Alumni Norwich School (independent school)

statue of lord nelson in upper close

past pupils of norwich school known old norvicensians (ons). on years school has educated number of notable figures, including lord nelson, jurist sir edward coke, rajah of sarawak sir james brooke, philosopher samuel clarke, former deputy chairman of conservative party michael ashcroft, author george borrow , 2010 world time trial champion cyclist emma pooley. distinguished ons in science include joe farman, co-discover of antarctic ozone hole, tom cavalier-smith, emeritus professor @ university of oxford, historical ecologist oliver rackham, , @ least 17 fellows of royal society among others. 3 ons have been awarded victoria cross, of whom derek , hugh seagrim have distinction siblings have been awarded victoria cross , george cross respectively. in arts, several members of norwich school art movement alumni including john sell cotman , john berney crome, greek revival architect william wilkins, frederick sandys, norwich pre-raphaelite whom rossetti called greatest of living draughtsmen , maverick architectural theorist , historian of post-war period reyner banham, , 20th-century post-impressionist painter, edward seago.


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