Hippocratic theory Hippocrates

illustration of hippocratic bench, date unknown

hippocratic medicine humble , passive. therapeutic approach based on healing power of nature ( vis medicatrix naturae in latin). according doctrine, body contains within power re-balance 4 humours , heal (physis). hippocratic therapy focused on easing natural process. end, hippocrates believed rest , immobilization [were] of capital importance. in general, hippocratic medicine kind patient; treatment gentle, , emphasized keeping patient clean , sterile. example, clean water or wine ever used on wounds, though dry treatment preferable. soothing balms employed.

hippocrates reluctant administer drugs , engage in specialized treatment might prove wrongly chosen; generalized therapy followed generalized diagnosis. generalized treatments prescribed include fasting , consumption of apple cider vinegar. hippocrates once said eat when sick, feed sickness. however, potent drugs used on occasions. passive approach successful in treating relatively simple ailments such broken bones required traction stretch skeletal system , relieve pressure on injured area. hippocratic bench , other devices used end.

one of strengths of hippocratic medicine emphasis on prognosis. @ hippocrates time, medicinal therapy quite immature, , best thing physicians evaluate illness , predict progression based upon data collected in detailed case histories.


a number of ancient greek surgical tools. on left trephine; on right, set of scalpels. hippocratic medicine made use of these tools.

hippocratic medicine notable strict professionalism, discipline, , rigorous practice. hippocratic work on physician recommends physicians well-kempt, honest, calm, understanding, , serious. hippocratic physician paid careful attention aspects of practice: followed detailed specifications for, lighting, personnel, instruments, positioning of patient, , techniques of bandaging , splinting in ancient operating room. kept fingernails precise length.

the hippocratic school gave importance clinical doctrines of observation , documentation. these doctrines dictate physicians record findings , medicinal methods in clear , objective manner, these records may passed down , employed other physicians. hippocrates made careful, regular note of many symptoms including complexion, pulse, fever, pains, movement, , excretions. said have measured patient s pulse when taking case history discover whether patient lying. hippocrates extended clinical observations family history , environment. him medicine owes art of clinical inspection , observation. reason, may more termed father of medicine .


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