Election and exert of Gálvez History of Honduras (1900–1954)

president, juan manuel gálvez

the government of united states in turn, wanted done problems in central america. therefore, urged carías allow free elections once current term ended. then, carías, had more seventy years. general yielded these pressures , announced elections october 1948, in abstain present candidate. nevertheless, carías found ways use power.

general carias nominated ex-minister of war (1933), juan manuel gálvez presidential candidate national party. on other hand, exiled opposition figures authorised return honduras. of form, plh, treating surpass years of inactivity , division, nominated Ángel zúñiga huete presidential candidate.

but liberals, convinced did not have possibility of winning and, accusing government of manipulation of electoral process, boycotted elections. gave gálvez victory without opposition , in january 1949 assumed presidency.

once president, gálvez showed independent person. more of had anticipated . president gálvez adopted policies of carías, such construction of roads , development of exports of coffee. in 1953 fourth part of budget of government devoted construction of roads.

gálvez followed greater part of fiscal politics of previous administration, reduction of external debt , paying off last of british bonds. fruit companies followed receiving deal part of gálvez. example, in 1949, united fruit received favourable agreement of twenty-five years.

in addition, gálvez established remarkable changes in comparison last fifteen years. education received greater attention , began perceive greater part of national budget. congress approved law of income tax, although application sporadic @ best.

the evident change in political sand. considerable degree of freedom of press restored. liberal party allowed reorganise, other political groups. workers benefited during period. established working time of 8 hours, paid holidays paid, , responsibility of employer workplace safety , regulations of employment of women , boys.


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