History Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos

cathedral during winter

once church built, tower rose above many of town s mosques became sore point local conservative muslims wanted traditional limitations on non-muslim architecture imposed. same group objected small bell installed on old serbian orthodox church @ around same time. new church dedication ceremony scheduled may 1871; however, group of forty lower-class muslims, led sarajevo imam salih vilajetović (better known hadži lojo), sought block it. when notified of intended obstruction, bosnian vilayet s ottoman governor ordered police arrest hadži lojo , followers. 6 got arrested while others fled when police arrived. led merchant jeftanović, members of serbian community lodged protest russian consul in sarajevo, , russian diplomats shortly thereafter protested episode ottoman sultan. dedication ceremony got postponed year.

the next year, in summer of 1872, ottoman officials dispatched new military commander more thousand men in order provide security church dedication. concerned local muslim vandal attacks, show of force ottoman governor ordered positioning of cannon above city , deployment of troops guard ceremony. festive dedication on 20 july 1872, attended high ottoman officials , young austro-hungarian ambassador serbia, béni kállay (who later play important role in bosnia), proceeded without incidents.


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