Final attempts at reclaiming stolen goods from Catherine Karol Stanisław "Panie Kochanku" Radziwiłł

nieśwież castle has been seat of radziwiłł family centuries.

throughout later life, radziwiłł struggled constant financial difficulties , lived fear of not repaying enormous debt. investigation began in nowogródek on august 12 of 1777, continued many years , had no result on situation. radziwiłł made ineffective attempts recover estates in russian partition of poland; refused travel st. petersburg , denied permission visit catherine ii during travels belarus in 1780. potemkin denied radziwiłł. furthermore, offered of estates government of russian empire. radziwiłł s attempts receive loans abroad, in netherlands, in genoa , in germany, purposeless. of closest friends , supporters promised develop loan of 100,000 ducats, however, failed.

between 1780 , 1784 radziwiłł forced sell of estates in volhynia (wołyń) , later entire city of Żółkiew. karol stanisław progressed in rebuilding nieśwież residence devastated russian forces. responsible resurrecting local theater , establishing new repertoire, based on ballet led renowned ballet masters g. pettinati , f. casella. in 1783 employed team of polish professional actors led l. pierożyński. radziwiłł hired orchestra abroad play during balls , organized several gatherings, attended greatest writers, artists , mathematicians of era. although suffered great losses, following return poland, radziwiłł once more became 1 of influential diplomats in country. in 1790 instructed sell possessions in vilnius region nobleman , composer michał kleofas ogiński.


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