Synopsis Lucio Silla

1 synopsis

1.1 act 1
1.2 act 2
1.3 act 3


the story concerns roman dictator lucio silla (lucius sulla) lusts after giunia, daughter of enemy gaius marius. giunia, on other hand, loves exiled senator cecilio.

act 1

scene 1: secluded spot on banks of tiber

the exiled senator cecilio meets friend cinna tells him betrothed giunia mourns death, lie dictator silla can win himself. cinna advises cecilio meet giunia tomb of father (murdered hero gaius marius). cecilio filled joy @ idea , cinna shares joy , predicts freedom of rome (aria: vieni ov amor t inita ).

scene 2

cecilio excited @ prospect of meeting betrothed sings of love (aria: il tenero momento ).

scene 3: giunia s apartments

silla seeks advice of sister celia on approach giunia , advises subtlety , kindness (aria: se lusinghiera speme ).

scene 4

on silla s approach, giunia declares love cecilio , hate silla, father s enemy (aria: dalla sponda tenebrosa ).

scene 5

alone, silla, insulted, decides behave tyrant (aria: il desìo di vendetta, e di morte ).

scene 6

cecilio waits tomb giunia.

scene 7

giunia arrives (chorus , ariosa: fuor di queste urne dolente ).

act 2

an archway decorated military trophies

silla joined celia whom tells of plans wed giunia , celia wed beloved cinna on day.

scene 3

cinna restrains cecilio has sword drawn trying follow silla, believing has been instructed spirit of gaius marius seek revenge. cinna tells him consider giunia , rage controlled (aria: quest improvviso trèmito ).

scene 4[??]

giunia consults cinna suggests accept silla s proposal , murder him in wedding bed. giunia refuses, stating vengeance heaven alone consider. asks cinna make sure cecilio stays hidden danger (aria: ah se il crudel periglio ).

scene 5

cinna resolves kill silla himself (aria: nel fortunato istante ).

scene 6, hanging gardens

silla s love giunia starts bring out compassion.

scene 7

giunia s hateful face angers him again , threatens death not die alone (aria: d ogni pieta mi spoglio ).

scene 8

with cecilio, giunia worries silla s words , part.

scene 9

celia asks giunia accept silla s proposal sake of happiness saying married cinna (aria: quando sugl arsi campi ).

scene 10

giunia ponders wretchedness.

scene 11, capitol

silla asks senate , people of rome reward him hero of rome marriage giunia.

scene 12

when cecilio appears, there confrontation (trio: quell orgoglioso sdegno ).

act 3

scene 1: entrance dungeons

cecilio has been imprisoned. cinna , celia has gained access , cinna asks celia convince cecilio repent , forget love. cinna promises marry celia if successful, hopeful (aria: strider sento la procella ).

scene 2

whilst cecilio accepts fate cinna tells him not worry, silla s heart on head bring own downfall (aria: de più superbi il core ).

scene 3

silla has allowed giunia 1 last visit cecilio , farewells (aria: pupille amate ).

scene 4

giunia alone thoughts of cecilio s impending death thinks of own (aria: frà pensier più funesti di morte ).

scene 5: audience chamber

before senators , people of rome, s surprise, silla declares wishes cecilio live , marry giunia. when questioned on silence, cinna declares hatred of silla , intention of killing him. silla issues punishment cinna should marry beloved celia. further declares step down dictator , restore liberty rome. explains has seen proof innocence , virtuous heart triumphant on power , glory. people of rome celebrate liberty , greatness of silla.


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