Oceania Foreign relations of China

1 oceania

1.1 policy
1.2 bilateral relations

1.2.1 australia
1.2.2 fiji
1.2.3 federated states of micronesia
1.2.4 new zealand
1.2.5 papua new guinea
1.2.6 samoa
1.2.7 tonga
1.2.8 vanuatu


china maintains diplomatic relations 8 countries in oceania: australia, fiji, federated states of micronesia, new zealand, papua new guinea, samoa, tonga , vanuatu whilst taiwan has diplomatic relations other six. pacific area of intense , continuous diplomatic competition between prc , roc, several countries (nauru, kiribati, vanuatu) having switched diplomatic support 1 other @ least once. both prc , roc provide development aid respective allies. prc wants establish preeminent sphere of influence in pacific islands.


in 2003, china announced intended enhance diplomatic ties pacific islands forum, , increase economic aid package provided organisation. @ same time, chinese delegate zhou whenzhong added: [t]he pif should refrain exchanges of official nature or dialogue partnership of form taiwan .

in 2006, chinese premier wen jiabao announced china increase economic cooperation pacific island states. prc provide more economic aid, abolish tariffs exports pacific s least developed countries, annul debt of countries, distribute free anti-malaria medicines, , provide training 2 thousand pacific islander government officials , technical staff.

also in 2006, wen became first chinese premier visit pacific islands, taipei times described longtime diplomatic battleground china , taiwan . similarly, according ron crocombe, professor of pacific studies @ university of south pacific, there have been more pacific islands minister visits china other country .

in 2007, xinhua, chinese official press agency, stated pacific islands forum member countries had spoke[n] highly of generous assistance china has provided region on past many years , expressed hope further enhanced cooperation china .

in december 2007, dr john lee of magazine islands business asked himself , readers:

why china interested in pacific? after all, despite differences in size, population, wealth, , influence between china , islands in region, chinese have literally rolled out red carpet pacific leaders. meetings between chinese , pacific leaders not perfunctory ‘meet , greets’ in bland boardrooms of hotels. elaborate state functions bells , whistles state meetings can offer. [...] in word, chinese want ‘influence’. china sends more diplomats around world other country. [...] in terms of pacific, there more disturbing game being played out, namely ‘chequebook diplomacy’, taking place between china , taiwan in competition diplomatic recognition @ expense of other. taiwan matters profoundly china—and largely why china interested in pacific.

that same month, john henderson of university of canterbury stated that, in view, many pacific islanders worried livelihood being taken away chinese traders coming in, getting in buying political privileges, playing role in rigging elections . henderson suggested 2006 anti-chinese riots in tonga , solomon islands repeated in countries such fiji , vanuatu. added might lead prc increase role in region further, in order protect ethnic chinese pacific islanders. spokesman chinese embassy in fiji, hu lihua, responded stating: china not pose military threat other country. china opposes forms of hegemonism , power politics , never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. representative of fiji s chinese community rejected idea there might anti-chinese riots in fiji, , added: chinese in fiji have excellent relationship locals , contribute toward economy. have been successful in understanding local customs. many of have learnt language , have assimilated.

the final report of april 2008 australia 2020 summit addressed china s influence in pacific in following terms:

noted far china did not seem interested in exporting political values. interaction region economically focused or motivated rivalry winth taiwan.
noting china’s growing military power , emerging role major aid donor in region, participants agreed while china’s visibility had increased rapidly there remained uncertainty on seeking achieve, in long term. securing energy supplies 1 obvious goal. 1 strand of thought had emerged chinese not entirely clear aims in region.

in june 2008, report lowy institute stated china s aid policy towards pacific aimed solely @ encouraging pacific countries not grant diplomatic recognition taiwan, , there no sign of prc attempting increase military influence or access region s natural resources. reuters reports that, according institute s findings, china s chequebook diplomacy in south pacific , secrecy on aid programme small island nations having destabilising impact on region , due concerns dollar diplomacy influencing local politics. spokesman of chinese foreign ministry responded: assistance on basis of mutual benefit. must local economy develop , promote people s livelihoods. china never interfere in these countries internal affairs.

