Prosecutions and other effects Russian gay propaganda law

the 2013 world championships in athletics, held @ moscow s luzhniki stadium in august 2013, overshadowed comments , protests on law athletes. after winning silver medal @ event, u.s. runner nick symmonds stated whether re gay, straight, black, white, deserve same rights. if there s can champion cause , further it, will, shy of getting arrested. swedish athletes emma green tregaro , moa hjelmer painted fingernails in rainbow colors symbolic protest. however, tregaro forced re-paint them after deemed political gesture violated rules of iaaf. in response, re-painted them red symbol of love. russian pole vaulter yelena isinbaeva criticized tregaro s gesture being disrespectful host country, stating in press conference have our law has respect. when go different countries, try follow rules. not trying set our rules on there. trying respectful. after isinbaeva s remarks characterized being homophobic, argued choice of words had been misinterpreted media, , against discrimination of gays.

the implications of law on russia s hosting of 2 major international sporting events; 2014 winter olympics in sochi (where 7 lgbt athletes, female, expected compete) , 2018 fifa world cup, called question. in case of world cup, fifa had established anti-discrimination task force, , facing criticism awarding 2022 world cup country of qatar, homosexuality illegal; in august 2013, fifa requested information russian government on law , potential effects on association football tournament. in case of winter olympics, critics considered law inconsistent olympic charter, states [discrimination] on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise incompatible belonging olympic movement. in august 2013, international olympic committee received assurances highest level of government in russia legislation not affect attending or taking part in games , , received word government abide olympic charter. ioc confirmed enforce rule 50 of olympic charter, forbids political protest, against athletes make displays of support lgbt community @ games. vladimir putin made similar assurances prior games, warned lgbt attendees still subject law.

athletes , supporters used olympics leverage further campaigns against propaganda law. number of athletes came out lesbian, gay, or bisexual spread awareness of situation in russia, including australian snowboarder belle brockhoff, canadian speed skater anastasia bucsis, gold medal figure skater brian boitano, , finnish swimmer ari-pekka liukkonen. there calls boycott games, drawing comparisons summer olympics of 1980 in moscow, last time olympics held on russian soil. campaign known principle 6 established in collaboration between group of olympic athletes, organizations out , athlete ally, , clothing maker american apparel, selling merchandise (such clothing) quotation olympic charter support pro-lgbt organizations. toronto advertising copywriter brahm finkelstein began market rainbow-coloured matryoshka doll set known pride dolls , designed italian artist danilo santino, benefit gay , lesbian international sport association, organizers of world outgames.

action leveraged directly against olympic sponsors , partners well; in late-august 2013, human rights campaign sent letters ten worldwide olympic partner companies, urging them show opposition towards anti-lgbt laws, denounce homophobic violence, ask ioc obtain written commitments safety of lgbt athletes , attendees, , oppose future olympic bids countries outlaw support lgbt equality. in february 2014, prior games, group of 40 human rights organizations (including athlete ally, freedom house, human rights campaign, human rights watch , russian lgbt network among others) sent joint letter worldwide olympic partners, urging them use prominence support rights of lgbt athletes under olympic charter, , pressure ioc show greater scrutiny towards human rights abuses of future host countries. on 3 february 2014, usoc sponsor at&t issued statement in support of lgbt rights @ games, becoming first major olympic advertiser condemn laws. several major non-sponsors made pro-lgbt statements coincide opening of games; google placed quotation olympic charter , olympic-themed logo in colours of rainbow flag on home page worldwide, while channel 4 (who serves official british broadcaster of paralympics) adopted rainbow-coloured logo , broadcast celebratory , pro-lgbt advert entitled gay mountain on 7 february 2014, alongside interview former rugby union player , anti-homophobia activist ben cohen. part of dispatches series, channel 4 had broadcast documentary during week of opening ceremony entitled hunted, documented violence , abuse against lgbt people in russia in wake of law.

effects on video games

in may 2014, revealed in accordance propaganda law, computer game sims 4—a new instalment in life simulation game franchise published electronic arts has historically allowed characters participate in same-sex relationships, had been given 18+ rating, restricting sale adults only. in contrast, pan-european ratings board pegi has historically rated sims games being suitable aged 12 , over.

in december 2016, video game fifa 17 (which published electronic arts) targeted event allowed users obtain rainbow-coloured shoelaces virtual footballers, in support of pro-lgbt advocacy campaign backed english premier league. mp irina rodnina stated relevant authorities needed verify possibility of distributing game on territory of russian federation .

in december 2016, blizzard entertainment geoblocked tie-in web comic game overwatch in russia containing scene of character tracer, confirmed being lesbian, kissing woman. blizzard cited gay propaganda law reasoning block. game not blocked in country.


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