Society East Breifne

1 society

1.1 commerce

1.1.1 o reilly s money

1.2 culture , government

1.2.1 law
1.2.2 religion


map of cavan town 1591 showing market square , o reilly castle on tullymongan hill

despite precarious position between 2 hostile powers, lords of ulster in north , english of pale in south, east breifne emerged affluent kingdom in 15th century. in fact, location major contributing factor prosperity. o reillys had been granted licence trade in pale in 1390, establishment of cavan , expansion market town under eoghan na feosaige increased kingdom s wealth , importance. due hostility between english government , irish lordships, cavan acted intermediary. anglo-irish merchants travel safely cavan trade beyond pale, , irish merchants sell wares such hides, livestock, wool , timber @ market, free of english government trade restrictions.

the growth of cavan marketplace became such problem anglo-irish market towns such trim , athboy english government attempted ban merchants trading in gaelic territories in 1479, fearing markets in orailly s country bring great riches king s enemies, , great poverty king s subjects . concern appears founded, o reillys amassed wealth in 15th , 16th centuries saying life of riley , refers living carefree , spendthrift lifestyle, believed have originated in reference clan. east breifne s identity trading nation attracted merchants on island further reflected genealogy, large numbers of anglo-irish families leinster , irish families more remote areas of ulster, munster , connacht settled within kingdom.

towards end of 16th century town resembled traditional medieval town, central market square , linear streets fifty houses. o reillys enlisted of wealthy macbrady clan develop cavan town. existing documents record o reillys granting macbrady s contracts build windmills, houses , pave streets of town. consequence of region s turbulent politics, town attacked, destroyed , rebuilt multiple times throughout history. 9 years war, devastated not east breifne of ireland, seems have done lasting damage, arthur chichester s 1606 tour of county reports existence of poor town bearing name cavan, seated betwixt many hills .

o reilly s money

o reilly s money

uniquely amongst irish kingdoms, money uncommonly used , bartering primary means of trade, o reilly developed own currency , minted own coinage. currency has been historically called o reilly s money , or reillys , referring coins themselves. east breifne long considered gaelic kingdom own currency , developed centralized economy; however, today known economy of tyrconnell equally (if not more) elaborate. nonetheless, currency of o reillys remains unmatched in ireland in terms of circulation , existing examples.

the coins first minted following introduction of english coins dublin henry iv in 15th century. original east breifnian coins, minted @ cavan, borrowed heavily these in terms of design. result, east breifne became notorious harbouring coiners melt down english coins, made of pure silver, , coat base metal replica coins in said silver. blame explicit destruction of english coins placed on o reillys. 2 acts of parliament in 1447 , 1456 outlawed production , usage of reilly s silver @ time increase[d] 1 day . given vast majority of counterfeit coins uncovered archaeologists found in cavan-meath , cavan-fermanagh border area, o reilly kings condoned practice, , possibly engaged in it. in late 16th century revealed brian o rourke, king of neighboring west breifne, had decades paid unjust rent governor of connaught using counterfeit coins.

culture , government

like irish kingdoms, east breifne neither centralised state nor monarchy in traditional sense. instead, divided smaller territories such tuaithe ruled local lords , chiefs. these chiefs had varying degrees of autonomy depending on size or prestige of clan, or location of territory. kingdom had 7 tuaths became 7 (later eight) baronies of county cavan. these tuaths subdivided smaller territorial units known ballybetaghs. ballybetagh controlled smaller clans exercised little autonomy. clans of type have been far numerous. ballybetaghs subdivided smaller units known townlands. east breifne contained 1,979 townlands ranging in size small 1 acre on 2,500 acres. larger clans such mac samhradhain held distinct, defined territories more or less self-governing. o reilly clan suzerain of other clans, having divine right rule descendants of possibly mythical brión mac echach muigmedóin.

the system of tanistry used elect monarch within o reilly sept. practice dates pre-recorded history. upon death or retirement of king, tánaiste become new king. new king gather various different branches of clan , agree upon new tánaiste succeed king upon death or retirement. during succession disputes king elected directly supporters. in these instances other clans played role in process pledging support favoured candidate. differs hereditary monarchy in tánaiste had adult, i.e. king s newborn son not chosen successor. inauguration site o reilly kings seantóman (shantemon) hill, 5 km cavan town.

during introduction of english law east breifne in mid 16th century, tansitry discontinued in favour of english succession practice of sitting king passing title eldest son. done once in east breifne s history whereby aodh connallach s eldest son john became king in 1583, rather tánaiste emon. following john s death in 1596 during 9 years war, english law banned , last kings chosen through tanistry.


brehon law practiced throughout great majority of ireland 13th 17th century. in 15th century, eoghan na feosaige, well-versed brehon judge, introduced own set of laws , statutes citizens of breifne abide. there little existing record of these laws, , how long in effect unknown, brehon law appear have been civil rather criminal. 1 of eoghan na feosaige s laws, outlined henry piers in 17th century reads:

falleth out cross-grained brood refuseth afford (at ploughing), , when required thereto landlord, looking on himself sufficient enough own need without coadjutor, in case, although custom obliges him aid said bring every day field horses , tackle , offer own labour refusing party offer proportion of feed in proper season , although refuser denied throughout, demander reap @ harvest portion of crop out of refuser s labours, if had been @ expense year long.

within east breifne, part of gradual process of integration kingdom of ireland, brehon law , english law practiced in duality in courts of country in mid late 16th century.

12th century romanesque doorway @ st fethlimidh s cathedral, kilmore


the old territory of breifne corresponds roman catholic diocese of kilmore , clans of east breifne, chiefly macbradys , o reillys, provided numerous bishops diocese. christianity spread breifne region in 6th century , patronage of church , monasteries remained important reputation of kings many centuries. monasteries used extensively cemeteries , franciscan friary in cavan town, founded c. 1300, became traditional burial place o reilly kings , queens thereafter.

the reformation injected source of friction between irish, remained catholic, , english, became protestant, in 16th century. despite overtures protestant english, east breifne remained overwhelmingly catholic, still reflected today in county cavan, 85% catholic according 2011 census. nobility of country never converted, 1 possible exception, sir john o reilly s eldest son maelmora, raised in england. killed @ yellow ford in 1598 after being surrounded irish catholics . whether implies himself protestant unknown. religious divide emphasized in 17th century. primary way in britain colonized ulster through dispossession of catholic irish , plantation of presbyterian scots , english anglicans. provoked traditionally loyal old english families , exacerbated religious tension, resulting in further rebellion , ulster massacres of 1640s.


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