in june 2009, parliamentary delegations 4 pacific island countries jointly received wu bangguo, chairman of standing committee of national people s congress. delegation comprised isaac figir, speaker of congress of federated states of micronesia, tu ilakepa, speaker of legislative assembly of tonga, manu korovulavula, head of public accounting commission of fiji, , billy talagi, head of legislative committee of niue (a dependent territory of new zealand). delegation met chinese premier wen jiabao, spoke of increased economic , trade cooperation ; xinhua reported pacific island legislators expressed appreciation china s assistance , reiterated countries adherence one-china policy .

in august , september 2010, people s liberation army navy began unprecedented goodwill visit pacific allies, touring papua new guinea, vanuatu, tonga, new zealand , australia. aim, reported people s daily during ships four-day stop in tonga, enhancing friendship , strengthening military cooperation .

in april 2011, lowy institute issued new report noting china, in approach pacific, had been shifting grant aid soft loans , leading increasing problems of indebtedness , making pacific governments vulnerable political pressure beijing . report suggested countries may struggle repay loans within set timeframe, , outstanding loans may tie pacific countries beijing , in context of diplomatic competition taipei. report noted, however, loans destined projects create economic growth; growth create jobs, reduce poverty , make repayments .

in may 2011, addressing university of south pacific in suva, prc ambassador fiji han zhiqiang stated sino-pacific cooperation had resulted in plenty of substantial outcomes , benefits people in region . indicated volume of trade between prc , pacific island countries had increased 50% between 2009 , 2010, reaching € 2.46 billion. value of prc exports region year €1.74 billion (up 42% 2009), whilst value of imports pacific islands €730 million, 100%. prc investments in pacific islands in 2010 -primarily samoa, marshall islands, papua new guinea , fiji- had reached €72 million.

in april 2012 china continued widen diplomatic influence loans , aid region.

bilateral relations

as emerging , developing economy, china important trading partner , destination australian raw material export growth of australian economy. 2 countries strengthening economic relations. 2007 election of kevin rudd prime minister of australia has been seen favourable sino-australian relations, notably in view of fact first australian prime minister speak fluent mandarin, , closer engagement asia 1 of 3 pillars of foreign policy.

in 2004, rudd, @ time shadow minister foreign affairs, had delivered speech in beijing entitled australia , china: strong , stable partnership 21st century .

in february 2008, australia reportedly chastised taiwan renewed push independence , reiterated support one-china policy . in april, however, rudd addressed chinese students @ peking university, and, speaking in mandarin, referred significant human rights problems in tibet . rudd raised issue in talks chinese premier wen jiabao, in context of simmering diplomatic tension according tv3. in august 2008, rudd met wen once more, , expressed concerns on questions of human rights, of religious freedom, of tibet, of internet freedom .


fiji first pacific island country establish diplomatic relations people s republic of china, in 1975. fiji s current ambassador china sir james ah koy. china s ambassador fiji cai jinbiao.

among pacific islands countries, fiji was, in 2010, second largest importer of prc exports, after papua new guinea, , had trade deficit of a$127m in trade relations china.

fiji s foreign policy under prime minister laisenia qarase (2000–2006) (in latter s own words) north - i.e., strengthen relations asia in general , china in particular. qarase stated: new markets, there flexibility of entry , readiness meet export needs of small, isolated island countries. engage on china increasingly north answers our trade , investment aspirations.

in 2005, taiwanese president chen shui-bian visited fiji, greeted government delegates full traditional fijian ceremony of welcome - although did not meet counterpart president ratu josefa iloilovatu uluivuda, nor prime minister qarase. ambassador cai expressed china s disappointment @ fiji having authorised visit. later year, relations strained once more when fiji supported taiwan s wish join world health organization. nonetheless, qarase s government did not vary official recognition of 1 china policy.

following military coup in fiji in december 2006, prc distanced western nations condemned overthrow of qarase s government. chinese ministry of foreign affairs deputy director general deng hongbo stated:

have respected fiji s status independent nation , have called on other countries same , reconsider attitudes towards fiji , current situation in country.

the post-coup interim government led commodore frank bainimarama has continued qarase s north policy. in july 2007, finance minister mahendra chaudhry responded contrast between western criticism , chinese support bainimarama s government:

fiji has friends in china, has friends in korea, has friends in [...] other asian countries. we’re no longer relying on australia , new zealand. , in event, united states not doing fiji anyway.

