Demography Afro-Mexicans

1 demography

1.1 afro-mexican population in costa chica
1.2 afro-mexican population in veracruz
1.3 afro-mexican population in northern mexico


according 2015 encuesta intercensal, there 1,381,853 mexicans self identified afro-descendants, or 1.2% of country s population. first time government of mexico has asked citizens whether identify afro-mexican. places large afro-mexican communities are: costa chica of guerrero, costa chica of oaxaca , veracruz. while northern mexico has towns minority of mexicans of african descent. afro-descendants can found throughout country, numerically insignificant in states. there recent immigrants of african , caribbean origin.

afro-mexican population in costa chica

artist ramiro victor paz jimenes demonstrating work @ museo de las culturas afromestizas in cuajinicuilapa, guerrero

the costa chica (“small coast” in spanish) extends acapulco town of puerto Ángel in oaxaca in mexico’s pacific coast. costa chica not known travelers, few attractions, afro-mexicans live. exceptions beaches of marquelia , punta maldonado in guerrero , wildlife reserve in chacahua, oaxaca. area isolated rest of mexico, prompted runaway slaves find refuge here. however, has changed large extent building of highway 200 connects area acapulco , other cities on pacific coast. african identity , physical features stronger here elsewhere in mexico slaves here did not intermarry extent others did. not black skin , african features more prominent, there strong examples of african-based song, dance , other art forms. until recently, homes in area round mud , thatch huts, construction of can traced ghana , ivory coast. origin tales center on slavery. many relate shipwreck (often slave ship) survivors settle here or descendants of slaves freed fighting in mexican war of independence. region has distinct african-influenced dance called danza de los diablos (dance of devils) performed day of dead. dance in streets wild costumes , masks accompanied rhythmic music. considered syncretism of mexican catholic tradition , west african ritual. traditionally dance accompanied west african instrument called bote, dying out younger generations have not learned how play it.

there number of “pueblos negros” or black towns in region such corralero , el ciruelo in oaxaca, , largest being cuajinicuilapa in guerrero. latter home museum called museo de las culturas afromestizos documents history , culture of region.

girl punta maldonado, guerrero.

the afro-mexicans here live among mestizos (indigenous/white) , various indigenous groups such amuzgos, mixtecs, tlalpanecs , chatinos . terms used denote them vary. white , mestizos in costa chica call them “morenos” (dark-skinned) , indigenous call them “negros” (black). survey done in region determined afro-mexicans in region preferred term “negro,” although prefer “moreno” , number still use “mestizo.” relations between afro-mexican , indigenous populations strained there long history of hostility. afro-mexicans indigenous mexico palest mexican strictly european ancestry. however, social stigma , internalized racism associated blackness , dark skin causes many afro-mexicans feel shame , deny negritude instead of finding self-acceptance , pride in dark skin, kinky hair, , african features.

afro-mexican population in veracruz

like costa chica, state of veracruz has number of pueblos negros, notably african named towns of mandinga, matamba, mozambique , mozomboa chacalapa, coyolillo, yanga , tamiahua. town of mandinga, forty 5 minutes south of veracruz city, particularly known restaurants line main street. coyolillo hosts annual carnival afro-caribbean dance , other african elements.

however, tribal , family group separated , dispersed greater extent around sugar cane growing areas in veracruz. had effect of intermarriage , loss or absorption of elements of african culture in few generations. intermarriage means while veracruz remains “blackest” in mexico’s popular imagination, black skin mistaken caribbean and/or not “truly mexican . total population of people of african descent including people 1 or more black ancestors 4 percent, third highest of mexican state.

the phenomena of runaways , slave rebellions began in veracruz many escaping mountainous areas in west of state, near orizaba , puebla border. here groups of escaped slaves established defiant communities called “palenques” resist spanish authorities. important palenque established in 1570 gaspar yanga , stood against spanish forty years until spanish forced recognize free community in 1609, name of san lorenzo de los negros. renamed yanga in 1932. yanga first municipality of freed slaves in americas. however, town proper has no people of obvious african heritage. these live in smaller, more rural communities.

el costeño josé agustín arrieta, painting shows boy coast, veracruz, holding basket of fruits including mamey, tuna , pitahaya.

because african descendants dispersed general population, african , afro-cuban influence can seen in veracruz’s music dance, improvised poetry, magical practices , food. veracruz son music, best known through popularity of hit “la bamba” has african origins. veracruz cooking commonly contains spanish, indigenous , african ingredients , cooking techniques. 1 defining african influence use of peanuts. though peanuts native americas, there little evidence of widespread use in pre hispanic period. peanuts brought africa europeans , africans adopted them, using them in stews, sauces , many other dishes. slaves came later bring new cooking legume mexico. can found in regional dishes such encacahuatado, alcoholic drink called torito, candies (especially in tlacotalpan), salsa macha , in mole poblano neighboring state of puebla. influence can seen far west puebla, peanuts ingredient in mole poblano. important ingredient introduced african cooking plantain, came africa via canary islands. in veracruz, heavily used breads, empanadas, desserts, mole, barbacoa , more. 1 other defining ingredient in veracruz cooking use of starchy tropical roots, called viandas. include cassava, malanga, taro , sweet potatoes.

afro-mexican population in northern mexico

there towns few blacks in them, far north of mexico, in coahuila , country’s border texas. ex slaves , free blacks came northern mexico in 19th century united states. few of routes of underground railroad led mexico. 1 particular group mascogos, branch of black seminoles, florida runaway slaves , free blacks intermingled seminole natives. many of these settled in , around town of el nacimiento, coahuila, descendants remain.


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