)

the aim of life
the teacher , pupil
mystery , excellence of human body

monographs related theme of illumination, heroism, , harmony

• parvati s tapasya • nachiketas • taittiriya upanishad • sri rama • sri krishna in brindavan • nala , damayanti • svapna vasavadattam • episodes raghuvamsham • homer , iliad - sri aurobindo , ilion • siege of troy • gods , world • socrates • alexander great • crucifixion • joan of arc • catherine great • leonardo da vinci • uniting men - jean monnet • marie sklodowska curie • proofs of existence of god • science , spirituality • napoleon • danton • power of love (hugo s les misérables) • lenin

speeches, lectures , videos

a new synthesis of yoga necessity overcome impasse of modernity - skype
sachchidananda life divine book i,ch.9, 10, 11, 12
the ascent towards supermind
rebirth , other worlds
sri aurobindo s - life divine - human aspiration - chapter i
sri aurobindo, life divine, triple transformation
auroville education
education peace
on education
interview on education
the soul
on death
centre of international research in human unity
ignorance, liberation , perfection
on karma
the synthesis of yoga - super school auroville
the bhagavadgita
mahabharat , bhagavad gita
essays on gita
bhagavagd gita
isha upanishad - super school - auroville
isha upanishad- mira
sri aurobindo , veda
discoveries of vedic rishis
socrates , plato


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