Rook underpromotion Promotion (chess)

in position @ left (with white move), black threatens capture white s pawn (which draw), , promotion queen stalemate. move 1.g8=r! wins because white can force elementary checkmate resulting position.

at right position 2006 game @ irish chess championship. here too, promotion queen allow stalemate: 70...b1=q?? 71.qh3+! kxh3 stalemate (or 71...kg1 72. qh1+! , black king forced capture). instead, game concluded 70...b1=r! 0-1

less often, underpromotion rook may necessary not avoid stalemate, induce , save draw in otherwise hopeless position. right example end of study frédéric lazard. black threatens checkmate moving king , playing ...bf4. promotion queen not work on account of 1.d8=q? bf4 2.qd2+ kf3 3.qxf4+ kxf4 , black promotes either c-pawn or h-pawn. promotion rook saves draw, however, after 1.d8=r! bf4 2.rd2 (if 1...bxh2, 2.rd3+!), king moves black cause stalemate rook absolutely pinned, , bishop moves along c1–h6 diagonal can parried attacking bishop rook: 2...bg5 3.rd5 kf4 4.rd2 bh6 5.rd6 kg5 6.rd2 1 possible continuation.


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