Western esotericism and occultism Religion and sexuality

aleister crowley in ceremonial garb, 1912.

sex magic term various types of sexual activity used in magical, ritualistic, or otherwise religious , spiritual pursuits found within western esotericism broad spectrum of spiritual traditions found in western society, or refers collection of mystical, esoteric knowledge of western world.. 1 practice of sex magic using energy of sexual arousal or orgasm visualization of desired result. premise of sex magic concept sexual energy potent force can harnessed transcend 1 s perceived reality. earliest known practical teachings of sex magic in western world come 19th-century american occultist paschal beverly randolph, under heading of mysteries of eulis. in latter part of 19th century, sexual reformer ida craddock published several works dealing sacred sexuality, notably heavenly bridegrooms , psychic wedlock. aleister crowley reviewed heavenly bridegrooms in pages of journal equinox, stating was:

...one of remarkable human documents ever produced, , should find regular publisher in book form. authoress of ms. claims wife of angel. expounds @ greatest length philosophy connected thesis. learning enormous.

...this book of incalculable value every student of occult matters. no magick library complete without it.

aleister crowley became involved theodor reuss , ordo templi orientis following publication of book of lies between 1912 , 1913. according crowley s account, reuss approached him , accused him of having revealed innermost (sexual) secret of o.t.o. in 1 of cryptic chapters of book. when became clear reuss crowley had done unintentionally, initiated crowley ix° (ninth degree) of o.t.o. , appointed him sovereign grand master general of ireland, iona , britains.

while o.t.o. included, inception, teaching of sex magick in highest degrees of order, when crowley became head of order, expanded on these teachings , associated them different degrees follows:

viii°: masturbatory or autosexual magical techniques taught, referred lesser work of sol
ix°: heterosexual magical techniques taught
xi°: anal intercourse magical techniques taught.

professor hugh urban, professor of comparative religion @ ohio state university, noted crowley s emphasis on sex supreme magical power . according crowley:

the book of law solves sexual problem completely. each individual has absolute right satisfy sexual instinct physiologically proper him. 1 injunction treat such acts sacraments. 1 should not eat brutes, in order enable 1 one s will. same applies sex. must use every faculty further 1 object of our existence.


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