By place of residence and ethnicity Disfranchisement

1 place of residence , ethnicity

1.1 united states

1.1.1 washington, d.c.
1.1.2 puerto rico

1.2 denmark

by place of residence , ethnicity

united states

in united states, state governments have had right establish requirements voters, voter registration, , conduct of elections. since founding of nation, legislatures have gradually expanded franchise (sometimes following federal constitutional amendments), propertied white men universal adult suffrage of age 18 , over, notable exclusion of persons convicted of crimes [1]. expansion of suffrage made on basis of lowering property requirements, granting suffrage freedmen , restoring suffrage in states free people of color following american civil war, white women in 1920, native americans in 1924, , persons on age of 18 in 1970s.

washington, d.c.

when district of columbia established national capital, lands contributed maryland , virginia, residents not allowed vote local or federal representatives, in effort prevent district endangering national government. congress had committee, appointed among representatives elected house, administered city , district in lieu of local or state government. residents did not vote federal representatives appointed oversee them.

in 1804, congress cancelled holding presidential elections in washington, d.c. or allowing residents vote in them. amendment 23 passed congress , ratified in 1964 restore ability of district residents vote in presidential elections.

in 1846, portion of washington, d.c. contributed virginia retrocessioned (returned) virginia protect slavery. persons residing there (in alexandria), vote in local, virginia , elections.

congress uses same portion of constitution exclusively manage local , state level law citizens of washington, d.c. , military bases in us. until 1986, military personnel living on bases considered have special status national representatives , prohibited voting in elections bases located. in 1986, congress passed law enable military personnel living on bases in vote in local , state elections.

the position of non-voting delegate congress district reestablished in 1971. delegate cannot vote bills before house, nor floor votes, may vote procedural , committee matters. in 1973, district of columbia home rule act reestablished local government after hundred-year gap, regular local elections mayor , other posts. not elect senator. people seeking standard representation 600,000 district of columbia residents describe status being disfranchised in relation federal government. vote in presidential elections.

until 2009, no other nato (us military allies) or oecd country (us industrialized allies) had disfranchised citizens of respective national capitals national legislature elections. no state prohibits residents of capitals voting in state elections either, , cities contained within regular representative state , congressional districts.

puerto rico

u.s. federal law applies puerto rico, although puerto rico not state. due federal relations act of 1950, federal laws not locally inapplicable automatically law of land in puerto rico (39 stat. 954, 48 usca 734). according ex-chief of puerto rico supreme court jose trias monge, no federal law has ever been found locally inapplicable puerto rico. puerto ricans conscripted u.s. armed forces; have fought in every war since became u.s. citizens in 1917. puerto rico residents subject u.s. taxes.

contrary common misconception, residents of puerto rico pay u.s. federal taxes , contribute social security, medicare , other programs through payroll taxes. but, these american citizens have no congressional representation nor vote in u.s. presidential elections.

juan torruella , other scholars argue u.s. national-electoral process not democracy due issues related lack of voting rights in puerto rico , representation. both puerto rican independence party , new progressive party reject commonwealth status. remaining political organization, popular democratic party has officially stated favors fixing remaining deficits of democracy clinton , bush administrations publicly recognized through presidential task force reports.


citizens of denmark in general not allowed vote in danish elections if reside outside of country more 2 years.


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