later year, china/fiji trade , economic commission set enhance economic relations between 2 countries. prc has maintained position of support, calling on other countries show understanding fiji s situation. , although fiji has no diplomatic relations taiwan, latter s trade mission representative in fiji, victor chin, has called on international community not pressure fiji: think should give interim government benefit of doubt. committed have election when ready. think should take words [sic] it.

in march 2008, following unrest in tibet, fiji expressed support china s actions in dealing rioting in lhasa. shortly thereafter, police in fiji arrested seventeen people protesting in support of tibet outside china s embassy in suva. arrested women had gathered peacefully , according radio new zealand international correspondent, , included human rights activist shamima ali.

a may 2008 article in sydney morning herald stated china s aid fiji has skyrocketed since coup in december 2006 , €650,000 on €100,000,000. author of article commented: australia , other western donors trying squeeze [fiji s] rebel government, china has dramatically stepped aid, dissipating pressure western donors might have been generating. author suggested china did not wish risk antagonising fiji , unwittingly push bainimarama government towards seeking aid taiwan: china finds boxed corner. on 1 hand, western states asking isolate new dictatorship in fiji. on other, china faces risk of losing fiji starved of funds renegade province, taiwan.

in august 2008, while on visit china, commodore bainimarama spoke of close , cordial relations our 2 countries share in our trade, cultural , sporting linkages , , added:

fiji not forget when other countries quick condemn following events of 1987, 2000 , 2006, china , other friends in asia demonstrated more understanding , sensitive approach events in fiji. government of people’s republic of china expressed confidence in our ability resolve our problems in our way, without undue pressure of interference.

in february 2009, @ time when fiji facing pressure pacific islands forum on apparent lack of progress towards restoration of democracy, chinese vice-president xi jinping paid state visit fiji , met prime minister bainimarama. on occasion, xi stated wished further enhance [sino-fiji] exchanges , cooperation in such fields culture, education, public health , tourism . xinhua reported that, during xi s visit, china , fiji had signed number of cooperative deals china provide fiji economic , technical assistance . china committed increasing imports fiji. bainimarama, part, re-affirmed country s recognition of 1 china policy, and, reported fiji village, thanked chinese government recognizing fiji s sovereignty , adopting policy of non-interference in domestic affairs .

in may, vice-president of fiji ratu epeli nailatikau described fiji s relationship government , people of people s republic of china 1 of important .

in june 2009, fiji democracy , freedom movement, organisation founded in australia campaign restoration of democracy in fiji, sent petition chinese embassy in canberra, asking china withdraw support military regime . @ same time, australian foreign minister stephen smith asked china not use [its] contacts fiji undermine efforts pressure fiji hold elections .

despite close relations between fiji , prc, taiwan provides continuous free medical assistance country. taiwanese medical team visits fiji on annual basis offer services in hospitals , clinics. fiji government has expressed gratitude help.

federated states of micronesia

the federated states of micronesia opened embassy in beijing.

new zealand

diplomatic relations new zealand first established in 1972. prc diplomatic representative new zealand, zhang limin, accredited new zealand s associated territories, cook islands and, since 2008, niue. people s republic of china in december 2007 became first country establish official diplomatic relations niue, , provides economic aid cook islands.

in september 2007, new zealand reaffirmed adherence 1 china policy.

in april 2008, new zealand became first developed country sign free trade agreement prc.

on 29 september 2008, new zealand s delegate in united nations openly praised improving relations between 2 governments of beijing , taipei.

in july 2009, niuean premier toke talagi stated that, if development aid not forthcoming new zealand, request aid china instead.

papua new guinea

diplomatic relations papua new guinea established in 1976, after papua new guinea became independent.

papua new guinea 1 of china s biggest trade partners in oceania. papua new guinea exports far more china other pacific islands country, , imports 3 times more china other such country. 1 of few countries in region maintain trade surplus in relations china; surplus reached record high of a$427m in 2010.

in 1999, government of prime minister bill skate recognised taiwan. skate lost power less week later, , papua new guinea s diplomatic recognition reverted china.

in 2003, chinese embassy in port moresby published statement of concern in reaction comments in papua new guinea press questioning justification png s relations people s republic. embassy statement insisted relations between 2 countries mutually beneficial, reasserted chinese claims taiwan, , concluded: our sincere hope local [png] media report on china , relations png in , objective way, further enhance mutual understanding , friendship between peoples of our 2 countries.

