Genetics Tutsi

a tutsi immigrant in berlin.

y-dna (paternal lineages)

modern-day genetic studies of y-chromosome indicate tutsi, hutu, largely of bantu extraction (60%e1b1a, 20% b, 4% e3). paternal genetic influences associated horn of africa , north africa few (16% e1b1b), , ascribed earlier inhabitants assimilated. however, tutsi have considerably more nilo-saharan paternal lineages (14.9% b) hutu (4.3% b).

trombetta et al. (2015) found 22.2% of e1b1b in small sample of tutsis burundi, no bearers of haplogroup among local hutu , twa populations. subclade of m293 variety, suggests ancestors of tutsis in area may have assimilated southern cushitic-speaking pastoralists.

autosomal dna (overall ancestry)

in general, tutsi appear share close genetic kinship neighboring bantu populations, particularly hutus. however, unclear whether similarity due extensive genetic exchanges between these communities through intermarriage or whether stems common origins:

[...]generations of gene flow obliterated whatever clear-cut physical distinctions may have once existed between these 2 bantu peoples – renowned height, body build, , facial features. spectrum of physical variation in peoples, belgian authorities legally mandated ethnic affiliation in 1920s, based on economic criteria. formal , discrete social divisions consequently imposed upon ambiguous biological distinctions. extent, permeability of these categories in intervening decades helped reify biological distinctions, generating taller elite , shorter underclass, little relation gene pools had existed few centuries ago. social categories real, there little if detectable genetic differentiation between hutu , tutsi.

tishkoff et al. (2009) found mixed hutu , tutsi samples rwanda predominately of bantu origin, minor gene flow afro-asiatic communities (17.7% afro-asiatic genes found in mixed hutu/tutsi population).


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