Notable arguments Alexandre del Valle

1 notable arguments

1.1 islamist totalitarianism
1.2 red-green-brown alliance
1.3 pan-west: new paradigm
1.4 post-kemalist turkey
1.5 christianophobia
1.6 last books: western guilt, syrian chaos , real enemies of west

notable arguments

del valle describes calls new western , european munich in face of islamist fascism. bat ye or, analyzes dhimmitude has gradually been befalling declining psychologically demographically countries of europe seem sinking condition ye or has described eurabia.

islamist totalitarianism

following september 11 attacks, del valle published essay entitled, islamist totalitarianism: democracies under attack. in essay, del valle asserted radical islam not merely fundamentalist ideology, totalitarian one. argued radical islam imperialist doctrine more comparable stalinism or nazism other fundamentalist religions such judaism, christianity, or buddhism no other religious fundamentalism universally criminal, globally barbaric, aggressively proselytizing, fundamentally theocratic islamism.

del valle contended islamic totalitarianism partly based on dominant orthodox sunni islam has been frozen since 10th century. after that, original orthodox salafi islamism transformed totalitarianism after collapse of ottoman empire , decolonisation of arab-muslim countries, between 1850 , 1920 eas, when islamist totalitarianism offered solve evils in muslim countries establishing shariah , settling score western imperialist – infidel -judeo-crusaders liberal muslims, primary victims of islamic extremism.

according del valle, islamic fascism ideology of total hatred of other (the classical paranoid theory of scapegoating), hence islamists rehabilitation of texts such protocols of elders of zion or mein kampf. , according author, third islamist totalitarianism , contrary nazism or stalinism, first 1 not come white judeo-christians , first exotic totalitarianism origins in south, if primary victims none other muslims , non-muslim minorities living under sharià. s why speaks in name of victims , of oppressed living in poor third world, , of humiliated ones in arab world (humiliated jews, crusaders, , apostates . ultimate goal nothing else new final solution of secular , democratic west , free world. s why main arab-islamic leaders never ashamed make alliance nazis , fascists, 1920–30 era (grand mufti of jerusalem, etc.).

after red totalitarianism , founded on notion of struggle of classes; brown totalitarianism , founded on notions of struggle of races; there comes green totalitarianism , founded on notion of struggle of religions , civilizations...

valle claims work moderate muslims such mezri haddad, houchang nahavandi, jbil kebir, rachid kaci or mohamed sifaoui, publicly supported him , explained alexandre del valle supporter of modern , secular islam , denounced islamic extremism many muslims do.

red-green-brown alliance

in book, entitled reds, browns , greens (communists, nazis , islamists), based on phd research, alexandre del valle describes new anti-western , anti-american totalitarian axis composed of islamists, communists, , neo-nazis. del valle describes emergence of red-green-brown axis: red of extreme left, brown of extreme right, , green of islamism. del valle shows islamism, third totalitarianism after nazism , communism, extends aspirations of 2 predecessors: seizing struggle of civilizations , religions declaring war on non-muslim world in name of dispossessed . totalitarianism seduces nostalgics pagan third reich, resolved eradicate judaism , christianity, partisans of communism, determined come blows capitalism , west. according theory, different components of axis have common objective struggle against new faces of evil: america, israel, imperialism, , west in entirety. junction of red , brown , , green totalitarianisms around cause of palestinian martyrs, iraqis , afghans, as revolutionary figure of osama bin laden, confirms leadership, henceforth uncontested, of revolutionary islamism. on, exerts real fascination upon other totalitarian options defeated history (nazism , communism) and, consequently, condemned either reconstitute or join islamist revolution in order pursue struggle against liberal democracies. according alexandre del valle, alliance between new third world (hugo chavez s anti-american regime , bolivian , cuban allies), islamists , rogue states such iran, syria, north korea, sudan , pro-palestinian terrorists movements in future main danger both north america , europe.

pan-west: new paradigm

alexandre del valle has advocated creation of new pan-western organization gather more usa , old europe. believes america , europe should convince russia join alliance instead of supporting anti-western coalitions led china, iran , venezuela. in 2000, after kosovo war, del valle wrote necessary west criticize washington , european mistakes when usa , eu supported kingdom of saudi arabia , continue so. deplored anti-russian , anti-serbian attitudes agitated cold war period , incited moscow join anti-western axis. then, condemns expressing anti-american feelings in europe, latin america , russia. suggests promotion of strategic alliance between 3 western keystone states: usa, orthodox europe , western europe should build stronger alliance in face of islamic threat.

post-kemalist turkey

since 2004, alexandre del valle studying growth of political islam in turkey , application join european union. del valle opposes accession of turkey european union. in opinion, turkey neither european culturally nor geographically (except istanbul , thrace). if small kemalist minority or inhabitants of posh suburbs of istanbul feel european, inhabitants of east istanbul, ankara or anatolia feel closer iraqi neighbors europeans or christian greeks. del valle believes nato, turkey belongs to, not key entry european union. saying necessary integrate turkey show europe not christian club , not reject islamic candidate not rational. , seeing turkey secular exception , natural ally against islamism legacy of kemal atatürk erroneous. because new post-kemalist turkey, led erdoğan , islamic ruling party akp, allows , claims rejected atatürk: hijab, islamic political parties , compulsory religious instruction @ school.

