Background and history Joint Ocean Commission Initiative

1 background , history

1.1 ocean commissions
1.2 joint ocean commission initiative: 2005-2010
1.3 joint ocean commission initiative: 2010 - present
1.4 joint ocean commission initiative leadership council

background , history
the ocean commissions

pursuant oceans act of 2000, president george w. bush established u.s. commission on ocean policy, chaired admiral james d. watkins. 16-member commission presented recommendations new , comprehensive national ocean policy. final report, ocean blueprint 21st century, released in 2004.

concurrently, pew charitable trusts established pew oceans commission, led leon panetta. 18-member group presented recommendations on ocean policy reform in 2003 report, america s living oceans: charting course sea change.

the joint ocean commission initiative: 2005-2010

the reports of commission on ocean policy , pew oceans commission contained strikingly similar recommendations. further overlapping , complementary recommendations , unify efforts, members of 2 commissions came in 2005 joint ocean commission initiative. co-chaired former white house chief of staff leon panetta , former chief of naval operations admiral james d. watkins (united states navy, ret.), chairs of pew , u.s. ocean commissions, respectively. meridian institute has served secretariat of joint ocean commission initiative throughout existence.

from 2005 2010, joint initiative commissioners continually provided assistance policymakers @ levels of government — local, state, , federal — leaders in nongovernmental, academic, , private sectors. commissioners dedicated moving u.s. toward better coordinated national ocean policy, improved governance framework , enhanced management tools carry out policy. joint ocean commission initiative focused efforts in 7 priority areas: national ocean policy reform; regional , state ocean leadership; international ocean leadership; ocean science, research, , education; fisheries management reform; new funding; , oceans , climate change.

to advance these priorities, members of joint initiative regularly called on experts advise congress , other political leaders , appeared key witnesses @ numerous hearings on ocean policy. joint initiative served resource expertise on ocean issues media , other ocean groups. joint initiative leaders authored or cited in numerous articles , stories work have appeared in major national newspapers , media markets around country. commissioners aided joint initiative through independent work concerning ocean , coastal issues , through maintaining high profile in ocean community.

the joint ocean commission initiative: 2010 - present

in june 2010, joint ocean commission initiative announced new leadership focus on promoting establishment , effective implementation of comprehensive u.s. national ocean policy. former epa administrator (1970-1973, 1983-1985) william ruckelshaus , former secretary of transportation (2001-2006) , secretary of commerce (2000-2001) norman mineta became new co-chairs of joint initiative leadership council.

on july 19, 2010 president barack obama signed executive order 13547 establishing national policy stewardship of ocean, our coasts, , great lakes. executive order directed federal agencies adopt , implement final recommendations of white house interagency ocean policy task force, body established president obama in june 2009 make recommendations u.s. ocean policy. task force recommendations called establishment of national ocean policy strong federal coordinating structure , effective framework implementation based on coastal , marine spatial planning, overseen interagency national ocean council. new national ocean policy represented realization of 1 of key recommendations urged commission on ocean policy , pew oceans commission , championed joint ocean commission initiative.

to translate national ocean policy on-the-ground actions, national ocean council released national ocean policy implementation plan in april 2013. implementation plan, incorporates input range of stakeholders, including industry, conservation, , science perspectives, describes specific actions federal agencies take address ocean-related challenges, gives states , regions greater input federal decisions, streamlines federal operations, , promotes economic growth.

since 2010, joint initiative has worked ensure national ocean policy adequately protects, maintains, , restores environmental , economic health of america s oceans, coasts, , great lakes. during time, joint initiative developed report charting course: securing future of america s oceans, provides 4 major recommendations on ocean policy. joint initiative views these recommendations integral part of reforming ocean , coastal policy, improving ocean health, , bolstering ocean economy citizens of united states. 4 of policy priorities incorporated in work of leadership council promote effective , comprehensive national ocean policy.