in july 2003, png governor general sir silas atopare visited china, re-affirmed country s adherence 1 china policy, and, according statement published chinese embassy, thank[ed] government , people of china commitment in providing aid png s development .

in 2005, relations cooled when papua new guinea, along fiji, supported taiwan s wish join world health organization.

it announced members of papua new guinea defence force receive training provided china. traditionally, military training aid in papua new guinea had been provided western countries, namely, australia, new zealand , united states.


the diplomatic relations between china , samoa established in 1975.

in late 1980s, china began sending doctors samoan national hospital, , sent on hundred on following 2 decades. samoa increased volume of imports china in late 2000s, while increasing exports country. in 2010, samoa reached record trade deficit in relations china, @ a$70m. in 2007, china provided samoa x-ray machine , several volunteer doctors. in 2008, china donated on €1,360,000 samoa fund education policies.

in march 2008, following unrest in tibet, speaker of samoan fono (legislative assembly), tolofuaivalelei falemoe leiataua, stated foreign leaders should not interfere china deals internal affairs , , should not meet dalai lama.

in june 2008, samoa announced opening diplomatic missions in china , japan - country s first diplomatic offices in asia. in september, chinese ministry of foreign affairs issued statement indicating china , samoa have conducted fruitful cooperation in fields of economy, trade, agriculture, sports, culture, education , health, international affairs , , china intended make more tangible efforts support samoa s economic , social development .

in 2010, chinese government-funded china-samoa agricultural demonstration farm established in nu u aim train samoan farmers on voluntary basis through chinese agricultural planting techniques . 500 samoan farmers received training chinese agricultural experts.

in 2011, 57 samoan students studying in china on chinese government sponsorship.


relations tonga first established in 1998. in 2000, noble tuʻivakano of nukunuku (later become prime minister) banned chinese stores nukunuku district. followed alleged complaints other shopkeepers regarding competition local chinese. in 2001, tonga s chinese community (of 3 or 4 thousand people) hit wave of hundred racist assaults. tongan government decided not renew work permits of on 600 chinese storekeepers, , admitted decision in response widespread anger @ growing presence of storekeepers .

that same year, however, tonga , china decided strengthen military relations . in 2008, china provided tonga military supplies worth on €340,000.

in 2006, rioters caused severe damage shops owned chinese-tongans in nukuʻalofa.

in april 2008, tongan king george tupou v visited china, reaffirmed country s adherence 1 china policy, and, according chinese state news agency xinhua, supported measures adopted handle incident in lhasa . king tupou v met chinese defense minister liang guanglie enhance exchange , cooperation between 2 militaries . xinhua stated china , tonga have fruitful cooperation in politics, economy, trade, agriculture , education, , kept sound coordination in regional , international affairs .

in 2010, chinese aid tonga included assistance in reconstruction of nuku alofa s central business district; agricultural project in vaini ; health clinics set in vavaʻu , vaini; provision of 7 chinese doctors two-year period; , allocation of €2.2 million social , economic development , including soft loans , interest free loans tonga government .

in april 2011, lowy institute reported that, of pacific countries, tonga carrying highest burden of debt chinese loans, amounting 32% of tonga s gdp. simultaneously, international monetary fund warned tonga facing debt distress , high possibility tonga [would] unable service debts in future .


in 2006, vanuatu signed economic cooperation agreement china, whereby latter assist vanuatu s economic development, , remove tariffs on imports vanuatu. china added vanuatu list of approved tourism destinations chinese tourists. ni-vanuatu trade minister james bule said country had requested china s assistance in supplying machines can establish plant in vanuatu produce bio fuel . contrast, opposition leader serge vohor has said china exerting influence on ni-vanuatu government s policy.

in may 2009, vanuatu appointed first ever ambassador china, former minister of finance willie jimmy. jimmy call[ed] [...] china have foot firmly planted in pacific through port vila , -the vanuatu daily post remarked- no doubt caused ruffled feathers among other foreign diplomatic partners .

in july 2010, chinese ambassador cheng shuping announced china fund number of projects in vanuatu, including national convention centre , expansion of prime minister’s offices , design , reconstruction of francophone wing of university of south pacific emalus campus .


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