del valle says kemalism dismantled in 1950s , 60s governments of adnan menderes , süleyman demirel , became politically dead under turgut Özal, architect of re-islamization abolished article 163 had prohibited islamic parties. country turkey ruled party stemming islamic movement has been attaining victory in elections since beginning of 90s not more secular , kemalist country. calls post-kemalist state.

the main theory of del valle europe , have become main allies capable of dismantling militarist-kemalist power in turkey in name of western democracy. first goal of akp avenge, after having perfected de-kemalization of country, affront suffered in 1923 @ time of abolition of caliphate , sharia. if turkey access european union, europe have immediate neighbors iran of mullahs, syria – both sponsors of hezbollah – , iraq.

finally, advocates best way preserve kemalist exception , secularism in turkey keep turkey outside europe , build president nicolas sarkozy calls special partnership.


in essay new christianophobia, why have christians around world become murder targets? , alexandre del valle explains christianity today religion systematically , violently persecuted around world. specific nature of new global christianophobia consists in impunity , silence surrounds it. indeed, new litany of hateful atrocities stirring fanaticism in many nations against christianity, religion of hated westerner white man , in name of desire revenge , right of colonized peoples humiliated west different. new teaching of contempt, amalgamates christians backgrounds western executioner, impervious blame. totally uninhibited, driven global wave of anti-western sentiment , exotically presented anti-imperialism, source of countless acts of violence against christians, killed because christians, according alexandre del valle (this book published in usa , in brasil).

last books: western guilt, syrian chaos , real enemies of west

in syrian chaos (see bibliography infra), del valle explains complexity of syrian conflict , describes origins of islamic state (isis). proposes new , pragmatic measures find peace solutions in syria , in middle east, based on realistic geopolitical approach includes protagonists of syrian civil war , involved in crisis (western countries, russia, sunni main actors, iran, main political , militar opponents , syrian regime itself). book has been written syrian christian-secular activist, randa kassis, denounces beginning mistake of west consists in trusting on sunni islamist monarchies , turkey support muslim brotherhoods , salafi radical rebels in syria , plan rid of minorities (alaoui, christian, chiia , druzes) in syria in framework of chariatic-totalitarian-theocratical agenda. according kassis , del valle, radical sunni islamists totalitarians in syria, , not al qaïda syrian branch or isis plan organise cultural , religious genocide of christians , other non-sunni minorities in muslim world, because aim heart of muslim brotherhoods , other called moderates salafis compose majority of rebel fighters , political strong opponent sunni anti-assad groups in syria. alexandre del valle describes genesis of isis , proposes new solutions based on pragmatism , political dialogue bring peace in syria , fight efficiently against islamic totalitarianism , protect christian , other non-sunni minorities victims of cultural genocide .

in western complex (or western guilt, see biography), del valle says dangerous threat west not china, islamic extremism or anti-west third world or emerging countries, feeling guilty of judeo-christian white man . explains in important book west target of massive desinformation against own roots, history, religion , civilization, leads dangerous self-hatred , masochist feeling , acts real objective ally of islamic extremist enemies of open societies benefit western tolerance in order better fight , destroy step step our way of life , democraties insied.

in last book enemies of west, del valle reflects on strategic mistakes of west since end of cold war, explains enemy entity threatens our short- , long-term survival , vital interests—not 1 not share our concept of democracy , human rights.for reason, says mistake made western societies viewing islamic terrorist groups enemies , targeting them in vacuum. equally, if not more, important combat islamist movements condemn terrorism spread ideology peacefully in our countries . fore, defining post-soviet russia main enemy of west, while considering sunni islamic monarchies of middle east , neo-ottoman-islamist turkey allies or friends, dangerous geopolitical mistake. primary interest of west , main mission of nato should not consist in demonizing regimes not like, such putin s authoritarian kleptocracy or other non-democratic states not pose direct military threat. rather, safeguard our land, sea, airspace , populations.

in conclusion, states before launching military campaigns on behalf of human rights, in west should first invest in strengthening our values @ home, , encourage our muslim minorities adopt values, rather let them fall hands of islamic extremist organizations. west must stop demonizing own judeo-christian-european identity , rid of multiculturalist extremism. refers karl popper, , mentions open society , enemies, writing if extend unlimited tolerance intolerant, if not prepared defend tolerant society against onslaught of intolerant, tolerant destroyed, , tolerance them. wroted in previous books, advises western leaders stop demonizing own judeo-christian-european identity , rid of multiculturalist extremism, , proposes pan-western or alter-western strategy should created enhance , cement u.s.-old europe bond, , encourage russia part of it. time focus on actual enemy—the 1 on our doorstep placing our societies in crosshairs.


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