in 2014, joint initiative launched regional outreach strategy inform development of latest report, ocean action agenda. done through series of regional ocean leadership roundtables, convened on east, west, , gulf coasts , in u.s. arctic. @ these roundtables, joint initiative heard nonprofit, industry, , military leaders, representatives federal, state, local, , tribal entities, regional priorities, challenges, , needs. each roundtable provided unique insights important regional ocean , coastal priorities , needs, underscored importance of dedicated funding ocean priorities, international cooperation , u.s. leadership on ocean issues, ocean science , research, infrastructure investments, , support local, state, , regional efforts. input gathered @ these roundtables informed development of ocean action agenda, contains recommendations trump administration , 115th congress.

the joint ocean commission initiative leadership council

the bipartisan joint initiative leadership council co-chaired christine todd whitman , norman mineta. members of joint initiative leadership council include:


christine todd whitman - founder , president, whitman strategy group; former administrator, u.s. environmental protection agency (2001-2003); former governor, state of new jersey (1994-2001)
norman mineta – president & ceo, mineta & associates, llc; former secretary of transportation (2001-2006) , secretary of commerce (2000-2001); member of congress (1975-1995)


frances beinecke – senior fellow , former president, natural resources defense council
donald boesch – professor of marine science , president, university of maryland center environmental science
lillian borrone – former assistant executive director, port authority of new york , new jersey; member, u.s. commission on ocean policy
norm dicks – senior policy advisor, van ness feldman; former member of congress (1977-2013)
quenton dokken – president , chief executive officer, gulf of mexico foundation, inc.
vice admiral paul gaffney ii, u.s. navy (ret.) – president emeritus, monmouth university; member, u.s. commission on ocean policy
robert gagosian – president emeritus, consortium ocean leadership
sherri goodman – public policy fellow, woodrow wilson international center scholars
scott gudes – vice president of government affairs, american sportfishing association; former deputy under secretary of commerce oceans , atmosphere (1998-2003)
vice admiral conrad lautenbacher – chief executive officer , director, geooptics, inc.; former under secretary of commerce oceans , atmosphere , noaa administrator (2001-2008)
margaret leinen – director, scripps institution of oceanography; vice chancellor marine sciences , dean, school of marine sciences, university of california, san diego; u.s. science envoy ocean
christopher lischewski – president , chief executive officer, bumble bee foods
jane lubchenco – distinguished university professor , advisor in marine studies, oregon state university; former u.s. science envoy ocean; former under secretary of commerce oceans , atmosphere , noaa administrator (2009-2013); member, pew oceans commission
julie packard – executive director, monterey bay aquarium; member, pew oceans commission
leon panetta – co-founder, panetta institute public policy; former secretary, u.s. department of defense (2011-2013); former director of u.s. central intelligence agency (2009-2011); former white house chief of staff (1994-1997); chair, pew oceans commission
john pappalardo – chief executive officer, cape cod commercial fishermen’s alliance; former chair, new england fishery management council (2006-2011)
pietro parravano – president, institute fisheries resources; member, pew oceans commission
randy repass – founder , former chairman of board, west marine, inc.
andrew rosenberg – director of center science , democracy, union of concerned scientists; member, u.s. commission on ocean policy
william ruckelshaus – strategic director, madrona venture group; former administrator, u.s. environmental protection agency (1970-1973, 1983-1985); member, u.s. commission on ocean policy
paul sandifer – research associate , director, center coastal environmental , human health, college of charleston; former senior science advisor noaa administrator; member, u.s. commission on ocean policy

^ ocean commission (pdf). archived original (pdf) on 2011-10-20. retrieved 2011-12-20. 
^ pew trusts (pdf). retrieved 2011-12-20. 
^ joint ocean commission initiative . archived original on 2012-01-19. retrieved 2011-12-20. 
^ joint ocean commission initiative . archived original on 2012-01-19. retrieved 2011-12-20. 


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