Food and foraging Gorilla

gorillas moving in habitat

gorilla foraging

eastern lowland gorillas have more diverse diets, vary seasonally. leaves , pith commonly eaten, fruits can make as 25% of diets. since fruit less available, lowland gorillas must travel farther each day, , home ranges vary 2.7–6.5 km (1.04 2.51 mi), day ranges 154–2,280 m (0.096–1.417 mi). eastern lowland gorillas eat insects, preferably ants. western lowland gorillas depend on fruits more others , more dispersed across range. travel further other gorilla subspecies, @ 1,105 m (0.687 mi) per day on average, , have larger home ranges of 7–14 km (2.70–5.41 mi). western lowland gorillas have less access terrestrial herbs, although can access aquatic herbs in areas. termites , ants eaten.

gorillas drink water because consume succulent vegetation comprised of half water morning dew , although both mountain , lowland gorillas have been observed drinking.


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